
  • 网络off the beaten path;off the beaten track;Emily-Skate Strange;think outside of the box
  1. 例句他决定到丛林里去,不走寻常路。

    He decided1 to go into the jungle and went off the beaten track .

  2. 你可以从中获得实践经验,不走寻常路,同时还节省了数千美元的食宿费。

    You can gain practical experience and get off the beaten track , all the while saving thousands of dollars on accommodation .

  3. 老派街头信誉〔指在穿着打扮的时髦性等方面被一般青少年所认同,系streetcredibility的缩略〕一如Supreme,这个以溜冰鞋出身的品牌也不走寻常路。

    For as much as old-school street cred as Supreme has , the skate brand never seems too hung up on their own storied history .

  4. 黑莓希望政府机关、金融行业和医疗卫生行业的工作人员能觉得Passport“不走寻常路”的三围恰好适合他们的工作。

    BlackBerry hopes that government , finance , and health care workers find the device 's unorthodox dimensions ideal for their work .

  5. 它不走寻常路的设计包括广受赞誉的IdeaPadYoga笔记本电脑,可从笔记本电脑变成一台Window8平板电脑。

    Its outr é designs include the widely-praised IdeaPad Yoga laptops , which convert from notebooks into Windows 8 tablets .

  6. 图灵并不是故意不走寻常路,但就像《可计算数》和ACE的报告一样,他在处理抽象和具体的关系时,总是用一套他自己觉得有道理的方法,而不考虑其他人。

    It was not that Alan despised doing routine , but as in Computable Numbers arid the ACE report , he tended to veer from the abstract to the detailed in a way that made sense to him , but not to others .

  7. 在规矩面前,不走寻常路。

    Don 't be normal when it comes to the rules .

  8. “不走寻常路,”福斯特如是建议。

    " Don 't resort to the shotgun approach ," Forster advises .

  9. 紫色控通常都富有艺术气息,不走寻常路。

    Purple lovers tend to be artistic and unconventional .

  10. 最畅销的烈性酒大多是由一些不走寻常路的人创造的。

    Most best-selling hard liquors were created by mavericks .

  11. 《流浪的潘迪》的确不走寻常路。

    The story of Dheepan is indeed unconventional .

  12. 但如今,这家不走寻常路的成功企业,却面临两个传统的商业挑战。

    But now the champion of the unorthodox is faced with two conventional business challenges .

  13. 我们了解到的另一个有意思的事是有些蜂鸟在迁徙时“不走寻常路”。

    Another interesting thing we learned is that some humming birds no longer use a certain route .

  14. 很快这辆不走寻常路的的士就声名远扬了,巴恩也逐渐获得了媒体的关注。

    Soon , word of this highly unusual taxi spread , and Barnes began to gain media attention .

  15. 还有一些人,就像汤姆,不走寻常路,而他本身已经成为一个传奇。

    And there are still others like Tom who takes the long way around , becomes a legend himself .

  16. 当其他球队选择小球阵容时,密尔沃基选择不走寻常路,认为阵容大个化是球队崛起的最好方式。

    Milwaukee has decided that the best way to zag while every other team zigs is to go bigger .

  17. 但是仔细研究这一榜单,我们会发现,通过不走寻常路也能成为一个超级富豪。

    Yet delve a bit deeper and the list reveals some less obvious ways to become one of the super-rich .

  18. 但对于你们这代人来说,这个问题尤其严重,因为你们的大量的从众行为大多带上了不走寻常路的伪装。

    But your generation has an especially bad case , because your mass conformism is masked by the appearance of mass nonconformism .

  19. “直挂云帆济沧海”,伟通人坚持自己的信念,不走寻常路!

    " Straight hanging cloud sail sea Ji ", Wei Walter adhere to their beliefs , do not take the unusual way !

  20. 现在不走寻常路的食物搭配越来越受欢迎,许多企业和品牌通过改变食物的口味来满足消费者善变的味蕾和兴趣。

    Unusual food combos have become more popular , as companies and brands seek to capture the changing tastes and fickle attentions of consumers .

  21. 不走寻常路的摄影师比斯瓦斯,为记录周遭多彩的世界,在过去四年间已自拍30多张。

    The unconventional photographer has taken over 30 selfies over four years in an attempt to record the world around her in the polychrome globe .

  22. 我之所以深受这位家伙的吸引,原因在于他不走寻常路,而且信心十足,但同时又很沉稳,意志坚定。

    And this guy was fascinating to me because he was unusual , he was confident , but he was quiet , he was determined .

  23. 最终,那种心照不宣的狂想淡去,你会好奇这群不走寻常路的家伙在以后的续集中要怎样让这种滑稽的调子保持新鲜感。

    Eventually the wink-and-nod whimsicality wears thin , and you wonder how this errant gang is going to keep its antics fresh in subsequent episodes .

  24. 老年人对这一不走寻常路的活动十分支持,他们表示,每次过交叉路口时,都好像与“死神擦肩而过”。

    Elderly pedestrians were grateful for the bizarre method , claiming they took their lives in their hands each time they use the designated road crossing .

  25. 据人民日报在线报道,这种不走寻常路的发饰有大约100种不同的设计款,老少皆戴。

    Around 100 different designs are available for the unusual hair accessories , which have been worn by the young and old , reported People 's Daily Online .

  26. 如果你已经厌烦了里面黄色外面白色的水煮蛋,那么你一定想好好看看这个不走寻常路的食谱,教你如何制作蛋黄在外、蛋清在内的鸡蛋。

    If youre bored of hard-boiled eggs having a yellow centre and a white exterior , then youll want to pay attention to this wacky recipe for inside out eggs .

  27. 如果你想不走寻常路,做出些非凡的成就,那你就要明白总有那么一些人会对你的成就心生嫉妒与怨恨。

    If you 're someone who aspires to something beyond the ordinary , you must have figured out by now that there will always be those who are jealous or resentful of your success .

  28. 正常情况下,这些照片大多数都充满了温暖,爱意和有意义的主题,但是总是有人敢不走寻常路。

    Most maternity photo shoots are filled with lots of thoughtfulness , love and a meaningful theme , if there even is one , but there will always be those people who just dare to be different .

  29. 陈驰说,除了可靠性,死飞这种齿轮固定的自行车也让骑行变得更酷,大多数人都会选择公共交通工具去旅行观光,但是我却喜欢不走寻常路。

    Apart from their reliability , Chen says fixed gear bikes make cycling cool . Most people choose public transportation to visit places , but what I usually do is certainly out of the ordinary , said Chen .

  30. 本65279;•弗里茨在《洛杉矶时报》中评论道:外星人电影往往都是以黑暗,暴力和惊悚为主题,但《黑衣人》系列却不走寻常路轻松,幽默甚至有点玩世不恭。

    Films about aliens usually end up being dark , violent and scary , but the Men in Black series goes a different way – light-hearted , comedic , and even a little bit cynical , Ben Fritz wrote in his review for the Los Angeles Times .