
  • 网络systems pharmacology
  1. 王一涛教授,澳门大学中华医药研究所,题目:中药药效的系统药理学评价。

    Wang Yitao , Chinese Medical Institution of the University of Macau . Topic : Systemic Pharmacological Assessment of the Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  2. 经过系统药理学研究表明,该生物碱具有良好抗胆碱酯酶效应,从而可认为该生物碱系一种新结构类型的可逆性胆碱酯酶抑制剂。

    The systematic pharmacological study shows that this alkaloid possesses good anticholinesterase effect , and therefore it is a new structure type of reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor .

  3. 绒毛钩藤影响中枢神经系统的药理学研究

    Study on effects of Uncaria tomentosa on CNS

  4. 完成本课程的修习,将奠定未来人体各系统的药理学与病理学的课程。

    Classmates will benefit by studying this course for their further study on pharmacology , pathology , and clinical applications of the skeleto-muscular system .

  5. 根据凝胶材料的不同以及各个实验室的具体条件,对该系统的药理学评价方法有许多种。

    According to the differences of gel materials and specific conditions of each laboratory , many evaluative methods of pharmacology are designed to the system .

  6. 对中药祖师麻3种基源植物进行了系统的化学和药理学比较研究。

    The chemical and pharmacological study of three origin plants for TCM Zushima was described .