
  • 网络tray;System tray;systray
  1. 将条目添加到系统托盘(systemtray)中N/AN/ATray

    Add items to the system tray N / A N / A Tray

  2. 当用户启动VisualStudio新的实例时,VisualStudio就会在系统托盘显示新的更新通知。

    Visual Studio displays the new update notification to all users in the system tray when they start a new instance of Visual Studio .

  3. Windows应用程序中一个不断增长的趋势就是把功能添加到系统托盘图标上。

    A growing trend in Windows applications is to add a large amount of functionality to system-tray icons .

  4. 这就可以了&已经创建了一个漂亮的系统托盘图标,可以给Java应用程序提供一种非常本机的感觉了。

    That 's it & you 've created a nifty system-tray icon that gives your Java application a very native feel to it .

  5. 它允许Java应用程序把图标放系统托盘上(在Windows中,是屏幕右下角包含音量图标这类图标的区域)。

    It lets Java applications place icons in the system tray ( in Windows , the area in the lower-right corner of the screen containing icons such as the Volume icon ) .

  6. 本程序实现在程序运行过程中动态创建图标,并把这个图标设置成系统托盘图标,这样就可以实现像Windows中时间的托盘图标了。

    This procedure achieved in the program be dynamically created icon , and this icon is placed in a system tray icon , this can be achieved in time , like Windows tray icon .

  7. 最后,向系统托盘添加新的TrayIcon

    Finally , you add the new TrayIcon to the system tray

  8. eBay桌面是个很好的例子,它通过在客户端分配较高程度的逻辑,提供有趣的用户体验,比如倒计时器和系统托盘通知。

    The eBay Desktop as an example has a high degree of logic on the client to provide an engaging user experience with features such as countdown timers , and system tray notifications .

  9. 这个示例中有趣的部分不是JFrame本向,而是它如何处理与系统托盘的交互。

    The interesting part of the example isn 't the JFrame itself but how it handles the interaction with the system tray .

  10. 提供的函数可以将你的程序放在系统托盘中。

    Functions to put your programs icon in the system tray .

  11. 利用C++Builder在系统托盘里加入图标

    Add an Icon to System Trays With C + + Builder

  12. 把一个图标放在系统托盘的实用程序。

    Utility for placing an icon in the system tray .

  13. 尽管往系统托盘里塞图标,还要一开机就运行。

    Automatically install into the windows system tray and launch at startup .

  14. 当找到更新的时候,它就会在系统托盘中显示通知图标。

    When updates are found , it displays notification icon in the tray .

  15. 右键点击系统托盘区图标,快捷菜单将会出现。

    Right-click any of the system tray icons to access a shortcut menu .

  16. 你要只看到程序图标在系统托盘。

    You are supposed to see only the program icon in the system tray .

  17. 它可以模拟在系统托盘和数码屏幕上。

    It can be analog in the system tray and digital on the screen .

  18. 这个应用程序能在系统托盘中运行,允许你改变桌面的壁纸。

    App that runs in system tray , allows you to change desktop wallpaper .

  19. 新的台式机包括一个较厚任务,改善系统托盘中,没有栏。

    The new desktop includes a thicker taskbar , improved system tray and no sidebar .

  20. 在程序运行过程中,您将看到右手下方系统托盘中的交通灯图标。

    You will see a traffic signal icon in the bottom right-hand system tray while the program is running .

  21. 你还可以选择定制的显示在系统托盘上图标的外观。

    In this article you 'll learn about how customizing your content management system can help set your website apart .

  22. 发射器始终驻留在系统托盘中每默认;不过,一可以关闭此功能,在设置。

    Launcher always resides in the system tray per default ; however , one can turn this off in settings .

  23. “安全删除硬件”图标将不再出现在您的系统托盘中,因为它的隐藏。

    The " Safely Remove Hardware " icon will no longer appear on your system tray as it 's hidden .

  24. 最新的单色(大部分是灰色和白色)系统托盘图标看起来很成熟。

    The new , monochromed ( that 's mostly grey and white ) system tray icons make it appear very grown-up .

  25. 它们常常只通过系统托盘图标向用户提供许多可以访问的选项(例如关闭应用程序)。

    They often give users access to many choices , such as closing the application , only through their system-tray icons .

  26. 如果出错,系统托盘图标也会转红,提醒您查看控制中心。

    If something goes wrong , the system tray icon will also turn red to alert you to check the Control Center .

  27. 任务栏状态区域,通常称为系统托盘区,它和任务栏是用户切换应用程序的重要区域。

    Taskbars status area , usually called system tray , together with taskbar , is an important area for users to switch application .

  28. 最小化主窗口到任务栏状态区(系统托盘)复选框可以在最小化到任务栏或任务栏状态区(系统托盘)之间切换。

    The Minimize main window to taskbar status area checkbox switches between minimization to task bar and taskbar status area ( system tray ) .

  29. 要想关闭它,则右键单击系统托盘上的图标,退出应用程序。

    In order to do shut it down , you 'll need to right click on the icon in your system tray and exit the application .

  30. 您也可以选择不显示任何在系统托盘图标,并用密码隐藏选定的窗口,让你的“工作”的秘密!

    You can also choose not to show any icon in the system tray , and to hide the selected window with a password , to keep your " work " secret !