
  • 网络My Connections
  1. 主要从优化通讯设置、调制解调器设置、修改我的连接,优化浏览器以及Internet参数设置几方面谈提高上网速度。

    This paper discusses how to speed in such aspects as optimizing communication installation , modem and Browser , modifying ″ my connection ″ and optimizing Internet parameter configuration .

  2. 我的连接池最好的大小是多少?

    What 's the Best Size for my Connection Pool ?

  3. 我的互联网连接有问题。

    I 'm having problems with my Internet connection .

  4. 将其和我的电脑连接依然是苹果系统的一大乐趣之一,如果你乐于接受iOS生态系统的话。

    Connecting to my computer remains one of the joys of the Apple system , if you are happy to buy into the iOS ecosystem .

  5. 否,不在我的任何连接上设置安全功能

    No , do not set up security features on any of my connections

  6. 我的网络连接断了。

    My net connection has gone slowly today .

  7. 友谊是一根金线,把你我的心连接在一起。

    Friendship is the golden thread that ties the hearts of yours and mine .

  8. 在我的网络连接过期一天之后我去续订了,但是它却依旧没有连上。

    I had renewed my internet connection as it had expired a day back but it wasn 't started yet .

  9. 在这,你可以用绳子系在你的脖子,然后在和我的缰绳连接。

    Don 't be afraid that I shall try to escape . Here , tie this rope round your neck and fasten it to my bridle .

  10. 我的VIOS上连接了许多磁盘,其中一些安装了AIX映像。

    There were many , many disks attached to my VIOS , some of which had an AIX image on them .

  11. 我的电脑突然连接不上局域网了,怎么回事?

    My computer was suddenly disconnected from LAN , how to trouble shoot ?

  12. 可以解释我找到的电缆连接线。

    Which could explain this cable tie I found .

  13. 如果我的头没有连接到我的脖子我会失去我的头。

    I 'd lose my head if it weren 't attached to my neck .

  14. 目前对《局中秘》有兴趣的朋友可以查看我博客里的连接。

    At present the " secret in the " Interested friends blog , I can see the connection .

  15. 维姆是印度的一名电脑程序员,他的这个小病是一系列借口中的第4个,而这一系列借口导致我的网站没有连接到新的服务器上。

    Vimal is a computer programmer in India , and his indisposition was the fourth in a string of excuses for not having moved my website to a new server .

  16. 现在我需要做的就是连接我的域对象,在本示例中,因为它们依赖于Hibernate,需要一个SessionFactory类型进行工作。

    All I have to do now is wire up my domain objects , which in this case , because they 'll rely on Hibernate , require a SessionFactory type to work .

  17. 所以我使用的电缆和连接

    So I use cable and connect

  18. 嗨,我有我的笔记本电脑连接到我的液晶电视的。

    Hi , I have connected my laptop to both my LCD TV 's.

  19. 但是这些天有没有办法,我可以用我的宽带连接。

    But these days there 's no way I could do without my broadband connection .

  20. 此外,我还跟我的内在小孩连接。

    I also connect with my own inner child .

  21. 它有一个暴槽,我想我的挂钩显卡的连接线,它从我的电脑。

    It has a GRB slot and I want to hook up my vga cord to it from my computer .

  22. 因此我换了一边,我的键盘线在连接到电脑上时才不会干扰到我。

    So I changed side cuz it was fitting better with my keyboard cable to reach the computer without bothering me .

  23. 我现在下载本我的手机在使用我的USB连接线。

    Now I download this to my handset using my USB cable .