
  • I Am a Singer;I'm a singer
  1. 《我是歌手》是韩国非常热门的演唱比赛综艺节目,属于韩国MBC电视台《我们的星期天晚上》节目的一部分。

    I Am a Singer is a popular South Korean singing competition program ; a part of MBC 's Our Sunday Night lineup .

  2. 我是歌手,我要用心的唱喜欢的歌!

    I am a singer , I want to diligently sing the songs that I like !

  3. 布莱恩:正职?我是歌手,这份是我的工作。

    Brian : Day job ? I 'm a singer . This is my job .

  4. 《我是歌手》则为资深歌手提供了重拾热情、挑战自我的舞台;

    I 'm a Singer provides a platform for veterans to rediscover their passion for music and challenge themselves .

  5. 香港流行歌手李玟赢得了《我是歌手》第四季的总冠军。

    Hong Kong pop star Coco Lee won the finals of the fourth season of " I Am A Singer . "

  6. 包括张信哲、李克勤在内的7位天赋异禀的歌手都是《我是歌手4》总冠军的竞争者。

    Seven talented singers , including Jeff Chang and Hacken Lee , were among the competitors for the champion at the finale .

  7. 在舞台上,李健轻吟浅唱,人民网转载的一篇文章中作者陈振伟更是写道:李健“拯救”了《我是歌手》。

    On stage , Li sings quiet songs slowly and " rescues the program , " commented Cheng Zhenwei on People 's Daily Online .

  8. 该节目是由湖南电视台颇受欢迎的《我是歌手》系列节目的音乐总监、音乐人梁翘柏负责制作的。

    The show is being produced by musician Kubert Leung , the music director of Hunan TV 's popular I Am A Singer series .

  9. 《歌手》这档节目是之前《我是歌手》的升级版,首映于2017年1月。

    The Chinese television series first started in January 2017 after undergoing a re-brand from it 's previous format , I Am A Singer .

  10. 在真人秀节目《我是歌手》第三季的舞台上,这位40岁的创作型歌手因其精湛的唱功而备受好评。意想不到的是,受到称赞的还有他的幽默感。

    On the reality show I Am a Singer 3 , the 40-year-old singer-songwriter has been praised for his singing ability and , unexpectedly , for his sense of humor .

  11. 他说,这首《传奇》让他走出了“洞穴”,回到聚光灯下:一场接一场的演唱会、真人秀节目扑面而来,今年的《我是歌手》就是其中之一。

    Li said the song brought him out of his " cave " and back into spotlight : concerts and reality shows have been endless , including this year 's I Am a Singer .

  12. 3月6日,韩国歌手郑淳元在湖南卫视《我是歌手》的舞台上演唱了张惠妹的《听海》。随后,一段由多位著名歌手演绎这首歌的视频迅速登上微博热门榜。

    A video of several renowned singers performing the same song , A-mei 's Listen to the Sea , appeared on Weibo 's hot post rankings soon after South Korean artist The One delivered his version on the stage at Hunan TV 's I 'm a Singer on March 6 .

  13. 你知道,就象说我是一个歌手。

    You know , the way I 'm really a singer .

  14. 我不过是个歌手罢了。

    I 'm just , I 'm just a singer .

  15. 我是个烂歌手什么的。

    And Im a horrible singer , and all that .

  16. 我是一个歌手,谁爱表现,特别是通过图像创造力。

    I am a singer , who loves showing creativity , especially through images .

  17. 我因为是个歌手而被捕了。

    I got arrested for being a singer .

  18. 我千真万确是个歌手。

    I am a singer for sure .

  19. 现在回来坐在我身边的是天才歌手BrunoMars

    We are back , we are with very talented Bruno Mars , thanks for being here .

  20. 演出后被别人选中了所以说呢我也算是专业歌手了

    So I guess you could say I 'm a professional singer now .

  21. 现在,如果我是一名民间歌手,我就会立即开始唱《假如我有一把铁锤》,带领你们一起唱,一起跳。

    Now if I were a folksinger I 'd immediately launch into " If I Had a Hammer " right now , get you all singing and swaying .

  22. 杰克:我不是鼓手,我是个歌手。

    Jack : I 'm not a drummer . I 'm a singer .

  23. 对于我来说,跳舞太难了,我是个歌手。

    Dancing was too hard for me . I 'm a singer .