
  • 网络I am love;Io sono l'amore
  1. 指向另一个同伴说:“他叫成功,我是爱。”

    And said pointing to another one ," He is Success , and I am Love . "

  2. 只希望我是爱着他,但不溺爱他。

    I hope I just love him , not spoil him .

  3. 你知道我是爱你的。

    You know , I am in love with you . -

  4. 你是性机器,我是爱的港湾。

    You are sex machine , I 'm love nest .

  5. 这应该告诉你们,我是爱我父亲的。

    It should tell you that I love my father .

  6. 应该考虑一下我是爱我丈夫的。

    You should also consider that I loved my husband .

  7. 你知道我是爱你的,但是那又怎么样呢。

    You know I love you , but then what will happen .

  8. 但我是爱他的我知道你也一样

    But I loved him.And I know you did too .

  9. 是的,我是爱她的。只是我不知道如何表达我的感情。

    I didn 't know how to show it , that 's all .

  10. 在过来的路上,我是爱你的。

    In my way , I 've loved you .

  11. 不在。我是爱吉丝,佩蒂她姑姑。

    No * I 'm her aunt Agens .

  12. 不过我是爱打不平的!

    But I believe in seeing fair play !

  13. 我是爱的信徒。

    I am a believer of Love .

  14. 不论去哪里,不管做什麽事,记得我是爱的!

    Wherever you go ; nomatter what you do , remember that I love you !

  15. 但我是爱海的。

    And I love the ocean .

  16. 毫无疑问,玛丽完全出于好意。她的意思也很明确:“我是爱你,关心你,才主动帮助你,连这个都看不出来吗?!”

    From her side she was saying " I love and care about you , so I am offering you this help . "

  17. 我是爱与光的存在,我是光的保管者,我是太阳的孩子,我是所有的我。

    I am a master being of love and light , I am a keeper of light , I am a child of Sun , I am all that I am .

  18. 我是如此爱你。

    I am so in love with you .

  19. 你认为我是个爱招惹是非的人,我很遗憾。

    I would hate you to think me a trouble maker .

  20. 告诉我什么是爱-没有一点头绪。

    Show me what love is-haven 't got a clue .

  21. 彷徨着不敢告诉你我是如此爱你。

    Hesitate to tell you that I love you so .

  22. 很好笑,天啊,我真是爱死性感的我了。

    It 's fun , God I love how sexy I am .

  23. 对我仍旧是爱,虽则已翻了新;

    May still seem love to me , though alter 'd new ;

  24. 我是用爱来做给你的。

    I baked it with love and I gave it to you .

  25. 告诉你的妻子我是多么爱你。

    Tell your wife about me and how much I loved you .

  26. 我是如此爱�

    And I Love You So And I love you so

  27. 我感到是爱必将使我心爱的人们和我自己益寿延年。

    To ensure the longevity of my beloved , And my own .

  28. 我是如此爱你,就让我们一起看著花朵成长吧!

    And I love you so let 's watch the flowers grow .

  29. 就当我是个爱她的人吧。

    Let 's just say I 'm the man who loves her .

  30. 我是真正爱你的人。

    I 'm the one that really loves you .