
  • 网络The Grand Budapest Hotel
  1. 拉尔夫·法因斯(RalphFiennes),《布达佩斯大饭店》(TheGrandBudapestHotel)

    Ralph Fiennes , " The Grand Budapest Hotel "

  2. 韦斯·安德森(WesAnderson),《布达佩斯大饭店》

    Wes Anderson , " The Grand Budapest Hotel "

  3. 他们住在布达佩斯大饭店。

    They stayed at The Grand Hotel , Budapest .

  4. 《布达佩斯大饭店》(TheGrandBudapestHotel)以20世纪30年代为背景,通过独特的元素和道具定义它的世界。

    And The Grand Budapest Hotel , set mainly in the 1930s , uses distinct elements and props to help define its world .

  5. 韦斯·安德森(WesAnderson)的《布达佩斯大饭店》(TheGrandBudapestHotel)和莫腾·泰杜姆(MortenTyldum)的《模仿游戏》也是如此。

    But so did " The Grand Budapest Hotel , " by Wes Anderson , and " The Imitation Game , " by Morten Tyldum .

  6. 2014年,演员蒂尔达·斯文顿(TildaSwinton)在四部电影中戴着假牙:《零点定理》(TheZeroTheorem)、《布达佩斯大饭店》、《唯爱永生》(OnlyLoversLeftAlive),以及奉俊昊导演的《雪国列车》(Snowpiercer)。

    In 2014 , the actress Tilda Swinton wore false teeth in four movies : " The Zero Theorem , " " The Grand Budapest Hotel , " " Only Lovers Left Alive " and " Snowpiercer , " a film directed by Bong Joon-ho .

  7. 音乐与喜剧类最佳男主角:拉尔夫·费因斯(RalphFiennes),《布达佩斯大饭店》;迈克尔·基顿,《鸟人》;比尔·默瑞,《圣人文森特》;杰昆·菲尼克斯(JoaquinPhoenix),《性本恶》(InherentVice);克里斯托弗·华尔兹(ChristophWaltz),《大眼睛》

    Best Actor , Musical or Comedy : Ralph Fiennes , " The Grand Budapest Hotel " Michael Keaton , " Birdman " Bill Murray , " St. Vincent " Joaquin Phoenix , " Inherent Vice " Christoph Waltz , " Big Eyes "

  8. 韦斯安德森(《布达佩斯大饭店》)第一次提名最佳导演。

    Wes Anderson ( The Grand Budapest Hotel ) picked up his first-ever Best Director nomination .

  9. 色彩绚丽的布达佩斯大饭店位于二十世纪三十年代一个虚构的欧洲国家,坐落在饱经战乱的山峦之中。

    The Grand Budapest is a colorful hotel located in the war-torn mountains of a fictional 1930s European country .

  10. 这名作曲家凭《布达佩斯大饭店》和《模仿游戏》两次提名最佳原创配乐。

    The composer was nominated twice for Best Original Score for The Grand Budapest Hotel and The Imitation Game .

  11. 韦斯安德森的《布达佩斯大饭店》,获得了最佳音乐/喜剧类电影。

    Chief among those were Wes Anderson 's The Grand Budapest Hotel , which earned Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy .

  12. 在各大公司之中,福克斯探照灯公司凭借《鸟人》、《布达佩斯大饭店》和《涉足荒野》,共获得20项提名,创造了公司时尚的最好成绩。

    Among companies , Fox Searchlight , with Birdman , The Grand Budapest Hotel and Wild , received 20 nominations , the most in its history .

  13. 最佳音乐、喜剧类电影:《鸟人》、《布达佩斯大饭店》、《魔法黑森林》、《骄傲》、《圣人文森特》

    Best Picture , Musical or Comedy " Birdman " " The Grand Budapest Hotel " " Into the Woods " " Pride " " St. Vincent "

  14. 但也有些电影获得了同样多,乃至更多的提名,或许有足够实力超过这两部影片,包括《布达佩斯大饭店》和《模仿游戏》。

    But several films with as many or more nominations including The Grand Budapest Hotel and The Imitation Game showed perhaps enough strength to surpass them , after all .

  15. 《布达佩斯大饭店》成为安德森又一部超乎想象之作,只是这一次影片的思想性更强。

    With The Grand Budapest Hotel , Anderson has created yet another movie only his mind could imagine . But this time around , things are a bit more thoughtful .

  16. 这其中有一个奖项格外能说明问题,最佳剪辑奖提名由《美国狙击手》、《少年时代》、《布达佩斯大饭店》、《模仿游戏》和《爆裂鼓手》分获。

    In one telltale category among those , film editing nominations went to " American Sniper " ; " Boyhood " ; " The Grand Budapest Hotel " ; " The Imitation Game " ;

  17. 《布达佩斯大饭店》的题材对美国导演韦斯•安德森而言并不陌生,但他独有的异想天开之笔却并未让观众生厌,反而使影片成为一部引人入胜的佳作。

    The Grand Budapest Hotel finds US director Wes Anderson back in familiar stylistic terrain , but his particular whimsical touch hasn 't overstayed its welcome , and it 's arguably at its most engrossing .

  18. 颁奖台上没有说明的是:《布达佩斯大饭店》获奖对《鸟人》来说是一种打击,前者被视为奥斯卡最佳影片的热门候选影片。

    What wasn 't said from the stage : The prize for " Grand Budapest " was a blow for " Birdman , " which has been seen as a hot contender for the best picture Oscar .

  19. 今年年初上映的《布达佩斯大饭店》是一个轻松的诈骗故事,发生在一家杂乱无章的东欧酒店里,它为这个充满沉重题材的颁奖季增添了活跃的因素。

    The reappearance of The Grand Budapest Hotel , a lighthearted caper set in a rambling Eastern European hotel that was released early in the year , has leavened an awards season that has otherwise been laced with weightier drama .

  20. 从演员阵容、复古海报和标题来看,这部原本要在2020年戛纳电影节上映的喜剧片完全是韦斯·安德森的风格,时髦又滑稽,就和他的《布达佩斯大饭店》一样。

    If the cast , vintage-style poster and title signal anything , this comedy , originally set for the 2020 Cannes Film Festival , is pure Wes Anderson , stylish and droll , in the mode of his Grand Budapest Hotel .

  21. 这个颁奖季充满名人与智者——《鸟人》一片有着百老汇式的疯狂乐段,《布达佩斯大饭店》有欧陆气质——可以想见,金球奖也会把平民主义气息融入奖项之中。

    In a season peppered with the cerebral and sophisticated - " Birdman , " with its riffs on Broadway madness , " The Grand Budapest Hotel , " with its Continental savoir-faire - the Globes predictably thrust more populist choices into the awards mix .

  22. 该电影由才华横溢的韦斯安德森执导,配音阵容集结了世界上最好的一些演员——布莱恩克兰斯顿、爱德华诺顿、比尔默瑞、杰夫高布伦、列维施瑞博尔、斯嘉丽约翰逊等等。韦斯安德森曾导演过《特南鲍姆一家》和《布达佩斯大饭店》等电影。

    It is directed by the very talented Wes Anderson ( The Royal Tenenbaums , The Grand Budapest Hotel ) and features an ensemble voice cast featuring some of the best actors in the world - Bryan Cranston , Edward Norton , Bill Murray , Jeff Goldblum , Liev Schreiber , Scarlett Johansson and more .