
  • Brooklyn;Brookline;Brooklyn Beckham
  1. 他出生在布鲁克林的弗拉特布什一带,并在那儿长大成人。

    He was born and grew up in the Flatbush neighbourhood of Brooklyn

  2. 失业率在5%以下的只有三个州,其人口加起来还不如布鲁克林的多。

    Only three states , with a combined population not much larger than that of Brooklyn , have unemployment rates below 5 % .

  3. 幸运的是,娜塔莉的家人在大桥关闭前不久逃到了布鲁克林。

    Fortunately , Natalie 's family escaped to Brooklyn shortly before the city 's bridge closed .

  4. 娜塔莉的学校受损严重,她不得不暂时在布鲁克林的一所学校上学。

    Natalie 's school was so damaged that she had to temporarily attend a school in Brooklyn .

  5. 这正是美国各地的小社区里正在发生的事情:加利福尼亚州奥兰治县本月报告了22例麻疹病例、去年一名17岁的少年引发了纽约布鲁克林的疫情。

    That 's exactly what is happening in small neighborhoods around the country from Orange County , California , where 22 measles cases were reported this month , to Brooklyn , N . Y . , where a 17-year-old caused an outbreak last year .

  6. 1925年的今天,罗伯特F。肯尼迪出生在麻萨诸塞州的布鲁克林。

    In1925 , Robert F.Kennedy was born in Brookline , Massachusetts .

  7. MichaelO'Hanlon是华盛顿布鲁克林研究所的工作人员。

    Michael O'Hanlon is with the Brookings Institution in Washington .

  8. 当城市规划部门明年初(2015年&译注)提出初步的建议方案时,布鲁克林的东纽约(EastNewYork)地区将被列为试点。

    East New York in Brooklyn will be the test case when the Department of City Planning presents initial recommendations early next year .

  9. 布鲁克林丹宁公司(BrooklynDenimCompany)位于布鲁克林北三街85号,它有织边和非织边两种式样。

    Brooklyn Denim Company , at 85 North Third Street , Brooklyn , carries selvage and non-selvage styles .

  10. 后来我从母亲位于布鲁克林的家中搬出来,搬进了EastVillage的一间公寓。从那时起“约会”的含义就变得模糊起来。

    Afterward , I moved out of my mother 's house in Brooklyn and into an apartment in the East Village , and from there it becomes confusing .

  11. 决定不要孩子是非常个人的、发自内心的决定,她说,说到底,它取决于个人,而非公园坡(ParkSlope,纽约布鲁克林名人住宅区&译注)的影响。

    Not to have a child is a very personal , visceral decision , she said . Ultimately , it comes from within , not from Park Slope .

  12. 为了能胜任经纪人的工作,他还将放弃了自己持有的少量NBA布鲁克林篮网队(BrooklynNets)股份。

    He also divested his small ownership stake in the Brooklyn nets so that he could become an agent .

  13. 但是华盛顿布鲁克林研究所的DennisWilder称美国别无选择。

    But Dennis Wilder of the Brookings Institution in Washington says the United States

  14. 俄罗斯亿万富翁,布鲁克林篮网队(BrooklynNets)老板米哈伊尔•普罗霍洛夫,以及特立独行的亿万富翁,维珍集团(VirginGroup)创始人理查德•布兰森,都对这项运动情有独钟。

    Russian billionaire and Brooklyn Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov apparently enjoys the sport as does the original extreme billionaire , Virgin Group founder Richard Branson .

  15. 十六岁的布鲁克林在图片分享平台Instagram上已有440万的铁杆粉丝,最近又成为时尚杂志《MissVogue》的封面人物。

    Sixteen-year-old Brooklyn has a 4.4 million-strong following on Instagram and has recently appeared on the cover of Miss Vogue .

  16. 他们在布鲁克林找到一间公寓,他们和一群绝妙的朋友一同开车南下前往佛罗里达礁岛群(FloridaKeys)。

    They found an apartment in Brooklyn and they were surrounded by groovy friends who all went on road trips together down to the Florida Keys .

  17. WhitneyHurst,25岁,是居住在纽约布鲁克林的新闻制片人。

    Whitney Hurst , 25 , is a news producer who lives in Brooklyn , New York .

  18. 圣代和圆筒冰激凌店(SundaesandCones)最初在布鲁克林,后来搬到了东村。

    Sundaes and Cones started out in Brooklyn , before moving to the East Village .

  19. 前不久,布鲁克林的糕点师坎农处理了一个意外事件,一名Facebook用户未经授权发布了普林斯顿等孩子的照片。

    Ms. Cannon , the pastry chef from Brooklyn , recently dealt with an incident in which a Facebook user posted photos of Princeton and other children without permission .

  20. 一座横跨位于布鲁克林和Staten岛之间的威若桑那海峡的吊桥。

    A suspension bridge across the Verrazano Narrows between Brooklyn and Staten Island .

  21. 与此同时,百事可乐(Pepsi)的数字沟通主管巴特·卡斯(BartCas)在布鲁克林大桥上跑步。

    Meanwhile , Bart Cas , his opposite number at Pepsi , went for a run on the Brooklyn Bridge .

  22. 5月11日,布朗克斯出生、布鲁克林长大的酒店经营人伊恩·施拉格(IanSchrager)揭幕了自己的最新地产——纽约艾迪逊酒店(NewYorkEdition)。它坐落在麦迪逊大道的地标建筑大都会人寿保险大楼(MetropolitanLifeTower)里。

    Ian Schrager , the Bronx-born , Brooklyn-raised hotelier , will unveil his latest property , the New York Edition , in the landmark Metropolitan Life Tower on Madison Avenue on May 11 .

  23. 默多克的21世纪福克斯公司拥有Vice的一小部分股份,他来布鲁克林是想见Vice的首席执行官尚恩·史密斯(ShaneSmith)。

    Mr. Murdoch 's 21st Century Fox owns a small stake in Vice , and he was visiting Brooklyn to meet with Vice 's chief executive , Shane Smith .

  24. 科鲁兹一身巴宝莉外套看上去酷劲十足,罗密欧穿了米色的MAC,长子布鲁克林穿了一件符合他年纪的黑色夹克。

    While Cruz looked cool in his Burberry coat , Romeo cut a sharp figure in his beige mac while eldest child Brooklyn dressed for his age in a black puffer jacket .

  25. 有些唱片公司喜欢送实体的CD拷贝,而不是通过电子邮件发数码文件,这有点强人所难——我知道这属于“第一世界困扰”,但我住布鲁克林。

    Now , when record labels send physical copies of CDs rather than email digital files , it seems like an imposition - I know , a real first-world problem , but I live in Brooklyn .

  26. 上个星期,关于Vice未来的谈判从布鲁克林移到了戛纳,年度国际传媒大会在那里召开,吸引了全世界许多顶级公司。

    Last week , the talks over Vice 's future moved from Brooklyn to Cannes , the site of an annual international media conference that attracts many of the world 's biggest companies .

  27. 就像他有名的父母,看上去布鲁克林也是紧跟时尚,照片中他穿着拉夫劳伦、圣罗兰和Supreme品牌的服饰。

    And just like his famous parents , it seems that Brooklyn 's also a dedicated follower of fashion as he 's pictured wearing labels including Ralph Lauren , Saint Laurent and Supreme .

  28. 目前居住在布鲁克林的图尔卡耶夫又名亚历克斯(Alex)。他表示自己利用豪车差价套利的做法没有违法。

    Mr. Turkayev , who now lives in Brooklyn and goes by the name Alex , said he did nothing wrong in taking advantage of a pricing arbitrage for luxury cars .

  29. 还有33岁的艾萨·布鲁·谢利(AisaBlueShelley),他是诺亚·谢利的弟弟,和莫兰一样,他也曾在布鲁克林的Rucola餐馆工作过;

    Then there is Aisa Blue Shelley , 33 , Mr. Shelley 's brother , and like Mr. Moran an alumnus of the Brooklyn restaurant Rucola ;

  30. 纽约布鲁克林喜剧演员克莱格罗文两个月前在Youtube视频网站上发布视频,希望某位富翁无偿给他1百万美元,赢得千万点击量。

    Brooklyn comedian Craig Rowin made a YouTube appeal for somebody to give him $ 1 million two months ago and thus attracted tens of thousands of clicks .