
  • Judy;Jodie;Hey Jude
  1. 彼得和朱迪像是天生的一对,不是吗?

    Peter and Judy seem made for each other , don 't they ?

  2. 朱迪说话时声音很大,十分不友好。

    Judy spoke in a loud , rather unfriendly voice .

  3. 朱迪认定我在让自己挨饿。

    Judy decided I was starving myself .

  4. 朱迪收集青花瓷。

    Judy collects blue and white china .

  5. 朱迪最喜欢的颜色是粉红色。

    Judi 's favourite colour is pink

  6. 当他敲响警报时,一个来自利兹的学生爬下悬崖去接朱迪。

    While he sounded the alarm , a student from Leeds climbed down the cliff to collect Judy .

  7. 当这只名叫朱迪的狗发现了她生命中的第一只羊时,她做出了很自然的反应。

    When the dog named Judy spotted the first sheep in her life , she did what comes naturally .

  8. 朱迪很漂亮,但我认为她留长发比留短发要好看得多。

    Judy is good-looking , but I think she looks much prettier with long hair than with short hair .

  9. 这是一部介绍关于如何让自己看上去更自信的短片。我们请到的顾问是《BodytalkAtWork》的作者朱迪,她是一名肢体语言专家。

    A short video about looking more confident , with advice from Judi James-our body language expert and author of ' Body Talk At Work ' .

  10. MIO坏了!朱迪,我手机电池…(MIO,即MyInputOutput。我的输入输出设备。)

    MIO ! Judy , the battery of my phone is ...

  11. 英国在欧盟的谈判代表来自伦敦那种潘趣和朱迪(punchandjudy)式的政治体系,无法适应缓慢的共识建构过程。

    UK negotiators in the EU , coming from the punch-and-judy politics of London , cannot adapt to slow consensus-building .

  12. “Magnum是一个繁殖经理人的梦想成真,”朱迪说。

    " Magnum is a breeding manager 's dream , come true ," Judi says .

  13. 但是随着朱迪-霍勒迪的回归和安东尼-戴维斯打出历史级别的数据,他们不会差到以至于能够得到上边提到的Fultz,Jackson之流。

    But with Jrue Holiday back and Anthony Davis putting up historic numbers , they aren 't going to be bad enough to get a Fultz or Jackson .

  14. JohnEscolme和董征在本期节目中聚焦英国著名女演员朱迪▪丹奇和美国著名电影导演斯蒂芬▪斯皮尔伯格。

    John Escolme and Jean Dong talk about well-known British actress Judi Dench , and famous American film director Steven Spielberg .

  15. 朱迪(JodiArias)辩解称自己的行为是出于自卫。

    Arias had claimed she acted in self-defense .

  16. 陪审团裁定朱迪(JodiArias)杀害前男友特拉维斯(TravisAlexander)一级谋杀罪名成立。

    A jury found Jodi Arias guilty of first-degree murder in the killing of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander .

  17. 当玛德琳跳入旧金山湾(SanFranciscoBay)时,斯考蒂把她救上来,并把不省人事的她带回自己的公寓,她是真的失去意识,还是只是朱迪装成这样?

    When ' Madeleine ' jumps into San Francisco Bay and Scottie pulls her out and brings her unconscious to his apartment , is she really unconscious , or is Judy just pretending to be ?

  18. 除了爱,我不能给你任何东西,一位朋友在电话里用他优美的朱迪•加兰(JudyGarland)般的颤声低唱对我说。

    I can 't give you anything but love , a friend croons to me down the telephone with his splendid Judy Garland warble .

  19. 在电影中朱迪(Judy)假扮的角色玛德琳(两人均由金&12539;诺瓦克(KimNovak)扮演)代表了电影感性的核心。

    The character Madeleine , played in the movie by Judy ( and both played by Kim Novak ), represents the emotional heart of the film .

  20. 比如,根据经济史学家朱迪.斯蒂芬森(JudyStephenson)的说法,负责维护伦敦桥桥墩木质分水桩的木匠按潮汐领取报酬。

    The carpenters who maintained the timber starlings on London Bridge were paid per tide , according to Judy Stephenson , an economic historian .

  21. 69岁的朱迪&12539;劳顿(JudyLawton)表示,想把自己经营了27年的小型人力资源公司转让掉。

    Judy Lawton , 69 , says she would like to sell the small staffing company she started 27 years ago .

  22. 在电影中朱迪(Judy)假扮的角色玛德琳(两人均由金・诺瓦克(KimNovak)扮演)代表了电影感性的核心。

    The character Madeleine , played in the movie by Judy ( and both played by Kim Novak ) , represents the emotional heart of the film .

  23. 亚马逊的美容店经理夏洛特•格林说:从朱迪•丹奇女爵士的自然灰发到LadyGaga的绿灰色系,这是所有年龄段都可选择的一种醒目潮流。

    Amazon 's beauty store manager Charlotte Green said : From the natural silver of Dame Judi Dench to the graduated green-to-grey look as seen on Lady Gaga , it 's a striking style choice for all ages .

  24. 亚马逊的美容店经理夏洛特•格林说:“从朱迪•丹奇女爵士的自然灰发到LadyGaga的绿灰色系,这是所有年龄段都可选择的一种醒目潮流。”

    Amazon 's beauty store manager Charlotte Green said : " From the natural silver of Dame Judi Dench to the graduated green-to-grey look as seen on Lady Gaga , it 's a striking style choice for all ages . "

  25. 有了朱迪(Videojug特聘的肢体语言学专家)的指导,你会发现,从来没有像现在这样,可以轻而易举地判断出别人是否在对你说谎!

    With advice from our body language expert Judi James , never before has been so easy to see if someone is lying to you !

  26. Ice公司总裁朱迪•索恩说:“我们的试验显示,英国人不接受真实的廉价商品、折扣、馈赠这种概念,总认为会上当,尽管我们承认眼下的困难时期正迫使我们积极寻找这些。”

    Jude Thorne , Chief Executive Officer of Ice , said : " Our experiment shows that as a nation , we simply don 't accept the notion of genuine bargains , discounts and offers with no catch , despite admitting that difficult times are forcing us to seek them out actively . "

  27. 塞吉奥和朱迪正在一家咖啡店阅读杂志。

    Sergio and Judy are reading magazines in the coffee shop .

  28. 约翰和他的同学朱迪在课间休息。

    John and his classmate , Judy , rest during intervals .

  29. 朱迪突然兴奋起来,使劲捏了一下他的手。

    Judy , suddenly elated , gave his hand a squeeze .

  30. 我再也没有见到朱迪,十分遗憾。

    I never met Judy again , which was a pity .