
  1. 他与李退溪并称为朝鲜朱子学的双臂。

    He called North Korea Zhu Xi Yi Hwang and arms .

  2. 新安理学是朱子学的重要分支之一,主要由徽州籍理学家为主干组成。

    Xin'an rationalism is an important branch of Zhuxi 's Philosophy , composed of rational learnings represented by Huizhou rationalists .

  3. 他的思想作为韩国早期朱子学的一个形态,有其值得重视的意义。

    Li Se 's Li philosophy , as an early form of Zhu-Xi 's philosophy in South Korea , has its great significance .

  4. 朱子学的第一原理是确立理的本体地位,作为现实世界的存在依据和价值真原。

    : The first principle in Zhu Zi 's theory is to establish the noumenal status of Li , which is regarded as the basis of real world and source of value .

  5. 在知行论上,强调知行随时互发、力行为主致知副之,使朱子学的知行论更为完善;

    At knowing and doing theory , he emphasized that knowing and doing put forward each other at any time , doing was mainly and knowing was secondary , it made the theory of Zhu Zi more perfect ;

  6. 他的哲学思想在很多方面是对朱子学的丰富和发展,是朱子学发展的重要里程碑,在理学发展史上,应当占有不可或缺的一席之地。

    The ones that study about Zhu zi in many aspects in his philosophy thought are enriched and developed , it is Zhu 's important milestone of studying development , study reasonably should occupy the indispensable seat on the development history of Li theory .

  7. 而黄干与朱子学的关系,也让我们看到一种思想的传播,其得益于官方支持,更要有本身的思想魅力,还要有一批传道乐学的弟子。

    The relationship between Huang gan and Zhu Xi let us see that the spread of an idea not only benefit from their official support and the idea of charm , but also from a number of the students who willing to spread this idea .

  8. 李退溪是韩国儒学中继承朱子学传统的大师。

    Lee Toegye is a great classical master of Korea .

  9. 本文拟从朱子学在朝鲜的正统化过程,揭示其特性形成及历史演变。

    This article will reveal features and evolution of Zhuzi Theory by discussing Zhuzi 's orthodox process .

  10. 日本朱子学从原来的一种文化修养转而作为一种伦理道德和思想文化在江户幕府时期急速兴起有其深刻的社会背景。

    Zhu Xi 's philosophy promptly boomed during the Edo shogunate period in Japan from original a kind of improvement manner changing into ethical moral culture , which had profound social background .