
  1. 第二部分围绕朱大可的文学批评展开,对其批评的特点进行了详细分析。

    The second part is around his criticism in a detailed analysis .

  2. 同济大学文化批评研究所的教授朱大可认为,很多中国人仅仅是乐于从外国人那里听到对中国文化的恭维。

    Zhu Dake , a cultural critic at Tongji University in Shanghai , said many Chinese people simply love hearing compliments about Chinese culture from foreigners'mouths .

  3. 贯彻《通用规范汉字表》需要澄清误解&以朱大可《汉字革命和文化断裂》为例

    Misunderstandings to Be Clarified in the Implementation of The Common Standard Chinese Characters Table : With Zhu Dake 's " Revolution of Chinese Characters and Cultural Fracture " as an example