
chóu dá
  • thank sb. with a gift;respond with a poem or speech
酬答 [chóu dá]
  • (1) [thank sb. with a gift]∶酬报;报答

  • (2) [respond with a poem or speech]∶以言语、文字酬和作答

酬答[chóu dá]
  1. 我真无法酬答他对我的好意。

    I cannot do justice to his kindness .

  2. 神希望我们酬答他,在于他送给我们的花朵,而不在于太阳和土地。

    God expects answers for the flowers he sends us , not for the sun the earth .

  3. 为酬答某人的行为而奖给他东西。

    Act or give something in recognition of someone 's behavior .

  4. 神希望我们酬答他给我们的花朵,而不是太阳和土地。

    God expects answers for the flowers he sends us , not for the sun and the earth .

  5. 尺牍即古代人们互相酬答的书信,乃书信之别称、雅称。

    The correspondence namely is letter that ancient people thanked each other , and it is another name , calling refined of the letter .

  6. 他在湖南创作诗歌30来首,其中可以断定在常德创作的有7首。主要是酬答诗和访道诗。

    He composed more than 30 poems in Hunan , of which seven were surely written in Changde , mainly on reciprocation and visiting the taoists .

  7. 鹰是波浪的空中兄弟,它在波浪之上飞行视察,在空中扑击的完美的鹰翅,如在酬答海洋那元素的没有羽毛的翅膀。

    The hawk is aerial brother of the wave which he sails over and surveys , those his perfect air-inflated wings answering to the elemental unfledged pinions of the sea .

  8. 他对佛教的接受并不是很乐意,仅仅是为了侍宴、酬答、唱和,即出于工作的需要而已。

    He of Buddhism and accept and not very happy about it , just to wait upon carouse , reciprocate , responsory , namely , the needs of the work just .

  9. 题壁诗数量不大,寄赠酬答诗虽数量大,但其交往对象大多不是文人,这也限制了杜诗的传播效果。

    Poetry is not the number of Wall , although the numbers of poems to send thanks with a gift , but their exchanges are not civilian targets , which also limit the spread of the effect of Du Fu .