
chóu liáo
  • thank sb. with a gift;reward;remunerate
酬劳 [chóu láo]
  • [reward] 用钱物酬报答谢出过力的人

  • 这事办成了,一定好好酬劳你

  • [reward] 酬谢的钱物

  • 这是给你的酬劳

酬劳[chóu liáo]
  1. 他们同意去只是因为他们会得到酬劳。

    They agreed to go merely because they were getting paid for it .

  2. 该方案将使一些律师获得过高酬劳,而其他律师则报酬过低。

    The scheme will overpay some lawyers and underpay others .

  3. 你将得到酬劳,你的职员也如此。

    You will be remunerated and so will your staff .

  4. 一个医生建议她去找有酬劳的工作。

    A doctor advised her to seek remunerative employment .

  5. 我真希望他们给你一份好的酬劳。

    I hope to God they are paying you well

  6. 他们以丰厚的酬劳诱惑我。

    They 've dangled rich rewards before me .

  7. 他们辛苦了一天,得好好酬劳一下。

    We should reward them generously for a hard day 's work .

  8. 牧师或长老需要付给酬劳,还是志愿的事奉呢

    Should pastors or elders be paid , or serve as a volunteer ?

  9. 能不能让他从本来就是我的钱中拿出1000英镑来作为酬劳?

    but will he give me one thousand pounds out of money that 's really mine ?

  10. 旁人提醒主人:“如果你听了你的朋友的建议,不但用不着酬劳大家,还不会遭受损失。”主人醒悟过来,连忙去请自己的朋友。

    Someone reminded the host of this , " Had you listened to your friend , you would not have to reward us and would not have suffered losses . " The host awaked to this and went to invite his friend immediately .

  11. 在这个条件下,该CEO可以获得一大笔酬劳。

    With this condition , the CEO can be given a large package .

  12. 要知道,去年的NBA赛季,2000美元只是他一分钟的酬劳。

    He earned $ 2,000 per minute during his NBA games last year .

  13. 每个演员的酬劳都不菲。演员们按照薪酬的高低分成三档:“A档”、“B档”、“C档”。

    The cast was divided into pay scales of three groups : The " A tier , " " B tier " and " C tier . "

  14. 按约定,CMM应付汉迪先生人民币8000元整做为其编辑工作的酬劳。

    As promised , CMM shall pay Mr. Handy 8,000 RMB for editing services .

  15. 托尼•布莱尔在中国一场20分钟的演讲,获得50万美元(23.7万英镑)酬劳,这意味着他已超过比尔•克林顿(billclinton),成为全球最受追捧的公开演讲人。

    Tony Blair has been paid more than $ 500,000 ( 237,000 ) for a 20-minute speech in China , suggesting he has overtaken Bill Clinton to become the world 's most sought-after public speaker .

  16. 布莱尔以前披露过自己演讲的商业所得(每次要价可高达10万美元)、为摩根大通和苏黎世金融(zurichfinancial)提供咨询服务的酬劳、以及来自tba的收入。

    He has previously declared his commercial income from speeches , where he can ask $ 1 00000 a time , as well as from advising JPMorgan and Zurich Financial and from TBA .

  17. 据美国前总统克林顿妻子希拉里(Hillary)财务披露文件,克林顿去年在邻近(东莞)的香港进行过一场演讲,只获10万美元酬劳。

    Mr Clinton , the former US president , was paid a mere $ 100,000 for a speaking engagement in nearby Hong Kong last year , according to his wife Hillary 's financial disclosure statement .

  18. 好的,AbigaleBreslin是一位年仅12岁的出色的女演员。她每部电影的酬劳都很高。

    Abigale Breslin , who is just a fantastic young actress , 12 years old and her price per movie is doing OK .

  19. 安德烈斯主张缓慢而稳定的增长,虽然球员没有酬劳,但她与NHL的球队、球员协会以及摩森康胜(MolsonCoors)等公司建立了合作关系。

    Andress has championed slow and steady growth ; while players have gone unpaid , she has formed partnerships with N.H.L. teams and the N.H.L. Players " Association , as well as companies like Molson Coors .

  20. 就算在纽约尼克斯队发展不顺,身为头号亚裔球星的林书豪回到中国打职业联赛,其酬劳也几乎可以和曾效力尼克斯的斯蒂芬马布里(StephonMarbury)有一拼了。

    And should things not work out for him in New York , he would almost certainly giver former Knick Stephon Marbury a run for his money as the biggest star in China 's own basketball league .

  21. 这一系统由网络巨头亚马逊公司组织,注册用户(被称作特客(Turker))为别人工作后可以领到小额的酬劳。

    This arrangement , run by Amazon , a large internet firm , pays people registered with it ( known as Turkers ) small sums of money to do jobs for others .

  22. 自从五个月前,汤姆的“出柜”视频上传Youtube之后,他的人气暴涨。他现在与ITV2签订合约主持一档旅游节目,还为阿迪达斯Neo男士帽子代言,传言这份工作他会有30万英镑的酬劳。

    Since Tom 's coming out on YouTube five months ago his popularity has skyrocketed and he 's now signed a deal to host a travel series for ITV2 , as well as being the face of Adidas ' Neo range for men hat is reportedly earning him a cool £ 300000 .

  23. 他们必须给我钱来酬劳我的辛苦。

    They make a point of paying me for my trouble .

  24. 像这种事你一般要多少酬劳?

    And what do you normally charge for something like this ?

  25. 直到那时我才能得到我的酬劳。

    Only then will I receive my side of the bargain .

  26. 酬劳可能是为陶伦装马蹄铁得到的!

    He could 've benn paid for shoeing Tauren 's horse !

  27. 我是说,这纯属爱好,不求酬劳。

    I mean , it 's a-it 's a labor oflove .

  28. 贝拉米说:我们的酬劳100%来自于客户。

    Our compensation is 100 per cent from the clients .

  29. 他拒绝接受任何服务的酬劳。

    He objected to receive any remuneration for his service .

  30. 实际上,有很多的人即使没有任何的酬劳也愿意写程式。

    Actually , many people will program with absolutely no monetary incentive .