
chóu bīn
  • bargain sale
酬宾 [chóu bīn]
  • [bargain sale] 商业上指以优惠价格出售商品给顾客

  1. 这边是本浴场的消费指南及酬宾活动,请您过目!

    Here is the consumption guide and bargain activities , please read !

  2. 开张大酬宾,所有商品八折优惠。

    Opening sales at preferential prices , all goods 20 % off .

  3. 最新款式服装,春季大酬宾。

    The latest fashion dress , a Big discount for spring sales .

  4. 金秋酬宾,价廉物美大优惠。

    Quality goods for autumn sale at a Big discount .

  5. 香气馥郁的果露饮料是四季酬宾美物。

    Fragrant fruit juice is the Best drink to entertain guests in the four seasons .

  6. 廉价品:廉价商品,尤指无审美感的陈列品。金秋酬宾,价廉物美大优惠。

    " borax : Cheap merchandise , especially tasteless furnishings . " Quality goods for autumn sale at a Big discount .

  7. 本皮鞋厂感谢各界厚爱,决定酬宾优惠一周。

    In order to thank people of various circles for their love of our leather shoes factory , we have decided to hold a grand sale for one week .

  8. 而日前,曾经是中粮广场最紧密合作伙伴的达芬奇家居已经打出酬宾的招牌,准备清场搬出中粮广场另辟蹊径。

    A few days ago , once COFCO Plaza , the closest partners , Leonardo da Vinci has been playing at home bargain signs in preparation for clearance to move out of COFCO Plaza , another way .

  9. 理查德•海曼当12月25日越来越临近,零售商开始忙乱了,这儿或那儿掀起了促销、打折或减价酬宾活动(愿意叫什么都可以)。

    RICHARD HYMAN , VERDICT As December the 25th gets nearer , retailers start to panic , they start launching the odd promotion here or there , the odd discount day , markdown day , call it what you will .

  10. 女:去了,实际上没有。上周六开业大酬宾时我去了,可是我在停车场转了近一个小时也没有找到车位,所以我没去成,直接回家了。

    W : Yes , and no. I went there last Saturday for their grand opening sale , but I drove around the parking lot for nearly an hour , looking for a space before I finally gave up and came home .