
  • 网络airline alliance
  1. 本文对于我国航空公司联盟的现状、趋势和对策进行了深入探讨。

    In this paper , the author analyses deeply the status quo of domestic airline alliance , its trend and the measures can be taken .

  2. 全球航空公司联盟的回顾和展望(下)

    Review and Outlook of Global Airline Alliance [ Part two ]

  3. 航空公司联盟及对我国民航业的影响

    World Airline Alliance and its Impacts on China Airline Industry

  4. 航空公司联盟后,通常航线网络能得到有效扩展,从而使幅员扩大。

    After airlines allied , the traffic routes network enlarged , and so the size increased .

  5. 再次,本文对航空公司联盟的规模经济性和航空公司联盟的范围经济性进行了论证。

    Thirdly , there is a discussion about scale economy and scope economy of airline alliance in this passage .

  6. 航空公司联盟通过利用规模经济、密度经济和范围经济使伙伴航空公司单位运输成本得以降低。

    Airline alliance can lower the unit transportation cost of its affiliated companies through scale economy , scope economy and density economy .

  7. 航空公司联盟一直鼓励会员相互合作,比如购买相同或类似的舱内装饰,以便从供应商方获得更优惠的价格。

    The alliances have encouraged their members to co-operate on such things as buying cabin interiors , to obtain better prices from suppliers .

  8. 航空公司战略联盟的网络经济性分析

    Analysing the Economies of Network about Airline Alliance

  9. 论航空公司战略联盟的经济动因

    On Economic Motivation of Airline Strategic Alliance

  10. 航空公司战略联盟利益分配问题研究

    Research of Profit Distributing of Airline Alliance

  11. 对我国民营航空公司战略联盟伙伴选择影响因素分析

    To Analyse on Influencing Factors for Selecting Partners of Strategic Union to Private Airlines of China

  12. 航空公司战略联盟是关系到多家航空公司经营活动的一种运作模式。

    The airline strategy alliance is a kind of operation pattern being related to many airlines .

  13. 论航空公司战略联盟对双边航空运输协定的影响

    A Discussion on the Impact of the Strategic Alliance between Airlines on Bilateral Air Transport Agreements

  14. 这种特点决定了航空公司战略联盟运营组织和管理的复杂性和多变性。

    This kind of characteristic has decided that the operation organization and management of airline strategy alliance is complexity and polytropy .

  15. 即使欧盟监管审批过程正在推进,三家航空公司的联盟仍将需要美国政府的批准才能生效。

    Even if the EU regulatory process is advancing , the airlines will still need approval in Washington before it can come into effect .

  16. 本文分析了航空公司战略联盟的网络经济性,基于交易成本经济学分析了航空公司联盟相对于市场而言对交易成本的节约。

    The paper analyses the economies of network about airline alliance , and analyses transaction cost saving of airline alliance from the transaction cost economics .

  17. 上海航空公司航空联盟常旅客计划合作研究此外,意航还将加入由法航和美国德尔塔航空公司创建的空中联队航空联盟。

    Research of FFP Cooperation Strategy for Shanghai Airlines in Airline Aliiance ; In addition , Alitalia will also join the " SkyTeam " alliance founded by Air France and US Delta Airlines .

  18. 本文在提出利益合理分配的四条原则的基础上,运用博弈论方法构造了航空公司战略联盟的利益分配模型,这有助于找出航空公司总战略联盟利益分配的理论依据及方法。

    According to the four principles of profit distribution , the author applys game theory to constructing the model of the alliance , which is helpful to discover the theory and method of profit distribution of airline alliance .

  19. 航空公司也随之呈现出四化&管理趋向技术化、企业趋向联盟化、经营趋向集团化、产权趋向私有化,垄断性航空公司和巨型航空联盟已成为当今航空运输界的主流。

    Meanwhile , the technological tendency of management , the coalition of enterprises , the alliance of operations , and the privatization of property rights are the popular trends in the aviation industry .