
  • 网络jet fuel;aviation fuel
  1. 腐蚀检测与评价技术在航油长输管道安全管理中的应用

    The Application of Corrosion Detection and Evaluation in the Safety Management of Aviation Fuel Pipeline

  2. 世界航油价格不断攀升,给航空业带来了巨大的成本压力。

    The price increment of aviation fuel brings in huge challenges to the world aviation industry .

  3. 在中国加入WTO以前,航油市场是国家垄断的市场。

    Before China jointed WTO , its aviation oil market had been monopolized by the government .

  4. 加入WTO以后,随着政府兑现开放成品油市场的承诺,航油市场也将逐步完全放开。

    With the promise of the government to open the end product oil market becoming true , the aviation oil market became open gradually .

  5. 在定量方面,运用风险值(Value-at-Risk,VaR)技术对中航油(新加坡)事件中的市场风险做了实证估算用以说明中航油在决策上的大胆与草率。

    From quantitative aspect , we apply the Value-at-Risk ( VaR ) technique to estimate empirically the market risk of the CAO incident by different models .

  6. COSO报告下的内部控制新发展&从中航油事件看企业风险管理

    The New Development of COSO Report Analysis the event of China Aviation Oil ( Singapor e ) on Enterprise Risk Management

  7. 随着我国民航体制改革的不断深入发展,尤其按照WTO的有关规定,我国在未来几年里逐步放开航油供应市场已指日可待,届时中国航油企业的生存和发展将面临严峻挑战。

    With the deepening and development of the civil aviation system reform , especially according to certain regulation , the aviation oil supply market will be opened gradually , at that time the Chinese aviation oil companies will face serious challenges .

  8. 中国航空油料集团公司(简称中国航油,英文缩写为CAOHC)是国务院确定的国有大型航空运输服务保障企业,主要经营航空油料及其他成品油的批发、储存和零售业务。

    China Aviation Oil Holding Company ( CAOHC ) is a state-owned large aviation company that operating primarily the aviation oil product and oily wholesale , storage and retail .

  9. 跨国企业集团的财务风险及其预警管理&由中航油事件引起的思考

    On the Financial Risks of Multinational Enterprise Groups and Their Early-Warning

  10. 航油污染对发动机的危害及其预防

    Harm Brought by Aviation Oil Pollution to Engines and its Prevention

  11. 变频调速器在航油供应系统中的应用

    Application of Frequency Speed Controller to Air Oil supply System

  12. 航空公司的战略选择:航油价格风险管理

    Risk Management on Air Fuel Price , a Strategic Option for Airlines

  13. 现行定价机制下的航油价格调节模拟模型

    A Simulation Model for Jet Fuel Price Adjustment with Current Pricing Policies

  14. 发挥设施资源优势提高我国航油企业竞争力

    Take Advantage of Facility Resources to Improve Competitiveness of China Aviation Oil Enterprises

  15. 从风险管理视角解析中航油事件

    An Analysis of the China Aviation Oil ( Singapore ) Incident based on Risk Management

  16. 最后,本文提出了适合我国航空公司的航油成本控制策略建议。

    Finally , we propose suitable for China Airlines jet fuel cost control strategy recommendations .

  17. 航油长输管线的使用寿命分析和安全管理模式探讨

    Service Life Analysis of Aviation Oil Long-distance Pipeline and Discussions on its Safety Management Model

  18. 中国航油总公司战略分析与发展研究

    The Analysis of Strategy and the Study of Development of China Aviation Oil Supply Company

  19. 本办法适用于航油管线的保护及其相关的管理活动。

    These Procedures apply to the protection of aviation gasoline pipelines and related administrative activities .

  20. 第一章,中国航油西南公司实施低成本战略的背景介绍。

    Chapter One is the background introducing of Southwest branch of China aviation oil supply corporation .

  21. 陕北石油秩序航油企业战略管理

    Strategic Management of Aviation Oil Enterprises

  22. 巴林银行的破产,中航油的巨额亏损都与衍生金融工具有直接的关系。

    Bankruptcy of Bahrain , China Aviation Oil for the huge losses are directly related with derivative .

  23. 本论文的研究对象是中国航油西南公司。

    The object of the study in this text is Southwest branch of China aviation oil supply corporation .

  24. 在飞机的一个引擎中,生物燃料和普通航油各占一半。

    The plane had a 50-50 mix of biofuel and regular jet fuel in one of its four engines .

  25. 中国航油集团资金集中管理模式研究我国企业集团资金集中管理模式研究

    Research on the Mode of Capital Centralized Management in CAOHC ; Chinese Enterprise Group 's Fund Central Management Study

  26. 重点介绍了该项技术应用于航油长输管道时应考虑的几个问题以及阴极保护参数的选择情况,对具体使用情况也进行了论述。

    Several considerations and cathodic protection parameters are highlighted in the application d the technology in long-distance jet fuel pipeline .

  27. 第二章,中国航油西南公司的战略成本分析。

    Chapter Three is the countermeasure to imply the low cost strategy of Southwest branch of China aviation oil supply corp.

  28. 其中开放成品油分销服务市场对中国航油供应企业的冲击最大。

    The opening of the oil agential market poses the greatest challenge to the Chinese oil companies which provides aviation oil .

  29. 在日益临近的竞争面前,航油公司能否成功实现战略转型越发显得重要。

    Face the increasing competition , it is more important that the aviation oil supply company will succeed in achieving strategic object .

  30. 供应航油的国有垄断者拒绝为私营航空公司提供跟三大集团一样的慷慨条款。

    The state-owned monopoly that provided jet fuel refused to service private carriers on the same generous terms given the big three .