
  • 网络Aviation fuel;jet fuel;avgas
  1. 今年6月,霍尼韦尔公司拥有的一架GulfstreamG450飞机进行了第一次使用生物燃料的跨大西洋飞行,飞机从新泽西起飞,在巴黎着陆,其中一台引擎使用的燃料50%为绿色航空燃油。

    In June , a Gulfstream G450 owned by Honeywell made the first biofuel-powered transatlantic flight when it flew from New Jersey to Paris using a50-50 blend of Green Jet Fuel in one of its engine .

  2. 人们把原油提炼成各种可用的燃油,主要是汽油、柴油和航空燃油。

    Crude oil is refined into fuels in usable form , notably petrol , diesel and jet fuel .

  3. 航空燃油附件零件渗氮技术的应用

    Application of Nitriding Technology for Parts of Aero - Fuel Accessory

  4. 自动颗粒计数法在航空燃油附件中的应用

    Application of Automatic Particle Counting Method in Aeroengine Fuel Pump

  5. 核磁共振法测定航空燃油含氢量的软件设计

    Software Design for Determining Hydrogen Content of Jet Fuels with NMR Method

  6. 基于谐振技术的航空燃油密度测量的研究

    Research of Density Measurement for Aviation Fuel Oil Based on Resonance Technique

  7. 应用上海燃料油期货套保航空燃油的可行性分析

    Feasibility analysis for hedging aviation fuel oil with Shanghai fuel oil futures

  8. 基于物质对辐射射线吸收原理的航空燃油密度的测量

    Aircraft fuel density measurement based on radiation attenuation law

  9. 航空燃油泵柱塞弹簧断裂分析

    Fracture Analysis of Plunger Springs of Aeronautical Fuel Pump

  10. 提高同位素测量航空燃油密度精度的方法研究

    Research on improving the disturbance resistance ability of radioactive isotope aircraft fuel density measurement

  11. 航空燃油市场的发展趋势

    Development Trend of Aviation Oil Market

  12. 而能源部的最新数据却显示,今年以来,美国航空燃油消费量增长了0.8%。

    More recent figures from the energy department point to a 0.8 per cent rise in jet consumption this year .

  13. 航空燃油一般是被称为航空煤油,是由于其相对接近燃烧的煤油。

    Aviation fuel is generally referred to as aviation kerosene , is due to its relatively close to burning of kerosene .

  14. 燃油成本在可预见的未来依然很高,而航空燃油是航空公司最大的一块费用支出。

    The cost of fuel will be high for the foreseeable future , and jet fuel is the airlines ' greatest expense .

  15. 国际航空燃油市场虽然持续供过于求,但是中国持续出现需求缺口。

    Although supply is being over demand in the world market of aviation oil , demand gap is sustainable in China market .

  16. 甘泉此次抛售行动再一次提醒人们,快速上涨的航空燃油价格已给国际航空业造成了多大的困难。

    The oasis sell-off is the latest reminder of the difficulties rapidly rising jet fuel prices have caused in the international aviation sector .

  17. 供不应求的紧张形势令航空燃油的价格增速甚至超过了原油。

    The price of the nervous situation ream aviation fuel of the supply falls short of demand increases soon even exceeded the crude oil .

  18. 由于许多炼油厂在设计时以柴油产量最大化为目标,因此它们必须保持较高的开工率,才能保持汽油和航空燃油产量水平不变。

    Because many are designed to maximise diesel production , they must keep operating rates high to achieve the same level of petrol and jet fuel output .

  19. 原油之所以被用作对冲工具,是因为其市场流动性高,而原油价格通常可以很好地体现航空燃油和柴油等燃料的价格。

    Crude is used as a hedge because the market is liquid and the price is usually a good proxy for jet fuel , diesel and the like .

  20. 此外,伴随着汽车燃油价格上调,航空燃油价格也上调900元人民币,上调幅度为22%,这对炼油商而言也是一个相对较小的利好。

    Another , smaller fillip for the refiners is a 900 yuan or 22 per cent rise in jet fuel rates , which accompanied the motor fuel increases .

  21. 为改变这种技术滞后的局面,特以32位先进微控制器应用设计为基础,为我国航空燃油管理系统的新发展做一个探索。

    In order to change the status of the technology lag , the design is on the basis of the application of the advanced 32 bits micro controller in particular .

  22. 这一设计对氢动力飞机可能很关键,因为氢燃料的能量密度没有传统的航空燃油那么大,所以要使用更大体积的氢燃料才能匹配现有飞机的性能。

    This design could be key to hydrogen-powered aircraft as the fuel is less energy dense than conventional fuel and so requires more space to match performance of existing aeroplanes .

  23. 分析了喷气飞行器产生凝结尾迹的热力学原理,建议在航空燃油中掺入某种添加剂,以抑制凝结尾迹的发生。

    This paper analyzes the thermodynamics principle of forming jet aircraft 's condensation trail and suggests that adding some kinds of additive to fuel should prevent the occurance of condensation trail .

  24. 而油价高企使得问题变得尤为复杂,美国许多城市的航空燃油价格已突破每加仑5美元。

    The equation has become especially complicated during the past couple of years as oil prices have driven the price of aviation gasoline above $ 5 a gallon in many metropolitan areas .

  25. 中国此次将汽油和柴油的基准价每吨上调了人民币1000元(合145.35美元),将航空燃油的价格每吨上调了1500元,调价措施于上周五生效。

    China increased the base price of gasoline and diesel by1,000 yuan ( US $ 145.35 ) a metric ton and raised prices paid to refiners for jet fuel by1,500 yuan , effective Friday .

  26. 与此同时,今年第三季度,随着人民币升值减速,三大路线的汇兑收益远远不能弥补的航空燃油价格的影响。

    At the same time , the third quarter of this year , with the slowdown in the appreciation of the renminbi , the three major routes of exchange gains far irreparable impact of aviation fuel prices .

  27. 针对航空燃油密度的高精度、数字化的实时测量要求,阐述了采用振动筒式传感器测量航空燃油密度的原理,并讨论和研究了基于这一原理的航空燃油密度实时测量的实现方法。

    According to the high precision and real-time digital measuring requirements for the density aviation fuel oil , it describes the principle of density measurement for aviation fuel oil with vibrating cylinder transducer , discusses and illustrates the implementation method of the real time measuring .

  28. 将于5月20日就任的马英九表示,台湾与大陆之间将在7月份开通周末包机直航,对成千上万目前经香港中转,浪费时间、金钱和航空燃油的商人来说,这是个福音。

    Mr Ma , who takes office on May 20 , says that direct weekend charter flights between Taiwan and the mainland will start in July , providing relief to the tens of thousands of business people who currently waste time , money and jet fuel flying via Hong Kong .

  29. 把该控制器应用于某航空发动机燃油泵调节器滑油压力控制中,实验结果表明,与传统数字PID控制器相比,该控制器具有更好的控制效果和更好的鲁棒性。

    Applying it to controlling the lubricating oil pressure of some aero - engine fuel - pump adjustor , the experiment shows that the pro-posed controller can obtain better result and robustness than the traditional digital PID controller .

  30. 航空发动机燃油泵自动测试系统的设计

    Automatic Test System Design of the Aero Engine Fuel Pump