
  • 网络Traffic Rights
  1. 3月28日,澳门民航局吊销了非凡的航空营运权(AOC)。

    Macao 's civil aviation authority revoked Viva 's air operator certificate on March 28 .

  2. 联邦政府暂定于周二联合航空经营权授予的首枚每天不间断飞行,美中之间。

    The federal government on Tuesday tentatively granted United Airlines the right to operate the first-ever nonstop daily flight between the United States and china .

  3. 通常的实例为融资租赁资产和其他类似航空着陆权的其他和约义务。

    Common examples of this would be finance leased assets and other contractual rights such as aircraft landing rights .

  4. 国土安全部张纳波利塔诺说,航空公司有权对来自墨西哥航班的乘客进行检查。

    Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says , instead , airlines have the option of screening passengers on flights from Mexico .

  5. 目前,航空公司仅有权决定其国内航线的最低票价,国内航线的最高票价以及国际航线票价需执行政府指导价。

    Currently , carriers can only determine the lowest price for their domestic flights . The highest price for such flights and prices for international services are controlled by the government .

  6. 由于我国尚无关于航空承运人拒载权的法律规范,航空公司和旅客之间由拒载而引起的纠纷无法通过司法途径得到根本解决。

    As our country there is no rejection on the air carrier the right to legal norms , between airlines and passengers caused by the rejection of disputes can not be effectively resolved through legal channels .

  7. 随着世界航空自由化趋势的推进,在一个开放的市场环境中,国家如何有效地保护本国航空企业的权益并对其他国家适当地开放航空权的问题的重要性也日渐凸显。

    Accompanied with the world-wide trend of free aviation , how to effectively protect the rights and interests of domestic aviation enterprises as well as how to appropriately open aviation right to other states in the present open market appears more and more significant .