
  • flight number;Flight Number,Flight No.
  1. B你有航班号吗?

    B Have you got the flight number ?

  2. 请告诉我飞机航班号及到达时间。

    Could I have the airline flight number and arrival time ?

  3. 史密斯全家离开北京的飞机航班号是什么?

    Whats the number of the Smiths flight out of Beijing ?

  4. 哈维:不好意思,我的航班号是135-8。

    Harvey : Excuse me , my flight number is135-8 .

  5. 请务必提供详细的航班号。

    Airport transfer may only be confirmed with flight details .

  6. 我可以问一下这个飞机的航班号吗?

    May I ask you for the flight number of this plane ?

  7. 没有航班号的话我没法帮她索赔

    I can 't reimburse her without a flight number .

  8. 你能告诉我您的航班号吗?

    Could you please give us your flight No. ?

  9. 黄师父:请再打一遍,确认一下我的航班号。

    Master Huang : Please call her again to confirm my flight number .

  10. 飞机起飞日期和航班号吗?

    The date of departure and the flight number ?

  11. 梅丽莎包里的航班号

    the flight number off of Melissa 's bag .

  12. 你是对的航班号007

    Yeah , you 're right , flight double ' o ' seven .

  13. 各航空公司称,按照惯例,他们得取消失事飞机的航班号。

    Airlines say tradition calls for them to retire flight numbers of crashed jets .

  14. 航班号是多少?

    Uh , what 's the flight number ?

  15. 美国航空与联合航空均取消了在9&12539;11恐怖袭击中坠毁的飞机的航班号。

    American Airlines and United both retired flight numbers from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks .

  16. 航班号007又可以排除一部分

    The style of the flight number , 007 ' , eliminates a few more .

  17. 约翰你能否查查航班号看我说对了吗?

    John , can you check those flight schedules , see if I 'm right ?

  18. 我们的航班号是多少?

    What 's our flight number ?

  19. 请告诉我您的航班号和达到时间,我们好安排接机服务。

    Please tell me your flight number and arrive time that we can arrange the serves .

  20. 航班号的组合规律007又能排除一些信息

    The style of the flight number , ' 007 ' , eliminates a few more .

  21. 让我看看,我们的航班号是CX345,显示屏上显示我们的航班准时到了。

    Let 's see , our flight number is CX345.The monitor says our flight is on time .

  22. 有人查到她的航班号,就把航班号链接到一个航班跟踪网站上面。

    Somebody worked out exactly which plane she was on , so they linked to a flight tracker website .

  23. 如记忆背景可能是当前在你扇区的飞机的航班号。

    An example of a memory set could be the call signs of all aircraft currently in your sector .

  24. 以免万一飞机误点,能告诉我航班号吗?

    R : Could you give me the flight number , please , in caxe the plane 's late ?

  25. 你一定要把时间搞准。接你的妻子不要迟到。航班号是多少?

    You better be sure ! Don 't be late for your wife . What 's the flight number ?

  26. 听下面的登机广播,写出正大铁航班号、目的地和登机口。

    Listen to the following boarding calls and write down the correct flight number , destination and gate below .

  27. 航空旅行随处可见各种小小的迷信行为、变化多端的护身法宝和一些有宿命论味道的传统做法,比如撤销失事飞机的航班号等。

    Travel is chock full of little superstitions , fluky talismans and fateful traditions , such as retiring the flight numbers of crashed planes .

  28. 几天后我们收到了告知我们航班号和从我们城市离开和到达目的地时间的机票。

    A few days later we received our tickets telling us our flight number and the time of departure from our city and arrival at our destination .

  29. 即使是航空公司自身,它们也对好兆头与坏兆头有既定看法,甚至还有一系列禁忌航班号:比如从来没有航空公司安排过13号航班。

    Even airlines have set ideas about good and bad mojo , down to a list of verboten flight numbers : No one ever schedules Flight 13 .

  30. 中国人筹备结婚也要在包含这个数字的日子,任何从航班号到电话号码如果包含“8”都认为是比较幸运的。

    Chinese people schedule marriages on dates involving the number , and everything from flight numbers to phone numbers are more lucky if they have eights in them .