
  • 网络Aerospace Materials
  1. 本文简略介绍了国外航天材料,重点是高性能Al-Li合金和先进复合材料的新进展。

    New development of aerospace materials abroad , with the emphasis on high-performance Al - Li alloys and advanced composites is briefly presented in this paper .

  2. 航天材料发展与展望

    Development and Perspective of Aerospace Materials

  3. 航天材料的质量控制和可靠性研究

    Study on quality control and reliability of space materials

  4. 目前该系统在北京621航空航天材料研究所完成现场调试,已投入运行。

    Now this system has been debugged at 621 spaceflight bureau BeiJing , which is running .

  5. 国外航天材料的新进展

    Development of Aerospace Materials Abroad

  6. 计算还得到某些航天材料可能出现多重带电的现象。

    The calculations also indicate that a multiple floating potential phenomenon for some materials of spacecraft may occur .

  7. 为研究分析航空航天材料和结构在高速热冲击环境下的承载能力和结构减重提供了可靠依据。

    Reliable basis is provided for studying the loading capacity and weight lightened of aerospace materials and structures under transient heating environment .

  8. 本文的研究内容以北京航空航天材料研究所委托沈阳自动化所承担的国家重点科研项目为背景。

    The source of this project is the national key science and research item assumed by the institute of aviation and avigation materials .

  9. 因此,广泛用于电子和光学设备、生物材料、航天材料等。

    Therefore , they can be applied in a variety of fields such as electronic and optical devices , biomaterials , and aerospace materials , ect .

  10. 而模拟延长10年使用期限实验后的材料的性质发生改变,不能再作为航天材料使用。

    The variety of mass was less than 0.15 % . But after prolonging for 10 years , the characters were shifted and could not used for the space materials .

  11. 本文较详细地阐述了理化检测在航天材料质量控制中的作用,提出了航天材料质量控制的关键要点,分析了影响航天材料质量和可靠性的主要因素,并探讨提高其可靠性的途径。

    This paper describes the role of theoretical measurement in the quality control of space materials in detail , analyzes the main factors that effect the quality and reliability of space materials , and investigates the ways to increase the reliability .

  12. 成本倒逼:政府机构节能管理新思路作为企业化管理单位的航天材料及工艺研究所在长期的节能工作实践中,形成了一套行之有效的节能管理模式,提出了节能同时化管理理念。

    As commercialization administrative unit , the Institute of Aerospace research of materials and processing technology in energy conservation working practice , has formed a set of effective energy conservation management pattern , proposed the management idea of main project together with energy saving .

  13. 因此,本文在国家自然科学基金和航天材料与工艺研究所的资金支持下,在建立基于傅里叶红外光谱仪的光谱发射率测量装置的基础上,对光谱发射率测量技术进行深入的研究。

    The research comes from the project of National Natural Science Foundation of China and Aerospace Research Institute of Materials & Processing Technology . The purpose of this project is to research the spectrum emissivity according the measurement equipment based on Fourier transform spectrometer .

  14. 通过热强度试验,测试并确定航空航天材料在复杂高速热冲击条件下的强度极限等关键参数,对于航空航天材料和结构的可靠性评定、寿命预测以及高速飞行器的安全设计具有重要的意义。

    Using thermal strength experiment to test and determine the pivotal parameters such as ultimate strength and thermal stress at the complicated condition of transient heating is very important for reliability estimation , life prediction of aerospace materials and security design of high-speed flight vehicle .

  15. 最后展望了光纤Bragg光栅传感器在航空航天复合材料/结构健康监测中的应用前景。

    Finally , the prospect of fiber Bragg grating sensor in the field of aerospace composite and structures health monitoring is set forth .

  16. 作为重要的先进航空航天结构材料,碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)的性能取决于增强碳纤维与树脂基体的性能以及两者之间的界面结合状况。

    As an important advanced structural materials in the area of aerospace , the properties of carbon fiber reinforced polymer ( CFRP ) highly depend on the properties of the carbon fiber ( CF ) and the resin matrix , and the properties of interface .

  17. 航天复合材料空气耦合式超声检测技术研究及应用

    Application and Research on Air-coupled Ultrasonic Testing for Aerospace Composite Materials

  18. 卫星天线桁架接头用复合材料代替某些航天航空材料是可行的。

    The replacement of metallic joints by composites is reasonable .

  19. 航天不育材料高丹草扦插繁殖方法研究

    Study on the Cutting Propagation Technique of Aerospace Sterile Material Sorghum bicolor

  20. 棉花航天诱变材料的敏感性鉴定及多态性分析

    The Sensitivity Identification and Polymorphism Analysis of Cotton Induced by Space Mutation

  21. 实验表明,在普通大气条件下,静电放电不能引燃航天服材料。

    Experiments show that electrostatic discharge may not ignite textiles in common air .

  22. 航天结构材料低温力学性能测试技术

    Testing technique of mechanical properties of aerospace structural materials at cryogenic temperature conditions

  23. 航天结构材料性能指数及其应用

    Performance lndex for Aerospace Structural Materials aud Its Application

  24. 光纤光栅传感器在航空航天复合材料/结构健康监测中的应用

    Applications of fiber Bragg grating sensor for aerospace composite and structures health monitoring

  25. 几种航天用材料疲劳裂纹扩展速率的定量估算研究

    The Study of Quantitative Estimate for Several Space Used Materials ' Fatigue Crack Propagation

  26. 高性能航天航空材料&聚醚酮酮

    High Performance Aviation and Spaceflight Material & PEKK

  27. 马野(音译),21岁,沈阳航空航天大学材料科学与工程专业学生

    Ma Ye , 21 , materials science and engineering major student from Shenyang Aerospace University

  28. 航天服材料与发展动向

    Material of space suit and developing trend

  29. 航空航天用材料未来的发展途径

    Future Development of Materials for Aerospace

  30. 热压罐-铺层技术是现阶段航空、航天复合材料构件的主要成型方法,但使用该技术对航天领域大型复杂结构舱段进行整体成型的相关工艺研究很少。

    Nowadays autoclave-overlay technology is the main molding method to fabricate composite components applied in aerospace .