
  • 网络baroness;Baroness Thatcher;baroness philippine de rothschild
  1. 撒切尔女男爵的主张在很多人看来是可信的。

    Baroness Thatcher 's claims seem credible to many

  2. 对于正在谋求连任的欧盟贸易专员阿什顿女男爵(baronessashton)来说,这个时机尤为尴尬。

    The timing is particularly awkward for Baroness Ashton , the European Trade Commissioner , who is seeking reappointment to the next Commission .

  3. 欧洲碳排放市场今天遭到真正沉重的打击,碳排放交易市场监督组织Sandbag创始人沃辛顿女男爵(BaronessWorthington)表示。

    The carbon market in Europe has suffered a real blow today , said Baroness Worthington , founder of the Sandbag carbon market monitoring group .

  4. 现任欧盟贸易专员阿什顿女男爵(BaronessAshton)上月发布初步意见,建议延长关税15个月。她提出,欧洲的市场份额才刚刚开始恢复。

    Baroness Ashton , trade commissioner , last month issued a preliminary recommendation for a 15-month extension , arguing that European market share had only just begun to recover .

  5. “我们的会议充分展示出,欧盟与中国对彼此都至关重要,”欧盟贸易专员阿什顿女男爵(baronessashton)表示。

    " Our meeting is a visible demonstration that the European Union and China are of the utmost importance to one another , " said Baroness Ashton , European trade commissioner .

  6. 撒切尔的发言人贝尔(TimothyBell)说,马克·撒切尔(MarkThatcher)和卡罗尔·撒切尔(CarolThatcher)满怀悲痛地宣布,他们的母亲、撒切尔女男爵周一上午突发中风,平静地去世,享年87岁。

    ' It is with great sadness that Mark and Carol Thatcher announced that their mother , Baroness Thatcher , died peacefully following a stroke this morning , ' said Mrs. Thatcher 's spokesman , Timothy Bell . She was 87 .

  7. 英国前保守党首相撒切尔女男爵去世,享年87岁。

    Former Conservative Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher has died aged 87 .

  8. 我们需要能够独立生存的产业,阿什顿女男爵表示。

    We need to have viable industries , Lady Ashton said .

  9. 首先,卡梅伦应当效仿撒切尔女男爵。

    Oddly , Mr Cameron should try emulating Baroness Thatcher .

  10. 由於对国王的忠诚,她被封於女男爵的头衔。

    She is awarded the title of Baroness for her loyalty to the Ling .

  11. 如果一位女士获得了终身贵族荣誉,她就成为一名女男爵;获得骑士荣誉的女性就成为女爵士。

    If a woman receives a life peerage , she becomes a " Baroness " while a female knight is known as a " Dame " .

  12. 英国阿普霍兰女男爵阿什顿被任命为高级代表,负责外交与安全政策,也是欧盟委员会的副主席。

    English peer Baroness Ashton of Upholland was named as High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy , and will also be vice-president of the European Commission .

  13. 1995年,撒切尔夫人荣获嘉德骑士勋章;在此之前,她还被册封为终身贵族,成为林肯郡克斯蒂文区的女男爵。

    Later years She was elevated to the peerage as Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven in the County of Lincolnshire , receiving the Order of the Garter in 1995 .

  14. 阿什顿女男爵将会不停地乘坐飞机出访,从德黑兰到特拉维夫,从北京到莫斯科,用女性风格给欧盟外交政策注入新鲜血液。

    And Baroness Ashton will be hopping on and off aircraft from Tehran to Tel Aviv and Beijing to Moscow , refreshing European foreign policy with a feminine touch .

  15. 40年前,撒切尔女男爵的保守党将英国带进欧盟,如今它已分裂成两派。一派希望同欧盟保持正常的关系,另一派希望走出欧洲大陆,此派的阵营正在壮大。

    Baroness Thatcher 's Conservative Party , which took Britain into Europe four decades ago , is divided between those who long for an arm 's-length relationship and those who want to walk out .

  16. 上周末在新德里出席贸易部长会议的阿什顿女男爵在当地一次记者会上表示,欧盟与美国未来几个月有可能商定一项争端解决方案。

    During a weekend meeting with reporters in New Delhi , where she was attending a gathering of trade ministers , Lady Ashton suggested there was the possibility of negotiating a settlement in the months ahead .

  17. 在今后几十年、甚至几百年,她的行为和成就都将被人们所熟知。[qh]白金汉宫[qh]听闻撒切尔女男爵离世,女王深表悲痛。

    And people will be learning about what she did and her achievements in decades , probably for centuries to come . [ qh ] BUCKINGHAM PALACE [ qh ] The Queen is sad to hear the news of the death of Baroness Thatcher .

  18. 比起邻居拉图庄和姐妹园碧尚女爵堡,男爵堡的酒性如何?

    Comparing to your neighbor Chateau Latour and your sibling Chateau Pichon Lalade , what is the outstanding difference of your wine ?