
  • 网络women's basketball
  1. CUBA女子篮球队的绩效管理研究

    Study on Performance Management of CUBA Women 's Basketball Team

  2. 在女子篮球中也是一样,同一个理由,WNBA芝加哥天空队的经理兼教练史蒂芬,KEY说。

    It is no different in women 's basketball , for the same reason , said Steven Key , the coach and general manager of the Chicago Sky of the W.N.B.A.

  3. 2002年的《女篮辣哥》里,一位NBA篮球明星失业后决定加入美国女子篮球联赛。

    When a NBA star loses his job , he decides to join the WNBA instead in2002 's Juwanna Mann .

  4. CUBA联赛随着篮球的发展,逐渐走上了专业化道路,女子篮球联赛也正蓬勃发展。

    CUBA league with the development of basketball , the specialization of gradually took to the road , women basketball league is also booming .

  5. 我国优秀女子篮球运动员O2max与部分有氧能力相关指标的研究

    The Research on Correlative Index between ■ O_2max and Partly Aerobic Capacity of Our Elite Female Basketball Players

  6. 近100名中国初高中男子和女子篮球、田径、游泳和拉拉队教练被送到犹他大学,和被送去亚利桑那州立大学(ArizonaStateUniversity)的中国高校教练人数大致相当。该校也是太平洋十二校联盟的成员。

    Nearly 100 Chinese junior high and high school coaches in the sports of men 's and women 's basketball , track and field , swimming and cheerleading were sent to Utah , and roughly the same number of Chinese college coaches went to Arizona State , which is also in the Pac-12 .

  7. 通过对2002-2003赛季WCBA和WNBA女子篮球运动员的身高、体重、年龄比较分析,发现WCBA运动员中锋和前锋身高低于WNBA运动员,体重和年龄小于WNBA运动员。

    Through comparative analysis on height , weight and age from WCBA and WNBA players in 2002-2003 , the author finds out that the height of forward and central forward from WCBA is lower than that of WNBA . The age and weight from CBA players is lower than WNBA .

  8. 女子篮球运动员对抗能力的研究

    A study of the defensive ability . of women basketball player

  9. 女子篮球专修学生相当“一级水平”的定量化评定

    Quatitative Evaluation of Female Basketball Students Equivalent to the First Grade Players

  10. 辽宁省青年女子篮球队运动员训练的生物学综合监测

    Biological Monitor on Liaoning Junior Woman Basketball Player 's Training

  11. 对我国青年女子篮球运动员智力的研究

    A research on the intelligence of china 's youth female basketball players

  12. 台湾地区女子篮球运动的现状与发展对策研究

    The Research on the Strategy and Situation of Women Basketball in Taiwan

  13. 我国职业女子篮球运动员心理技能特征研究

    Psychological Skills Study on Professional Female Basketball Athletes in China

  14. 谁是这个女子篮球队的教练。

    Who 's coaching this women 's basketball team ?

  15. 中外女子篮球快攻特点的对比研究

    Contrastive study of the quick attack characteristics of Chinese and foreign women basketball

  16. 当代优秀女子篮球中锋个人进攻特点分析

    Analysis on Individual Attack Characteristics of Modern Elite Central Forward in Woman Basketball

  17. 王平:近年来,女子篮球也有了这样的趋势。

    Wang Ping : In recent years , female basketball has this tendency .

  18. 从全国少年女篮比赛论提高少年女子篮球技术水平

    Initial Discussion on Improving Techniques of Junior Girls Basketball

  19. 中国女子篮球技术男子化发展现状的研究

    The Analysis on the Development of Men 's Technical of Chinese Women 's Basketball

  20. 你昨天看了女子篮球赛实况转播没有?

    Did you watch the live broadcast of the women 's basketball match yesterday ?

  21. 互促方式在女子篮球教学中的运用

    Exerting Mutual-Promoting Methods in Women 's Basketball Teaching

  22. 康涅狄格州立大学女子篮球队战胜圣母大学队之后举行庆祝。

    And the UConn ladies team celebrates their NCAA title win against Notre Dame .

  23. 女子篮球运动员运动情景中决策能力的实验研究

    The Experimental Study on Decision-Making Ability of Women 's Basketball players at Sport Scene

  24. 世界优秀女子篮球联赛的比较

    Comparative study of excellent Women 's basketball championships

  25. 篮球后备人才梯队建设是我国女子篮球运动复兴的基础。

    The construction of reserve forces is the base to our basketball revival for women .

  26. 部分优秀女子篮球运动员竞技能力的主导因素分析

    Analysis on leading factors of Athletics Performance in some elite female basketball players in China

  27. 女子篮球运动员的人格特质,自我效能感和应激应对之间的关系

    The Relationship between Personality Traits , Self-efficacy and Stress Coping Styles of Woman Basketball Players

  28. 当代代优秀女子篮球中锋进攻技术运用方式的研究

    Research on Utilization of Centers Offensive Skills of Modern Elite Central Forward in Woman Basketball

  29. 运用韦纳的归因理论和分析方法,对我国27名健将级(包括国际健将)女子篮球运动员进行调查研究。

    27 top-level Chinese women basketball players were investigated with the attribution theory and methods of Weiner .

  30. 福建省女子篮球运动员罚球与神经类型间关系的研究

    Researches on the Relation Between Free Throw and Nerve Types of Women Basketball Players of Fujian Province