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  • 网络Moral Instruction for Women
  1. 论儒家思想对近世日本女训的影响

    The Influence of Confucianism on the Moral Instruction for Women in Early Modern Japan

  2. 论日本女训中的儒家女性观

    The Confucian View of Women in the Japanese Lesson Books for Women

  3. 中国古代女训的精华及其当代价值

    The Quintessence of the Ancient Chinese Instructions for Women and Its Modern Values

  4. 唐代女训呈现出积极与保守并存的一面。

    The Tang Dynasty female teaches presents positive and conservative coexisting one side .

  5. 中国传统女训的当代审视&以班昭《女诫》为例

    Contemporary judgement on traditional Chinese instructions for women with ban chao ′ s 《 woman precepts 》 as an example

  6. 受中国女训影响,随着儒家思想的兴盛以及封建家制度的确立和完善,日本女训在近世得到了广泛的发展和普及。

    With the prospering of Confucianism and the establishment and improvement of the feudal family system , the Japanese lesson books for women have gained extensive development and popularization in modern Japan under the influence of the Chinese lesson books for women .