
  1. 发展我国高水平女子铅球运动员专项速度的探讨

    The Development of Specific Speed of Chinese Elite Female Shot Putters

  2. 优秀女子铅球运动员李梅素训练研究

    Multi-years Training of Elite Female Shot Putter & Li Mei-Su

  3. 优秀女子铅球运动员周淑琴掷球技术的运动学分析

    Kinetic Analysis on Throwing Technique of Elite Woman Shot Putter Zhou Shu-qin

  4. 我国女子铅球优秀运动员投掷技术分析

    Analysis of the shot putting techniques of excellent female shot putters in China

  5. 女子铅球运动员出手角度的研究与分析

    A study and analysis on suitable push angle of female shot - sport

  6. 我国女子铅球的显赫成绩与主要经验

    The Excellent Achievements and Experience of Women 's Shot Put in Our Country

  7. 女子铅球运动员最后用力技术的三维运动学分析

    The 3-D Kinematics on Our Hill Women Shot Putters at the Last Exertion

  8. 试析我国女子铅球项目发展的主要特征及存在的主要问题

    Analysis of Main Features and Problems in the Development of China Women 's Shot

  9. 对优秀女子铅球运动员衔接技术球速理想值的探讨

    Optimal Value of Shot Velocity Coming From Connected Technique Used by Elite Female Shot Putters

  10. 青少年女子铅球运动员身体素质与专项技术训练指标及监测系统

    Indexes and Monitoring System of Juvenile Girls Shot Putters'Physical Quality Training and Specific Technical Training

  11. 青少年女子铅球运动员赛前减量安排与身体机能变化规律的研究

    Research on Regulation of Tapering Arrangement and Body Function Changing of Junior Female Shot Putter

  12. 2009年黑龙江省室内田径锦标赛女子铅球成绩分析

    Research on the Women 's Shot-put Performance in 2009 Indoor Track and Field Championships in Heilongjiang

  13. 女士们,先生们,女子铅球决赛的发奖仪式现在开始。

    Ladies and gentlemen , the victory ceremony for women 's shot put final now begins .

  14. 上肢超等长肌力练习对女子铅球教学效果的影响

    Effect on Teaching Result of Women 's Shot with Upper Limbs of Super Long Muscular Strength Practice

  15. 女子铅球运动员的早期训练

    Early training of women shot

  16. 我国现役优秀女子铅球运动员动作技术的运动学及其专项能力特征的研究

    Research on the Characteristics of Special Capacity and Kinematics Techniques of China 's Outstanding Women Shot Putter

  17. 优秀女子铅球运动员在投掷过程中对外输出机械能及其与动作技术关系的研究

    Research on the Relationship between the Outputting Mechanical Energy and the Throwing Technique of Elite Woman Shot putters

  18. 优秀女子铅球运动员李玲滑步、过渡阶段速度节奏特征研究

    The Research of Velocity Rhythm Characteristic on Gliding and Transitional Stage Technique of Domestic Female Elite Shot Putter Liling

  19. 振动力量训练对女子铅球运动员支撑腿膝关节屈伸肌肉力量影响的实验研究

    Experimental study of vibration strength training of flexing and extending muscle of knee joint in supporting leg for women shot-putters

  20. 两次世界冠军得主巩立姣将力争登上女子铅球上领奖台。

    Two-time world championship medallist Gong Lijiao will strive for a position on the podium in the women 's shot put .

  21. 在过渡阶段7名少年女子铅球运动员与优秀运动员相比,过渡时间较长。

    Compared with top athletes , the transition time of the 7 young female shot-putters is long in the transitional stage .

  22. 由于各种原因,女子铅球运动的发展落后了男子近半个世纪。

    Due to various reasons , the development of female shot has fallen behind the male shot for nearly half a century .

  23. 1986年起国家集训队女子铅球项目成立了攻关组,对铅球项目的本质进行了重新认识。

    In 1986 , a research group in the national female shot team was founded to re-recognize the essence of shot event .

  24. 文中结合训练实践经验,探讨了发展高水平女子铅球运动员专项速度能力的方法及途径。

    With our training experiences , the ways and means for improving the specific speed ability of elite female shot putters is discussed in the paper .

  25. 男子铁饼、标枪和女子铅球、铁饼、标枪可能挤进世界前10名。

    It 's likely that China will enter the 10 in men 's discus throw and javelin and women 's shot , discus and javelin throw .

  26. 结果表明:我国优秀女子铅球运动员在滑步阶段,左腿有效摆动不足,右腿蹬伸力量、速度不佳。

    The result shows that the effective swinging of left leg is insufficient and extending strength of right leg is not good at the stage of sliding .

  27. 以12名中外优秀女子铅球运动员的26次较为理想的试掷为依据,对铅球衔接技术的平均球迷进行分析。

    Based on the 26 better puts of 12 elite female putters from China and other countries , the average shot velocity of connected techniques is analysed .

  28. 第一个女子铅球比赛的世界记录诞生于1934年,成绩是14.38米。1948年女子铅球才被列为奥运会比赛项目。

    The first female record of 14.38 meters was set up in 1934 . Not until in 1948 was the female shot placed in the Olympic competition events .

  29. 本研究运用高速摄影和影片解析法对我国优秀女子铅球运动员背向滑步推铅球技术进行分析,获得大量有价值的图表和速度曲线。

    The author tested the shot putting technique of elite female shot putters with high speed camera in some competitions , and gained many valuable curves and data .

  30. 另外研究发现了我国女子铅球项目高水平年轻后备力量脱节和优秀运动员年龄老化的问题。

    In addition , the research discovers the aging problem of excellent athletes and the gap between the young reserve forces and the high - level athletes in the shot event .