
nǚ zhuāng
  • Women's clothing;women's wear;women's dress;frock;the attire of a woman
女装 [nǚ zhuāng]
  • (1) [women's wear]∶女子的服装

  • (2) [the attire of a woman]∶女子的装束

  • 男扮女装

女装[nǚ zhuāng]
  1. 对最新日本文化式女装原型的研究

    Study on latest cultural prototype of Japanese women 's dress

  2. 杭州女装创建强势品牌的探讨

    Approaches to Building Strong Brands of Hangzhou Women 's Dress

  3. 演出中有一位男扮女装的演员。

    The show included a female impersonator .

  4. 他身着女装演出。

    He performed in drag .

  5. 我是女装部的进货员。

    I was a buyer for the women 's clothing department .

  6. 朱诺系列专门针对身材较为丰满的女士推出大号女装。

    The Juno Collection specialises in large sizes for ladies with a fuller figure .

  7. 出售的女装有小号、中号和大号。

    Women 's apparel is offered in petite , regular , and tall models .

  8. 还安排了娱乐活动,星期三是男扮女装演出,星期天是脱衣舞演出。

    Entertainment is laid on too , in the form of drag on Wednesdays and strippers on Sundays

  9. 她喜欢从背部扣纽扣的女装。

    She liked the dress that buttons down the back .

  10. 她有一套漂亮的女装。

    She has a fashionable ensemble .

  11. 凡妮莎是女装部的售货员。

    Vanessa is a salesperson in a woman 's wear department .

  12. 可是,这股男扮女装的风气,仍然没有能够刹住。

    But this trend among women to dress like men couldn 't be discouraged .

  13. 假口袋的问题主要存在于女装,不过男装也经常沦为假口袋的牺牲者。

    The problem exists primarily with women 's apparel , though men 's suits often fall victim to the practice .

  14. “老公椅”是女装店或商场女装部里的椅子,供男士在女友或老婆选购时坐下来一边休息一边等待。

    Husband chair is a chair in a womens ' clothes store / department for a guy to sit in and wait while his wife or girlfriend shops . Example :

  15. PU变色贴膜革的贴膜生产技术冬季女装色彩预测

    Technology on producing polyurethane color - change transfer coating leather

  16. 其他一些知名品牌,比如SaksFifthAvenue,则退出了大码女装领域,它的专业大码女装品牌Avenue也宣告破产。

    Yet other big names , including Saks Fifth Avenue , have exited ; plus-sizebrand Avenue went bankrupt .

  17. 通过电影会发现FBI探员经常男扮女装。

    Shawn and Marlon Wayans According to the movies , FBI agents are always dressing in drag .

  18. 冬季女装色彩预测涤纶DTY色丝生产工艺浅析

    The analysis of technological process in producing DTY color filament

  19. 棉蚜AphisgossypiiGlover在不同寄主上的体色分化研究冬季女装色彩预测

    Study on the body color differentiation of Aphis gossypii Glover from different host

  20. 派克表示,虽然Gap的牛仔女装业务稍有起色,但该品牌的上装,尤其是针织衫,缺乏时尚感,而且既不合身也不好看。

    While women 's denim is showing a bit of improvement , Peck said that Gap is missing the mark fashion wise on tops , particularly wovens and knits , with poor fits and an unappealing esthetic .

  21. 根据女装日报报道,Boy系列(型号未规定)在欧洲市场上的价格将从3100欧元升至3720欧元,然而在中国,此皮包的价格将从32700人民币跌至26000人民币。

    According to WWD , the price of Boy ( the size isn 't stipulated ) in Europe will rise from Euro 3100 to Euro3720 , while in China , it will fall from ¥ 32700 to ¥ 26000 .

  22. 公司介绍本公司主要经营韩版、女装、男装、中老年服装、童装等、并承接韩版服装OEM外贸加工。

    The company mainly engaged in Korean , women , men , middle-aged clothing , children 's clothing , etc. , and undertake Korean apparel OEM trade processing .

  23. 美泰还与顶级女装设计师VeraWang签订了协议,后者将在上海出售一件灵感来自芭比、价值1万美元的婚纱。

    Mattel has also struck a deal with Vera Wang , a top women 's fashion designer , who will be selling a $ 10,000 Barbie - inspired wedding dress in Shanghai .

  24. 这件衣服是完全由废弃物质所造的,是由意大利高档女装设计师设计的,由伦敦时装设计师OrsoladeCastro所造。

    The dress is made entirely from material discarded by upmarket couturiers in Italy , and created by London designer Orsola de Castro .

  25. 上月,人们发现凯特在伦敦英皇道上进行最后一次单身扫货,据《电讯报》报道,她在中型女装连锁店Warehouse为4条8码的裙子花去了225镑。

    When Kate was spotted enjoying her last single shopping spree on King ` s Road last month , the Telegraph reported that she spent £ 225 for four size 8 dresses from Warehouse , a mid-market women ` s fashion chain .

  26. 在杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabbana)2017年女装春夏发布会上,印有“山寨”标识的T恤成为了重头戏;

    At Dolce & Gabbana , " fake " logo T-shirts were made a central part of the women 's SS17 collection .

  27. 冬季女装色彩预测GS-501活性染料固色剂的合成及应用研究

    Synthesis and Application of GS-501 Reactive Dye Color Fixing Agent

  28. 其结果正如这位设计师发表在《女装日报》(Women'sWearDaily),解释自己决定的信中所说:“商业的限制以及推出系列的疯狂步调让我不得自由,也没有时间去革新、寻找新的创意。”

    As a result , said the designer in a letter to Women 's Wear Daily explaining his decision , " Commercial constraints , as well as the frenetic pace of collections , don 't leave any freedom , nor the necessary time to find fresh ideas and to innovate . "

  29. 自从摩斯开始穿着迷你短裤、背心在泥泞中打闹,并追到男朋友皮特•多西提(PeteDoherty)后,商业大街和高级女装业就都瞅到了机会,做买卖的机会。

    Ever since Moss started splashing around in the mud in her micro-shorts , vests and Hunters after boyfriend Pete Doherty , the high street and high fashion have both seen opportunity .

  30. J.Crew女装设计副总裁汤姆&12539;莫拉(TomMora)说:我们对这种款式进行了研究,起初觉得可能会稍作修改。

    ' We pulled up the pattern , and at first we thought we might alter it a little , ' said J.Crew 's vice president of women 's design Tom Mora .