
nǚ tónɡ zǐ jūn
  • girl scouts;Guide;girl guide;brownie;ranger
  1. 鲁丝,亲爱的,每个星期二你要帮助她把你的女童子军制服准备好。

    Ruthie , honey , help her get your Brownie uniform ready each Tuesday .

  2. 对于在一年一度义卖活动中卖饼干的3200万名美国女童子军来说,她们的任务不只是要牢记十一种风味的饼干。

    For the32 million American Girl Scouts who sell cookies in an annual drive , there is a lot more to do than memorize the11 varieties .

  3. 据美国女童子军(GirlScoutsoftheUSA)组织报告,童子军还提供其他学习生活-工作技能的机会。

    The Girl Scouts of the USA organization reports that it offers other opportunities to learn life-work skills .

  4. 我所学的这种方法是由一位女童子军想出来的。

    The method I was taught came from a girl guide .

  5. 新的幼年女童子军发誓待人慈善,乐于助人。

    New brownies make a promise to be kind and helpful .

  6. 不再给你送女童子军饼干了。

    Won 't deliver Girl Scout cookies to you anymore .

  7. 我以为是某个女童子军在卖饼干。

    I figured it was some girl scout selling cookies .

  8. 在这里,我认为我们是在制造武器,而不是训练女童子军。

    And here I thought we were building weapons , not girl scouts .

  9. 女童子军的官员表示,人数减少主要是因为社会因素的影响。

    Girls Scouts officials say the drop is largely due to societal factors .

  10. 你在女童子军时没学打结吗?

    Didn 't teach you knots in Girl Scouts ?

  11. 五个女童子军站成南十字星的形状。

    Five Brownies stand in the position of the stars of the Southern Cross .

  12. 她属于当地的女童子军组织。

    She beings to the local guide company .

  13. 你曾参加过女童子军吗?

    Were you ever in the guides ?

  14. 露西是女童子军队员。

    Lucy is a girl guide .

  15. 女童子军的成员数量连续第二年大幅减少。

    For a second straight year , membership in the girl scouts has reportedly dropped sharply .

  16. 接下来是美国女童子军全国理事会的午餐会

    followed by a luncheon for the national board of directors for the girl scouts of America .

  17. 我们的一个调查对象说女童子军比赛卖脆饼的经历有助于塑造她的性格。

    One of our subjects told us selling Girl Scout cookies was a formative experience for her ;

  18. 据它的网站介绍,美国女童子军仍然学习传统的烹饪、手工艺品制作和户外野营。

    According to its website , U.S.Girl Scouts continue to learn old-fashioned cooking , making crafts and camping .

  19. 童子军由至少五个男童子军或女童子军组成的由一个成年人领导的小队。

    A unit of at least five Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts under the guidance of an adult leader .

  20. 女童子军曾经如此成功地销售饼乾,以致于饼乾的销售成为此组织的主要资金来源。

    The Girl Scouts have been so successful selling cookies that cookie sales are a major source of funding for this organization .

  21. 女童子军销售这麽多饼乾,从选货、清算、到整理每年大量涌至的订单已变成一个很大的挑战。

    The Girl Scouts sell so many cookies that collecting , counting , and organizing the annual avalanche of orders has become a tremendous challenge .

  22. 从1917年以来,这个组织首次作饼乾的宣传,花生夹心、焦糖芝士堡、淡薄荷女童子军饼乾等曾经是美国人的最爱。

    Peanut Butter Petites , Caramel DeLites , Thin Mints – Girl Scout Cookies have been American favorites since the organization 's first cookie drive in1917 .

  23. 也许,在孩童时期,你卖过女童子军饼干或是推销过杂志订阅,以此来为你的校队筹集资金。那也是一种推销!

    Maybe , as a child , you sold Girl Scout cookies or magazine subscriptions to raise money for your school team . That was selling too !

  24. 第二份叫做《青春期的少女》,是密歇根大学调查研究中心为女童子军所作的研究报告。

    The second was called " Adolescent Girls " and was a study made for the Girl Scouts by the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan .

  25. 青少年时期,拉加德曾热心投入女童子军的活动,还加入了花样游泳队,积极参加训练。她所在的花样游泳队曾在法国全国赛事中取得辉煌的成绩。

    As a teenager , she was a keen girl scout and a dedicated member of a synchronised swimming team , which achieved glory in the French national competitions .

  26. 在其1990年出版的面向非营利行业的指南中,他写道:无论是女童子军还是教会,非营利组织知道他们需要管理,以便专注于自己的使命。

    He wrote in a 1990 handbook for the sector that non-profits , from Girl Scouts to Bible circles , know they need management so they can concentrate on their mission .

  27. 女童子军可能会说她们反对这种做法,但是这种做法已经成为青年人“部落”习惯了,他们一律普遍地遵守它。

    The Girl Scouts may say that they are against it , but it has become a tribal custom of the young that they observe with almost universal respect all the same .

  28. 父母们从工作上匆忙赶回家来把孩子们带去练习足球、上钢琴课和参加女童子军的聚会,连在免下车餐厅稍停购买快餐的时间都没有。

    Parents rush home from work to to take them to soccer practice , piano lessons and Girl Scout meetings , all before hitting the drive-through window to pick up fast food for dinner .

  29. 玛丽安并没有告诉她,这次拜访会让她在自己参加的女童子军协会举办的竞赛中赢得三个奖励积分。

    Marian , the little girl , did not tell her that this visit would give her three points in the competition held at the girl 's scouts " association she was part of .

  30. 希钦斯知道,她的成长经历能够激励很多拉美裔年轻人,因此她总是抽时间参加女童子军和其它社区组织的工作,鼓励孩子们树立远大的志向。

    Hitchings says she knows that many young Latinos could be inspired by her example and she spends time working with the Girl Scouts and other community groups to encourage children to aspire to great things .