
  • 网络PLDT;MCI;NTT Com
  1. 有多少次你抱怨高费用和长途电话公司滥吗?

    How many times have you complained about high long distance costs and phone companies overcharging you ?

  2. 当一个呼叫中心忙时,你可以通知长途电话公司将所有的800呼入电话转移到另一个空闲的呼叫中心。

    When one gets busy , you may tell your long distance company to route all the800 inbound phone calls to the call center , which isn 't busy .

  3. 长途电话这家电话公司对长途电话提供统一费率。

    long-distance call The phone company offers a flat rate for long-distance calls .