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  1. 长计历与公历之间的双向换算,只限前公历。

    Convert date from Maya long count to Gregorian calendar .

  2. 这一天只是玛雅人一个纪元的结束,但随着而来的是玛雅人长纪历的开始,就像我们的新一年的日历从1月1日开始一样。

    This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period but then just as your calendar begins again on January 1 another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar .

  3. 建立了有广泛适应性和较高准确性的麦长管蚜发育历期、寿命、存活、生殖模型。

    Models of development , longevity , fecundity and survival with widely adaptability and higher accuracy were constructed .