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chāo běn
  • transcript;copy;a handwritten copy;hand-copied book
抄本 [chāo běn]
  • [hand-copied book;transcript; copy] 按原书抄写的书本

抄本[chāo běn]
  1. 抄本上全是密码,这种做法是所有军队的惯例。

    The transcript is full of codewords , which is standard practice in any army .

  2. 我是从她证词的誊抄本上看的

    I was reading from the transcript of her deposition .

  3. 这个文本仍有两份14世纪手抄本存世。

    Two fourteenth-century manuscripts of this text are still extant

  4. 这是一本有价值的中世纪手抄本。

    This is a valuable medieval manuscript .

  5. 我找出市政务听证会的抄本。

    I dug up the transcripts of the City Council hearings .

  6. 徽州人编纂的一部商业启蒙书&《日平常》抄本

    Ri Ping Chang , a Commercial Primer Compiled by Huizhou Natives

  7. 这个抄本和原书完全一样。

    The copy is every bit as good as the original .

  8. 乾隆抄本百廿回红楼梦稿辨伪

    Identification of the Qianlong Handwritten Copy of Dream of the Red Chamber

  9. 我从那一大堆抄本中抽出了那句简单句。

    I isolated that simple sentence from the huge transcription .

  10. 珍贵的阿拉伯书籍和古代廷巴克图的羊皮纸手抄本。

    Treasured Arabic Books and parchment manuscripts from ancient timbuktu .

  11. 对其用字特点、抄本特征、版本学价值等应进行必要的探讨。

    Research on a method of multipurpose digital demodulation based on SDR ;

  12. 把抄本送到七大王国每一个角落

    Send copies of that letter to every corner of the realm .

  13. 论中世纪手抄本外部形态构造的三维化

    On the 3-D Structure of External Shape of the Medieval Time Codex Book

  14. 你想要我们谈话的抄本吗?

    Y ou want a transcript of the conversation ?

  15. 昨天,我在博物馆看到了大量的古代手抄本。

    Yesterday , I saw any amount of old manuscripts in the museum .

  16. 这份抄本与原件不符。

    The copy doesn 't correspond with the original .

  17. 希腊的数学著作主要取材于拜占庭的希腊文手抄本。

    The chief sources for the Greek mathematical works are Byzantine Greek codices .

  18. 社长秘书已经准备好了几种会议记录的抄本。

    The club 's secretary prepared several transcripts of minutes of the meeting .

  19. 专家们现在已经从古抄本手稿中找到一张机器狮的设计草图。

    Now specialists already found a mechanic lion design draft in the ancient transcripts .

  20. 雷夫让我看了你的文章的抄本。

    Rafe showed me copies of your articles .

  21. 聊天结束后可以获得抄本。

    Transcripts are available for completed chats .

  22. 按本合同第(11)条规定的装运通知电报抄本。

    Copy of telegram advising shipment according to Clause ( 11 ) of this Contract .

  23. 如果你遇到了麻烦,查看一下抄本的发现并修理故障主题文章。

    If you run into problems , check out the Codex 's Troubleshooting Themes article .

  24. 这抄本与原件不符。本文件译自未经正式审定的英文原件

    This copy does not correspond with the original . document is reproduced without formal editing

  25. 在古登堡之后,手抄本的出版实际上继续增长,而且它的存在一直延续到三个世纪之后。

    Manuscript publishing actually expanded after Gutenberg and continued to thrive for the next three centuries .

  26. 为了和平,他筹集到六百万美元,通过他的1905年研究论文手抄本

    He was able to raise six million dollars for peace by handwriting his 1905 research paper

  27. 该信息可能包含电子邮件、网络会议抄本和记录,等等。

    This information might consist of emails , Web meeting transcripts and recordings , and so on .

  28. 该馆藏有1092年《阿尔汉格尔斯克福音书》的斯拉夫语手抄本。

    Its possessions include the Archangel Gospel , a codex in the Slavonic language dating from 1092 .

  29. 蒙古族出版史的整个历史时期,手抄本远远超过刻印本。

    Publishing in the history of the Mongolian historical period , far more than the printed manuscript .

  30. 这些立于主殿入口之侧石塔上包含的是十世纪佛经抄本的内容。

    The stone towers flanking the entrance of the main hall contain10th-century copies of the Buddhist sutras .