
  • 网络bargain-hunting;bottom fishing
  1. 海外抄底,该加速了吗?赵宇空。

    Should Overseas Bargain-hunting be Accelerate ?

  2. 如今,面对迪拜金融危机后,抄底,来的外国炒房客。

    Now , faced with financial crisis in Dubai , bargain-hunting , to foreign real estate speculators .

  3. 随着股价上涨,寻求抄底的投资者应该密切关注特定城市的房价走势及库存趋势。

    As shares rise , bargain-hunting investors should keep an eye on city-specific pricing and inventory trends .

  4. 事实上,此类股票的价值被极高的估计,抄底投资者开始驱动股票价值升得更高。

    Eventually , however , such stocks become very overpriced and bargain-hunting investors start to drive value stocks higher .

  5. 他说,我们只想抄底,不想追涨。

    ' We want to buy where prices are cheap , rather than chasing rising prices , 'he said .

  6. 同时,金融危机的推动作用,也为我国汽车企业抄底国际汽车市场提供了机遇。

    Meanwhile , the detriment of financial crisis provides an appropriate opportunity for our auto enterprises to bottom-fish foreign auto ones .

  7. 市场参与者警告称,此类交易标志着机会主义的投资者正在“抄底”,他们的战略可能会因为利率提升而改变。

    Market participants warn that the activity represents " bottom-feeding " by opportunistic investors whose strategies could be derailed by rising interest rates .

  8. 但吉布森教授表示,税收效应的影响还是很大的,希望抄底的投资者应当耐心等待。

    But Prof. Gibson says it is strong enough that investors looking to pick up shares on the cheap would be well-served to wait .

  9. 如果奥林巴斯能逃过抄底买家的恶意收购,那么它将需要一个新的领导层。

    If Olympus can escape a hostile takeover from a buyer who sees its shares are cheap , then it will need new leadership .

  10. 房主想要的价格和抄底商准备支付的数额仍存在巨大的落差,这阻碍了双方的交易。

    There is still a big gap between the prices that owners want and that bargain-hunters are prepared to pay , which is holding up deals .

  11. 这不但打破了人们对大陆股市的传统看法,或许还能启示人们到哪里寻找能够抄底的股票。

    This will not only break the people 's traditional views on the mainland stock market , may also find inspiration wherever people can Buy low stocks .

  12. 另外,从图形上看,市场仍存在很多的问题,贸然地大举抄底似乎并不安全。

    In addition , there are still too many problems on the charts to believe that it is safe to throw all of our cash into the market .

  13. 当市场下跌时,那些在买入时就知道股价不合理的人同时往外冲;在股价跳水之前,不太可能出现进场抄底的人。

    When the market turns down , those who bought knowing prices were unreasonable all rush out at once ; bargain-hunters are unlikely to appear until prices have plunged .

  14. 新的股权投资者(其股票目前仍遭停牌,现有投资者正呼吁撤换管理层)如果能在违约发生后抄底买入资产更好。

    Fresh equity investors ( its shares are still suspended ; current investors are calling for new management ) would surely be better off picking up assets after a default .

  15. 中国的抄底投资者正准备前往洛杉矶和旧金山等美国房价下跌最严重的城市。

    Chinese bargain hunters are preparing to descend on American cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco , where homeowners have suffered some of the steepest price falls in the US .

  16. 但周弋邦表示,随着现金充裕的投资者尝试进入股市抄底并进行有选择性的收购,并购交易量在今年晚些时候可能会上升。

    However , Mr Chau said that there could be an increase in volume later this year as cash-rich investors attempt to call the bottom of the stock markets and make selective acquisitions .

  17. 驻上海的一位房地产公司高管表示:“我很害怕美国市场,不过这里有很多人认为这是抄底的绝好时机。”

    " The US market absolutely terrifies me , " said one Shanghai-based real estate executive . " However , there are plenty of people here who think this a great time for bottom-fishing . "

  18. 银行停止了整个游艇市场的融资,他说,但确实认为造船厂有交易发生,同时一些市场抄底者急于折价购买。

    The banks across the whole market of yachting just pulled the plug on the financing , he says , confirming that there are deals to be had at shipyards and that there are some bottom-feeders out there eager to buy at a discount .

  19. 陈元表示:现在大家都说要到西方市场上去抄底,我觉得不应该去美国的华尔街抄底,而是要多考虑一下世界上拥有资源和能源的地区。

    Everyone is saying we should go to the western markets to scoop up [ underpriced assets ] , said Chen Yuan . I think we should not go to America 's Wall Street , but should look more to places with natural and energy resources .

  20. 周德文表示,温州企业通常每年都会前往全球房地产市场,进行两到三次这样的狂热投资。他指出,去年温州投资者去了法国、德国和美国,利用金融危机抄底当地房地产。

    Wenzhou entrepreneurs usually take two to three such shopping sprees to global real estate markets each year , says Mr Zhou , noting that investors from this eastern Chinese city visited France , Germany and the US last year , looking for property bargains from the financial crisis .