
  • 网络Stock price manipulation;manipulation
  1. 6月的一项判决洗脱了孤星基金操纵股价的罪名,但是检举者接着提起了上诉。

    Prosecutors have appealed against a judgment in June that acquitted Lone Star of charges of share-price manipulation .

  2. 研究发现,不诚实的内幕人通过发布虚假信息操纵股价,诚实的内幕人通过发布真实的信息创造减持时机。

    The study found that dishonest insider stock manipulation through the release of false information , honest insider create opportunity through the release of true information .

  3. 四是机构投资者利用资金和信息优势操纵股价。

    Institutional investors control share price with advantage in capital and information .

  4. 对卖空者的指责是:他们通过共谋、发布负面研究报告以操纵股价以及散布谣言等方式,对公司进行掠夺,推动其股价下跌。

    The shorters are accused of preying on companies and driving down their stock through collusion , issuing negative research to manipulate the stock and spreading rumours .

  5. 进一步研究中对减持区间的区分考察使得本文有理由相信操纵股价的比例应该远远大于7.5%。

    But we have reason to believe that the proportion of price manipulation should be far greater than 7.5 % through the further study on the interval of reduction .

  6. 上周,当一位基金经理因为涉嫌操纵股价而被解雇时,中国的网站上开始热烈讨论“老鼠仓投资者”,这个术语指的是内幕交易者。

    When a fund manager was sacked last week for allegedly manipulating share prices , websites hummed with talk of " rat investors " , the term for insider traders .

  7. 证券市场失灵主要表现在由于外部性导致的金融风险和泡沫,由于信息不对称导致的道德风险和逆向选择,以及资金雄厚的投资者操纵股价所导致的价格扭曲等等。

    Securities market failures include financial crisis and foam caused by externality , moral hazard and adverse selection due to asymmetric information , and distortions in prices caused by price manipulation .

  8. 为寻求“信息租金”,上市公司与机构投资者“信息串通”,利用信息优势与资金优势,进行战略合作组成一种寻租联盟,以操纵股价达到获取超额收益的目的。

    In theprocess of collecting the rent , listed companies and institutional speculators collude toform a strategic rent coalition with the information dominance and strong fund power , so as to manipulate share prices and obtain abnormal returns .

  9. 并分别构建博弈模型分析投资者间的博弈过程来解释股价的异常波动,指出如果机构操纵股价行为得不到及时地惩罚,将会起到示范效应,引发更多的操纵,导致更多股票价格的异常波动。

    The paper separately structures the game models to Drove above-mentioned conclusions further , and points out that if the institution investors manipulating stock price cannot be castigated , it will induce more manipulation and cause the more unusual fluctuation of stock price .

  10. 消极影响表现在扩张银行的信用规模,增加金融风险;具有助涨助跌效应,加大股市波动幅度;助长股市投机气氛,滋生操纵股价行为,扰乱市场秩序。

    In a negative impact on the expansion of bank credit and increase the financial risks ; or effect is likely help increase stock market volatility ; fueling speculation in the stock market atmosphere , breeding manipulation of stock prices , disrupted the market order .

  11. 大型国有企业上市一方面改善了上市公司的组成结构,使以前操纵股价等行为收到一定限制,同时改善了上市公司的股权结构,完善了公司治理结构。

    Large state-owned enterprises listed on the one hand to improve the composition of the listed companies , so that such acts before the manipulation of stock prices received will be limited at the same time improve the ownership structure of listed companies to improve the corporate governance structure .