
  1. 如果价格跌了我们会加仓吗?

    If the price falls should we increase our position ?

  2. 不出现这种走势,不加仓或进仓。

    Without this situation , you should not increase or come into the position .

  3. 狼人周五相对低点加仓,坚持原则、坚持操盘纪律;

    Opening Friday werewolf is relatively low , adhere to principles , upholding Trader discipline ;

  4. 介绍火力发电厂钢煤斗加仓的连续上煤技术。

    The continuous discharge technology for steel coal scuttle in thermal power plants was introduced .

  5. 确保拥有足够的市场流动资金来以有意义的方式执行加仓。

    Make sure there is sufficient market liquidity to execute scaling out of positions in a meaningful way .

  6. 然后,两家公司分别联系了华尔街的交易员,提示他们自己将买进并逐渐加仓。

    The two then contacted the trading desks of Wall Street to let them know they were buyers and began accumulating .

  7. 在这关口,你必须将加仓获利部份平仓,并将持仓量降到基本水平。

    It is imperative at this juncture to take profits on your pyramids and reduce the position back to base levels .

  8. 本基金在一季度积极加仓,并重点配置于水泥、家电、汽车等板块,获得了较大的超额收益。

    The Fund actively increased positions in Q1 , and majorily bought stocks in cement , home appliances , automobile sectors , thereby achieving excess return .

  9. 在市场的任何开盘时间,你有机会建仓、调整仓位、加仓或平仓。

    During each moment the markets are open , you have an opportunity to enter a position , lighten up a position , add to a position , or exit a position .

  10. 在看好持股公司的前提下,在持股比例低时,机构投资者实施动量行为不断加仓,直至受到持股制度的约束。

    Optimistic about the premise of the holding company in the shareholding ratio is low , institutional investors and the implementation of the momentum acts continuously increasing position until bound by the shareholding system .

  11. 笔者发现,社保基金表现出对未来股票收益率的良好预测性,具体表现为其当季加仓对未来第1,2季度的股票收益率有预见性。这表明社保基金有一定的信息优势。

    I find out that social security fund exhibits forecasting power of future stock returns , specifically stock returns in the next first and second quarter , which could be attributed to its information advantage .

  12. 这导致仍然持有英美指数空头头寸的价差交易者被套牢,而那些主要依靠保证金交易(举债加仓)的部分人眼睁睁看着自己的资金蒸发掉了。

    This caught out spreadbetters who still held short positions on the UK and US indices , and some of those trading heavily on margin borrowing to increase their exposure saw their funds wiped out .

  13. 通过考察某一季度内机构持仓和加仓情况与未来几个季度内机构所持股票的收益率之间的关系,本文将探讨中国股票市场中哪类机构投资者更可能具有信息优势。

    I examine what type of institutional investors in China stock market have potential information advantage by investigating the relationship between ownership and change of ownership of institutional investors for current period and future returns of their stock holdings during subsequent quarters .