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  • 网络naked short selling
  1. 德国已出台了一项禁令,禁止裸卖空德国股票、欧元区政府债券和与这些债券挂钩的CDS。

    Germany has announced a ban on naked short selling in German stocks , eurozone government bonds and credit default swaps linked to these bonds .

  2. 裸卖空往往是一种投机交易。

    Naked short selling is often a speculative trade .

  3. 去年,德国出台了针对裸卖空(nakedshort-selling)的有限禁令,但引发了争议。

    Last year Germany introduced a limited yet controversial ban on naked short-selling .

  4. 不透明的场外交易和“裸卖空行为”(nakedshort-selling)都会降低系统的稳定性。

    Non-transparent over-the-counter trades and naked short-selling reduced the stability of the system .

  5. 但裸卖空遭到严格禁止。

    But naked shorting was strictly forbidden .

  6. 裸卖空是指在售出股票时并未被安排借入股票的卖空操作。

    A naked short seller has not arranged to borrow the stock at the time of sale .

  7. 在可能被滥用的裸卖空交易中,交易者卖出的是没有事先借入的股票。

    In potentially abusive naked ' ' short sales , shares are sold without being borrowed first .

  8. 一位英国官员将德国单方面禁止裸卖空描述为“发疯了”。

    The unilateral ban on naked short selling was described by one British official as " crackers " .

  9. 禁止裸卖空的中国规则(卖出自己并不拥有的股票)也引起问题。

    Chinese rules banning naked short selling – selling shares without owning them first – are also causing problems .

  10. 对流动性不好的证券而言,限制裸卖空有一定道理,因为卖空操作可能操纵或扭曲价格。

    There is a case for restricting it in illiquid securities , where shorting may manipulate or distort prices .

  11. 裸卖空是指投资者在市场上卖出尚未借入的股票。

    Naked short selling is where an investors sells shares that they are yet to borrow as opposed to already borrowing .

  12. 在德国和法国,对所有股票的所谓裸卖空都遭到禁止,但其股市同样大幅下跌。

    In Germany and France , where so-called naked short selling was banned on all stocks , shares have also slumped .

  13. 目前世界缺乏协调合作:德国单方面禁止裸卖空行为,而美国也在推进自己的金融部门改革。

    Co-ordination is now lacking : Germany is banning naked short selling unilaterally and the US is pursuing its own financial sector reform .

  14. 这是因为其现有监管制度已经含有某些海外实施的措施,包括禁止“裸卖空”。

    That was because its existing regulatory regime already contained some of the measures imposed overseas , including a ban on " naked " short-selling .

  15. 针对所谓的裸卖空(投资者出售自己既未买入也未借入的股票的操作)的禁令,也已经在意大利、德国与西班牙实行。

    Bans on so-called naked shorting selling shares that an investor neither owns nor has borrowed are already in place in Italy , Germany and Spain .

  16. 日本是此次金融危机期间出台了大量交易规则(包括禁止裸卖空)的众多国家之一。

    Japan was one of the many countries to impose a raft of trading rules during the financial crisis , which included a ban on naked short selling .

  17. 亚洲区域指标处于良好状态,市场信心看似已经悄悄返回市场,日本财政大臣中川昭一宣布禁止日本股票的裸卖空。

    Asian regional indexes are well in the green , as market confidence seems to be creeping back into trading and Japan 's Finance Minister Nakagawa announcing a ban on naked shorts of Japanese stocks .

  18. 10年前,在1997-98年的亚洲金融危机爆发后,香港开始禁止裸卖空(即卖出自己并不持有也没有借入的股票和债券),此禁令迄今一直有效。

    A decade ago , after the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis , Hong Kong outlawed naked shorting or selling shares and bonds that are neither owned nor borrowed and the ban has remained in force ever since .

  19. 但是,布鲁塞尔、巴黎以及其它欧盟国家首都的官员对德国的裸卖空禁令,几乎无意掩饰自己的惊讶与恼怒。所谓裸卖空,是指出售本身并不持有、也没有借入的股票和债券等证券。

    But officials in Brussels , Paris and other EU capitals made little effort to disguise their surprise and irritation at the German move against naked shorting – selling securities such as shares and bonds that are not owned or are borrowed .

  20. 一位知情人士称,中国拟议中的试点计划不会允许“裸”卖空cds,也就是说将禁止交易员针对他们并不拥有的债券买入保险。

    According to a person familiar with the matter , the planned Chinese pilot scheme would not allow " naked " CDs sales , when traders buy insurance on bonds they do not own .

  21. 包括日本和法国在内的其它国家,已禁止“裸”卖空交易(nakedshorting,事先未行借入就卖出股票,以期在此交易结算之前回购这些股票),而台湾则分阶段放宽了这一禁令。

    Others , including Japan and France , have banned " naked " shorting , the practice of selling shares without first borrowing them , in the hope of buying them back before the first trade settles , while Taiwan has eased its ban in stages .