
luǒ tǐ
  • naked;nude;nudity;undress;sky-clad;in one's birthday suit
裸体 [luǒ tǐ]
  • [naked;nude; sky-clad; in one's birthday suit] 光着身体;没有衣服或脱去衣服的情状

裸体[luǒ tǐ]
  1. 男性裸体人像总是希腊艺术的中心主题。

    The naked male figure was always the central theme of Greek art .

  2. 这些天来,有些人可能使用比喻没有对'网病毒扫描PC到流浪通过一个最近才被感染鼠疫村裸体。

    These days , some people might liken using a PC without a virus scanner on the'net to wandering naked through a village that was recently infected with plague .

  3. 委员会指出电视里的裸体镜头太多。

    The committee claimed that there was too much nudity on television .

  4. 电影里有裸体镜头吗?

    Are there any nude scenes in the movie ?

  5. 她拒绝拍裸体照片。

    She refuses to be photographed in the nude .

  6. 他请我给他摆裸体造型。

    He asked me to pose nude for him .

  7. 她拒拍裸体照片。

    She refused to be photographed nude .

  8. 这是第一个使用F字头词并且裸体上台的演出。

    It was the first show to use the F-word and show nudity on stage

  9. 每个封面上都有一名裸体女子。

    Every cover showed a woman in a state of undress .

  10. 给你700万美元要你裸体登上杂志,你会拒绝吗?

    Would you turn down $ 7,000,000 to appear nude in a magazine ?

  11. 他学过如何画裸体。

    He learned how to draw the unclothed human frame

  12. 委员会认定在休闲胜地的裸体行为弊大于利。

    Nudism , the council decided , was doing the resort more harm than good .

  13. 他是澳大利亚最为杰出的艺术家之一,以肖像画、风景画和裸体画而闻名。

    He was one of Australia 's most distinguished artists , renowned for his portraits , landscapes and nudes .

  14. 我不知道自己裸体是什么样。

    I don 't know what I look like when I 'm undressed .

  15. 他画过裸体模特儿。

    He has painted nude models .

  16. 古代奥运竞赛男运动员穿什么?Nothing。?裸体。

    What did male athletes wear during ancient Olympic competition ?

  17. 科技公司必须不断对伦理决策进行权衡:Facebook的默认隐私设置应该是什么样的,该容忍些许裸体影像的存在吗?

    Technology companies must constantly weigh ethical decisions : Where should Facebook set its privacy defaults , and should it tolerate glimpses of nudity ?

  18. 带轴系附体船模与相应裸体船模的1+k之差,乘以足足CF后,可认为是轴系附体的粘性阻力系数。

    The difference in 1 + K between models with shaft appendage and their corresponding naked hulls , when multiplied by full-scale CF , can be regarded as viscous resistance coefficient of shaft appendage .

  19. 美国旧金山初创公司NakedLabs设计了一款名为“裸体3D健康追踪器”的设备,该设备面向想以客观的数据衡量自己在健身目标上取得的进步的人士。

    A San Francisco startup called Naked Labs designed a Naked 3D Fitness Tracker for people who want to measure their progress on physical fitness goals with objective data .

  20. 大多数这类村庄都坐落于森林之中(如位于波尔多附近大西洋沿岸的LaJenny),与许多裸体主义者回归大自然的理念一致。

    Most , such as La Jenny , close to the Atlantic near Bordeaux , are located in forests , in keeping with many nudists ' back to nature ideals .

  21. 但我们发现lukas时,他几乎裸体。

    But we found Lukas nearly nude .

  22. 这场运动的积极倡导者,保罗·宾迪曼(PaulBindrim),是一个标新立异的心理学家。他相信裸体让人摆脱由服装带来的社会期望,并直接应对最私密的情绪。

    At the forefront of this movement was Paul Bindrim , an offbeat psychologist who believed nakedness allowed people to shake off the social expectations created by clothing and to deal directly with their most private emotions .

  23. 几个月前,欧文斯还为《NeueJournal》杂志拍过吉瑞裸体骑马的照片,

    As recently as a few months ago , Mr. Owens photographed Jera nude with a live horse for the magazine Neue Journal .

  24. 如果你不想从头到脚都是裸体的视觉效果,可以用可爱的黑色饰条来装饰你的裙子,就像JillStuart所示的那样。

    However , if you don 't want a head-to-toe nude look , try to adorn your dress with cute black bows such as spotted at Jill Stuart .

  25. 韦弗布鲁巴科在卢茨(Lutz)买下了350英亩地,并预留了一块地用于裸体主义者的度假地。

    Weaver Brubaker bought 350 acres in Lutz and set aside a section for use as a nudist resort .

  26. 这一次,弗兰德斯说,杂志希望同Vice等更年轻的传媒竞争,它希望能回答这样一个关键的问题:“如果把裸体撤掉,那么还剩下什么?”

    This time , as the magazine seeks to compete with younger outlets like Vice , Mr. Flanders said , it sought to answer a key question : " if you take nudity out , what 's left ? "

  27. 进行了HTO在沥青涂覆水泥固化体、苯乙烯单体聚合物浸渍水泥固化体和裸体水泥固化体中的长期浸出实验,给出了三种固化体的物理性能及长期浸出实验数据。

    The leaching experiments of HTO from three solidified forms were conducted , and the physical properties and leaching rates were measured .

  28. 许多裸体主义者都声称,专有社区去除了社会上人们判断彼此身份常用的一种手段,那就是以衣取人比如她穿的是普拉达(Prada)还是假的范思哲(Versace)?

    Many naturists contend that communities stripped of one of society 's usual means of judging one another Is she wearing Prada or fake Versace ?

  29. 柏金女士最早涉足影视界是在米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼(MichelangeloAntonioni)1966年的电影《放大》(Blow-Up)的一幕中裸体客串亮相,她对女儿的看法表示赞赏。

    Ms. Birkin , who first came on the scene with a nude cameo in Michelangelo Antonioni 's 1966 film " Blow-Up , " seemed admiring .

  30. 在上海K11的扶梯顶端,达米安·赫斯特(DamienHirst)的无头裸体孕妇雕塑在欢迎顾客们。

    At the top of an escalator at the Shanghai mall , a Damien Hirst sculpture of a naked , headless pregnant woman greets shoppers .