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fèi zi
  • prickly heat;miliaria;rubra;sudamen
痱子 [fèi zǐ]
  • (1) [prickly heat]∶皮肤的一种红色粟样粒丘疹,伴有强烈的瘙痒和麻刺感,常见于湿热气候时,由汗腺导管阻塞或排泄障碍引起

  • (2) [miliaria]∶即痱疮

痱子[fèi zi]
  1. 小红疙瘩是不是热痱子,我宝宝出了好些呢,不过是在头上,你有没有好法子治呀?

    Little red pimple is not a hot prickly heat , I better do a baby , but in the head , you have no good way to rule it ?

  2. 最常见的一型,即痱子,因汗液溢入表皮内而导致。

    The most common type , known as prickly heat , results when sweat escapes into the epidermis .

  3. 太阳晒了她一身痱子。

    The sun brought her out in an itchy rash .

  4. 他背上起痱子了。

    Heat rash rises on his back .

  5. 装在不透光盒的胶片痱子粉盒+粉扑+网片

    Film stored in lightproof containers . bath powder case + puff + mesh

  6. 她热得出了痱子。

    The heat brought her out in a rash .

  7. 我无法断定是什么使她不舒服;不会是痱子。

    I cannot decide what ails her ; it 's not a heat rash .

  8. 把小苏打或玉米淀粉直接扑在起痱子的地方来吸收湿气和汗。

    Apply baking soda or cornstarch directly to the rash site to absorb moisture and sweat .

  9. 痱子会使你感到痒、疼痛,非常不舒服,但它是完全可以预防的!

    Heat rash can be itchy , painful and very uncomfortable , but it is completely preventable !

  10. 像痱子就是其中一种很不舒服的皮肤问题。

    A heat rash , for example , is one of the problems that can make you feel really uncomfortable .

  11. 有时好像小苏打能做任何事,当然对减轻痱子也有效。

    Sometimes it seems as if baking soda is good for just about anything , and it 's certainly good for relieving heat rash .

  12. 得了嗓子疼、痔疮、痱子和便秘等病,吃它也能起到一定的改善作用。

    Got a sore throat , hemorrhoids , prickly heat and constipation disease , eating it can also play a role in the improvement .

  13. 泡进已加入几大汤匙小苏打粉的浴缸,这会减轻发痒症状,在痱子消退过程中使你感到更舒适。

    Soak in a tub to which you 've added a few tablespoons of the powder . It will ease the itching and make you feel more comfortable while the rash heals .

  14. 专家提醒,一天的抢险工作完成后,应立即擦干下身,洗干净后抹些痱子粉,换上干净内衣。

    Experts warned that the day of rescue work after the completion of the lower part of the body should be immediately wiped away , washed clean after some lip , put on clean underwear .

  15. 洗完澡帮宝宝擦痱子粉,若很会流汗,就多帮宝宝擦汗,尽量保持乾燥就不会红红的。

    Washes the bath to help the baby to scratch the prickly heat powder , if baby can easily perspire , help baby wipes away sweat , maintains as far as possible dry to avoid being red .