
  • 网络environmental movement
  1. 但也是在1970年,环保运动人士第一次举行了“世界地球日”(EarthDay)。而且在45年前的9月,国会通过了颇具影响力的新《清洁空气法》(CleanAirAct)。

    But 1970 was also the year the environmental movement held the first Earth Day and when , 45 years ago this month , Congress passed a powerful update of the Clean Air Act .

  2. 美国现代环保运动的兴起及其影响

    The Rise of Modern American Environmental Movement and Its Influences

  3. 这个拥有230万名成员的信托基金会被描述为环保运动方面的一头睡狮。

    The trust , which has 2.3 million members , has been characterised as a sleeping giant of the environment movement .

  4. 德国环保运动的影响力使得该国率先发起了回收利用更多废品的运动。

    The power of the Green movement in Germany has made that country a leader in the drive to recycle more waste materials .

  5. 环保运动告诉我们有多少人驾驶SUV,这无意中表明这种行为很普遍,因此是可以获得允许的。

    Environmental campaigns that tell us how many people drive SUVs unwittingly imply that this behaviour is widespread and thus permissible .

  6. 请响应校园一分钟环保运动,维持清洁与美好的学习环境,并请关闭手机与B。

    Please maintain clean environment , turn off cellular phone and B.B.call , prepare .

  7. 从组织形式看,日本的绿色环保运动以各种非政府组织(NGO)的形式出现,并活跃于社会领域的各个方面。

    The afforestation movement in Japan was launched in all circles of society by NGO ( Non-government Organizations ) .

  8. 全球上千个城市响应了2014年的“地球一小时”(EarthHour)熄灯活动。这是一项由世界自然基金会(WorldWideFundforNature)发起的一个象征性的环保运动。

    Thousands of cities around the globe turned off their lights for an hour to mark Earth Hour 2014 , a symbolic show of support for the environment organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature .

  9. 设在美国的环保运动团体国际自然保护组织的生态学家、自然保护优先事项主任WillTurner说:“一条清晰的信息就是,我们让生态系统退化是自食其果”。

    Will Turner , an ecologist and director of conservation priorities at Conservation International , a US-based campaign group , said : " The clear message is that we degrade ecosystems at our own peril " .

  10. 福岛核电站事故是对全球环保运动的一个考验。

    The accident at Fukushima was a test for the global environmental movement .

  11. 台湾的环保运动起源于本土文化。

    At the root of Taiwan 's environmental movement are its indigenous cultures .

  12. 她为全球的环保运动做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    Li Leshi has also made huge contributions to the global environmental movement .

  13. 如果环保运动有盛典,那么世界地球日当之不愧。

    If the environmental movement has a high holiday , Earth Day is it .

  14. 环保运动人士抨击此次会议没有规定明确的减排义务。

    Environmental campaigners slam the conference for not having produced clear emissions reduction commitments .

  15. 环保运动人士屈服了。

    Green campaigners fell back in line .

  16. 20世纪末美国反环保运动与联邦政府的行为

    The American Anti-Conservation Movement and the Federal Government 's Actions at the End of the 20th Century

  17. 一定程度上讲,他现在更为开朗的个性,与他作为环保运动者日渐取得的成功密不可分。

    In part , this more expansive persona goes with Gore 's growing success as an environmental campaigner .

  18. 文中的一些观点或许对当前世界范围内蓬勃发展的环保运动以及正处于发展阶段的生态伦理哲学给予一些启迪。

    Some points may enlighten the worldwide flourishing environmental protection and the development of ecologic and ethic philosophy .

  19. 作为美国第一代环保运动的领袖,约翰.缪尔穷其一生来背负这项伟大的使命。

    As America 's first environmentalist , John Muir lived his life forever daring to undertake new adventures .

  20. 梭罗是十九世纪美国自然文学代表性人物,当代环保运动先驱。

    Thoreau was a representative figure of American literature of nature in the19th century and a pioneer in environmental protection .

  21. 20世纪60年代末70年代初,美国环保运动的发展进入了一个新的阶段。

    At the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s , American environmental movement entered a new phase .

  22. 去年7月,一名环保运动人士因为强行登上一艘捕鲸船,被日本法院判处2年缓刑。

    An activist was given a two-year suspended jail term by a Japanese court in July for boarding a whaling ship .

  23. 美国环境管理体系的构建与其历史上的三次大的环保运动密不可分。

    The construction of the US environmental management system is closely linked to the three environmental protection campaigns in its history .

  24. 作为人类现代环保运动的开端,地球日活动推动了多个国家环境法规的建立。

    Be mankind the initialzing of the modern environmental movement , the Earth day activity pushed many establishments of national environment lawses .

  25. 解决方法:普遍污染引起了强烈的基层环保运动的压力,行业清理残局。

    Solutions : The widespread pollution gave rise to a strong grass-roots environmental movement that pressured industry to clean up its mess .

  26. 环保运动绿色和平组织表示,荷兰法庭的决定敲响了警钟,非法输出有毒废物会受到严惩。

    The environmental campaign group Greenpeace said the Dutch court decision was a strong warning that illegal waste exports would not go unpunished .

  27. 在2008年,地球一小时活动就成为了一项全球的环保运动。当年有来自35个国家的超过五千万人参加。

    The following year , Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating .

  28. 表面看来,位于美国石油心脏的德州休斯顿似乎不太可能出现一场持续升温的环保运动。

    It seems unlikely that there would be a growing green movement in Houston , Texas , the heart of American oil country .

  29. 企业社会责任运动起源于欧美国家,是在国际劳工运动、环保运动等一系列社会问题日益严重的背景下发展起来的。

    Corporate social responsibility originated from European and American countries , which developed under the background of international labor movement , environmental movement .

  30. 在环保运动和保护渔业利益的压力下,国会通过了海洋倾废法,规定到1992年将禁止该行为。

    Under pressure from the environmental movement and fishing interests , Congress passed the Ocean Dumping Act , which would end the practice by1992 .