
  • environmental awareness;ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS;green awareness
  1. 国际名牌也因日益觉醒的环保意识,而广泛应用TPE。

    International brands are also due to growing environmental awareness of the awakening , and the extensive application of TPE .

  2. 历史并非唯一因素:苏格兰民族党(ScottishNationalParty)还希望选民们放心,苏格兰和斯堪的纳维亚邻国的相似之处——较小的规模,环保意识以及挪威式的石油储备——足以保障它的繁荣。

    And it wasn 't all historic either : The Scottish Nationalist Party assured voters that Scotland 's similarities to its Scandinavian neighbors - its small size , its environmental awareness and its Norwegian-style oil reserves - would guarantee prosperity .

  3. 年轻人的环保意识很强。

    Young people are very environmentally aware .

  4. 但是,该国却迟迟没有像欧洲其他国家一样提高环保意识。

    But the country has been slow to react to the ' greening ' of the rest of Europe .

  5. 这个慈善团体力图培养具有环保意识的新一代消费者和制造商。

    The charity aims to create a new generation of environmentally aware consumers and producers .

  6. 环保意识并不总能驱动顾客回收旧商品。

    Environmental conscientiousness isn 't always enough to make customers recycle old goods .

  7. 部分原因是原材料和金属价格上涨,还有部分原因是消费者和企业都越来越有环保意识。

    It is also partly due to both consumers and companies becoming more aware of the need to protect our environment .

  8. “光猪跑”旨在增强大家的环保意识。

    The running event aims to promote environmental protection awareness1 .

  9. 要倡导环保意识、生态意识,构建全社会共同参与的环境治理体系,让生态环保思想成为社会生活中的主流文化。

    We need to raise people 's awareness , develop a conservation system in which everyone plays a part , and mainstream ecological conservation into every aspect of social life .

  10. 环保意识调查问卷的Logistic模型

    Logistic Model of the Questionnaire about Environment Protecting Consciousness

  11. 增强环保意识,推行绿色GDP制度,大力发展循环经济;

    We should enhance the consciousness of environmental protection , carry out " green GDP " system , and develop the circulation economy vigorously ;

  12. 随着人们环保意识的逐步提高,开发PVC高效、无毒热稳定剂已成为必然。

    With people gradually raising the awareness of environmental protection , the research of efficient , non-toxic thermal stabilizer of PVC has become inevitable .

  13. 她新开的Back40Mercantile是一家高级杂货店,客户多为有环保意识的人群。这家商店那天刚刚在一个名为thevillage的小型商业中心开业(店主是金和她的家人)。

    Her new business , Back 40 Mercantile , an upscale general store for the eco-conscious , had opened that day in the small commercial center called the village .

  14. 建议常山县政府全力保护耕地资源与林地资源、严格控制工业SO2的排放、努力提高生态环保意识。

    Proposed full protection Changshan county government and forest land resources , land resources , strict control of industrial SO2 emissions , efforts to improve the eco-environmental awareness .

  15. 随着人们环保意识的提高,人们越来越清楚地认识到煤粉燃烧过程中生成的气体SO2和NOx严重威胁着人类环境和人体健康。

    As people pay more attention to the environment protection issue , people know more about the SO2 and NOx created in the coal combustion , which threaten people s health and environment .

  16. 随着近年来环保意识的高涨和能源紧张的加剧,发光二级管(LightEmittingdiode,简写为LED)作为新一代的光源已经开始在照明领域逐步取代传统光源。

    With the rising environmental consciousness and the increasing of energy scarcity in recent years , LED ( Light Emitting Diode ) light source , as a new generation , is gradually replacing traditional light source in the application of illumination .

  17. 逆向物流(ReverseLogistics)这个名词最早由Stock在1992年给美国物流管理协会(CLM)的一份研究报告提出。随着人类环保意识和可持续发展观的加强,逆向物流逐步引起各国的重视。

    The word Reverse logistics was first proposed by Stock in a study report to CLM in 1992.Reverse logistics is beginning to be widely concerned by all countries as people are more concerned about environment and the enhancement of sustainable development strategy .

  18. 随着环保意识的增强,广泛应用于制冷空调的CFCs受到了限制及禁用,采用自然工质成为一种趋势。

    With the increasing awareness of environmental protection , CFCS which used in refrigeration and air conditioning were restricted and prohibited , Using natural refrigerant has became a trend .

  19. Dickason先生建议我们不要把钱花在太阳能板子上,而用来买一台节能电冰箱,荧光灯泡,和其它具有环保意识的产品来”救赎我们的良心“。

    Mr Dickason advised us to spend our money not on solar panels , but on an energy-efficient refrigerator , fluorescent light bulbs and other conservation-minded items to salve our consciences .

  20. 加强环保意识树立现代商品质量观

    Strengthen consciousness of environmental protection and establish modem commodity quality value

  21. 论环保意识在文学创作中的缺失

    Talk on the Lacks of Environmental Protection Awareness in Literary Creation

  22. 我认为当地人也要加强环保意识。

    Our local people 's environmental awareness should also be increased .

  23. 科学教学中学生环保意识的培养

    On Students ' Awareness of Environmental Protection in Science Teaching

  24. 基础化学实验教学应渗透环保意识

    Experiment to Inside Permeate the Environmental Protection Education in the Foundation chemistry

  25. 谈地理教学对中师生环保意识的培养

    On educating the students to protect enviroment in Geography teaching

  26. 从一个企业的发展看环保意识

    Look at the Environment Protection Consciousness from the Development of an Enterprise

  27. 生物学教学培养学生环保意识初探

    How to Train Students ' Consciousness of Environmental Protection through Biology Teaching

  28. 我觉得你们老师一定很有环保意识。

    I think your teacher must be very environmentally conscious .

  29. 酸雨激发了公众的环保意识。

    ACAID rains arouse people 's awareness fo environmental protection .

  30. 加大宣传力度,提高公众的环保意识;

    Increasing propaganda and enhancing public consciousness of environmental protection ;