
  • 网络restructuring;bpr;Corporate restructuring;Business reorganization
  1. 管理层收购(MBO)作为一种企业重组的工具,自引进我国以来受到了众多争议,其中又以定价问题为这些争议的焦点。

    Management Buy-Outs ( MBO ), as an essential tool in industrial restructuring of an enterprise , has caused numerous disputes since its introduction into China .

  2. 玛吉米尔斯(maggiemills)是一名企业重组合伙人,自1979年以来就一直在处理这类混乱,所以她岁数肯定比我大一点。

    Maggie mills is a corporate restructuring partner who has been coping with this kind of chaos since 1979 , so she must be a bit older than me .

  3. 应对WTO中国石油石化企业重组战略研究

    Deal with WTO Chinese Petrochemical Enterprise Reconstruction Strategy Study

  4. 现代企业重组及CIMS资源调度问题是一类典型资源组合优化问题。

    Modern enterprise reorganization and CIMS resource scheduling are typical optimization problems of resource combination .

  5. 最后指出更灵活、更具柔性的新一代CIMS应用集成平台能够适应我国企业重组带来的新变化,具有重要的实际应用价值。

    With more flexibility , the architecture of new CIMS application integration platform is fit for the reengineering enterprises and has important application value .

  6. 但另一个问题出在法律框架方面:欧洲许多地方根本没有迅速解决不良贷款问题的机制,无论是类似于针对企业重组的美国破产法第11章(Chapter11),还是叮当邮件。

    But another issue is the legal framework : many parts of Europe simply do not have the mechanisms needed to resolve bad loans quickly , be that a system akin to America 's Chapter 11 code for company reorganisation - or jingle mail .

  7. 福特汽车最近发表声明说,他们有足够的流动资金,不需政府贷款。但是通用汽车CEO表示,他们公司马上需要数十亿美元的贷款,会将精力全部集中于企业重组计划。

    Ford in a statement said its liquidity is adequate and didn 't need the government loan , but Rick Wagoner the CEO of the General Motors said his company would access billions of loan dollars immediately and will now focus on fully implementing its restructuring plan .

  8. 重建程序包括组成,企业重组和企业重建。

    Reconstruction procedures comprise composition , corporate reorganization and corporate reconstruction .

  9. 管理层收购对企业重组机制的效率影响研究

    Study on the Impact of Management Buyout on Corporate Restructuring Mechanism

  10. 企业重组中交易成本问题探微

    An Exploration on the Problem of Trading Cost in Enterprise Reorganization

  11. 建筑行业国有企业重组及改制研究

    Research on Reengineering and Reforming System of the State-owned Building Trade Enterprise

  12. 企业重组背景下的流程再造管理

    Business Process Re-engineering Management on the Background of Enterprise Reform

  13. 如今企业重组现象已成为公众、政府和公司政策关注的焦点。

    Enterprise re organization has been becoming the focus of the public .

  14. 企业重组集团后的第二本年报。

    After the corporate restructuring group 's second annual report .

  15. 那么,经济转轨环境下的企业重组具有哪些特征?

    What kinds of characteristic does enterprise restructuring have in Transition Economy ?

  16. 论我国企业重组面临的障碍及对策

    Discussion on Setbacks and Solution of China 's Enterprise Reorganization

  17. 企业重组中的结构与文化因素研究

    On Organizational Structure and Culture in Reshuffle of Enterprises

  18. 我国商用车企业重组的道路选择

    Choice for Reorganized Road of China Commercial Vehicle Enterprise

  19. 关于我国发电企业重组问题的探讨

    Discussing on Recombination of Generate Electricity Corporation in China

  20. 广州服务企业重组与产业结构调整

    Guang Zhou Service Enterprises Reorganization and Industry Structure Adjustment

  21. 企业重组动因与方式的系统分析

    The system analysis on the cause of corporate reconstruction

  22. 企业重组中几个基本问题的探讨

    A Study on Several Basic Problem of BPR

  23. 基于沉淀成本视角的企业重组博弈分析

    Sunk Cost Approach to Gaming of Firm Restructuring

  24. 国家引导的国有企业重组,整合了钢铁、电信和能源等战略行业。

    State-led restructuring has consolidated strategic sectors such as steel , telecoms and energy .

  25. 企业重组中的文化冲突、文化特征和文化整合

    Study on the Culture Fusion , Culture Characteristic and Culture Integration in Enterprise Reorganization

  26. 中国企业重组问题研究

    A study on the corporate restructuring in China

  27. 机构投资者在企业重组和大宗交易市场上具有重要作用。

    The institutional investors play an important role in enterprise restructuring and the block-dealing market .

  28. 加快企业重组,盘活存量资产;

    To speed up the reorganization of the enterprise and make the state assets operate ;

  29. 企业重组与信息系统整合

    Enterprise Reorganization and Information System Integration

  30. 论知识管理与企业重组

    On Knowledge Management and Business Reorganization