
  • 网络globalize
  1. 然而,随着企业全球化趋势的发展和网络技术所带动的企业运营模式的变化,企业也对EAI技术提出了一些新的挑战,对集成过程中业务过程的体现提出了新的要求。

    However , following the development of global informationization and changing of business operation mode driven by network technologies , there are some new challenges to EAI offered by industries .

  2. 基于CGMS模型的我国家电企业全球化战略的瓶颈因素及其战略对策

    On the Key Influencing Factors of Global Marketing Strategy and Countermeasures of the Chinese Household Electrical Appliance Enterprises Based on CGMS Model

  3. 由于它所具有强有力的理论基础和便于操作的特点,基于BSC的战略绩效管理方法在国外已经得到了广泛的应用,逐渐成为企业全球化竞争战略成功的基石。

    As a result , it has a strong theoretical basis and user-friendly features , and the BSC-based performance management strategy abroad has been widely used . Global competition is becoming a strategic business success .

  4. 秘书在企业全球化经营中的角色和作用

    The Role and Function of Secretaryship in Globalization Management in Business

  5. 企业全球化市场的成功取决于质量。

    Globalization of markets depend on the product quality .

  6. 论企业全球化引起的沟通障碍

    On the Communication Barriers Resulting from Enterprise Globalization

  7. 制造企业全球化的条件与对策

    Conditions and strategy for manufacturing enterprise globalization

  8. 中国企业全球化成功的可能性,根植于强烈的、中国企业家之间的国内竞争。

    The possibility of Chinese global success is rooted in vigorous domestic competition among Chinese entrepreneurs .

  9. 其次,本文选择了一个基于企业全球化的全球领导力视角进行研究,将企业全球化与全球领导力的相互作用在理论的高度进行综合和提升。

    Secondly , it chooses a unique perspective based on the globalization of enterprises to study the global leadership .

  10. 网络化协同产品开发是为适应现代企业全球化竞争而产生的一种产品开发模式。

    To adapt the globe competition of the enterprises , networked collaborative product development ( NCPD ) style is put forward .

  11. 伴随跨国企业全球化经营的不断扩大,跨文化管理沟通成为在华外资企业管理中的重要课题。

    With continuous expansion of global business of multinational corporations , cross-cultural management communication in foreign-funded enterprises in China is becoming a significant topic .

  12. 在企业全球化、信息化和知识化的过程中,期待我们的翻译能为贵公司提供更大的商务价值!

    In the process of our enterprise globalization , and our being information and knowledge centered , we are looking forward to providing your company with greater business value .

  13. 并著有书籍章节《企业全球化:欧亚商业文化》、《中国跨国企业:文化亲缘与商业策略》。

    Other publications include book chapters " Corporate Globalization : Business Cultures in Europe and in Asia " and " Chinese Transnational Enterprises : Cultural Affinity and Business Strategies " .

  14. 随着企业全球化和多元化战略的兴起,世界范围内的企业并购、重组活动屡见不鲜,由此导致了许多大型企业集团的诞生。

    With the rise of corporate globalization and diversification strategy of enterprises worldwide mergers and acquisitions , restructuring activities are common , which led to the birth of many large enterprise groups .

  15. 在日益加剧的企业全球化竞争中,许多企业通过重组其组织结构及业务流程,来强化企业的管理,提高企业的综合竞争能力,并且取得了显著的成效。

    With global competition getting tough dramatically , many enterprises reform its organizational structure and business processes to strengthen its management , and improve the competitiveness of enterprises . The achieved results is remarkable .

  16. 其中一位人士表示,它将具备战略使命和财务目标,“帮助中国吸引合适的外商投资,帮助中国企业全球化”。

    It will have a strategic mandate as well as financial objectives , " helping China attract the right kind of foreign investment and helping Chinese firms globalise " , one of these people said .

  17. 20世纪90年代以来,知识经济带来的企业全球化浪潮使得公司治理面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战,世界各国纷纷掀起了一场公司治理改革运动。

    Since the 90s of the 20th century , knowledge economy has brought corporate globalization , which makes corporate governance facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges , countries around the world launched a corporate governance reform movement .

  18. 随着企业全球化、企业业务联合与分化的发展,企业组织结构更加动态化,企业业务流程经常发生变更,这都增加了工作流访问控制的复杂性。

    With the progress of enterprise globalization and the development of combination and differentiation in enterprise business , organizations become more dynamic , and business processes are frequently changing . As a result , workflow access control turns more complicated .

  19. 随着企业全球化发展,企业联盟正成为一种趋势,目前的企业模型已经不能满足企业联盟的需求,模型开放性、共享化已成为企业模型研究的重点。

    Enterprise Alliance is a new trend along with the global development of enterprise , the actual enterprise model can 't content the demand of this trend better , model open and sharing are becoming the keystones in enterprise model study .

  20. 进入二十世纪以来,网络技术和电子技术的迅速发展,加快了企业全球化战略的趋势,使得一些物流企业和生产企业更紧密地联系在一起,形成了社会大分工。

    Since the 20th century , the rapid development of network and electronic technology has accelerated the trend of corporate globalization strategy so that some logistics enterprises and manufacturers integrate closely , in addition , societal division of labor is formed .

  21. 随着交通运输和通讯科技的日新月异以及企业全球化发展的趋势,各企业组织和全体供应链成员均试图通过较完善的供应链管理策略在日趋激烈的社会环境中取得同行业的竞争优势。

    With the development of communications and transportation , the science and technology , and the globalization of markets ; both the business enterprises and the supply chain members try to use the perfect tactics of supply chain management to win in the competitive environment .

  22. 随着经济与科技的快速发展,伴随着企业全球化、多元化和快速转型的发展趋势,研究软件系统适应多变的用户需求的能力、构建适应性软件系统已成为迫切任务。

    With the rapid development of economy and technology , along with the trend of corporate globalization , diversification and fast transformation , it has become an urgent task to study the adaptability of software systems to changeful user requirements and to build adaptable software systems .

  23. WTO之后中国企业品牌全球化营销研究

    Study on Chinese Enterprise Brand Globalization Marketing after Entering into WTO

  24. 加入WTO,中国企业按照全球化的游戏规则来参与竞争。

    With the affiliation to WTO , Chinese business enterprises must participate in competition according to rules of globalization .

  25. 我国加入WTO后,企业进入全球化历程,对企业社会责任进行监督反馈已成为必然。

    As China has entered into WTO , the enterprise goes into the globalization course . It has become inevitably to carries on the surveillance feedback to the enterprise society responsibility .

  26. 同时,随着企业业务全球化的发展,企业的终端用户会分布在世界各地,单个数据节点无法满足其快速响应,因此,SaaS应用模式正在从单节点往云中多数据节点转变的必然阶段。

    With the globalization of their business , end-users of corporate located around the world , a single data node is unable to meet their fast response .

  27. 通过对DX公司项目员工薪酬体系的研究,对风险投资企业在全球化发展进程中如何提升竞争力给出了非常实际的参考。

    Through the research of salary system , the paper gives a practical reference how to enhance the competitiveness of venture capital companies in the globalization process .

  28. 90年代以来,随着世界经济一体化、企业经营全球化的步伐不断加快,以微处理器为代表的PC时代打开了新经济的大门,以互联网络和信息技术为基础的电子商务时代的来临已成为必然。

    Since the beginning of 1990s with integration of the world economy into one entity the pace of enterprises operation in world scale has been speeding up . The PC era represented with micro processor has opened the door for a new economy .

  29. 百慕大保险和再保险公司ACE的董事长兼首席执行官埃文•格林伯格(EvanGreenberg)表示:各类企业的全球化程度都更高了。

    Evan Greenberg , chairman and chief executive of ACE , the Bermudan insurer and reinsurer , says : There is more globalisation among businesses of all kinds .

  30. 面向我国中小企业的全球化供应链计划、组织与控制

    Planning , Organizing and Control of GSC for Middle-small Sized Enterprise