
  • 网络CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP;CSR;Corporate Citizens
  1. 因此,当商学院开始表现出加入联合国全球契约行动(UnitedNationsGlobalCompact,2000年发起的一项自愿参与的企业公民计划)的热情时,就需要采取一种不同的方式。

    So an alternative approach was needed when schools began to show eagerness to participate in the United Nations Global Compact , a voluntary corporate citizenship programme launched in 2000 .

  2. 企业公民是企业社会责任的主体身份。

    Corporate citizenship is the subject status of corporate social responsibility .

  3. 其次,本次地震也让我们看到了企业公民的贡献。

    Secondly , we also saw the contributions of corporate citizens .

  4. 我们的公司有责任成为全球企业公民。

    Our company takes seriously its responsibility as a global corporate citizen .

  5. 企业公民理论的出现就是对企业社会责任的延伸。

    The theory of corporate citizenship is the extension of corporate social responsibility .

  6. 罗兰是一个有社会责任感的企业公民。

    Roland is a corporate citizen with social responsibility .

  7. 企业公民:理论探索与经验研究

    Corporate Citizenship : Theoretical Exploration and Empirical Study

  8. 金融界的一些人很难被称为模范企业公民。

    Some folks in the financial world have not exactly been model corporate citizens .

  9. 首先,它考验了对于现在企业公民形象概念的争论。

    First , it examines current debates over the basic conception of corporate citizenship .

  10. 企业公民思想发挥作用需要具备一定的制度条件。

    To put it into use , CC needs to meet certain institutional conditions .

  11. 做一个好的企业公民,被视作在这里成功的关键。

    Being a good corporate citizen is seen as key to succeed in this .

  12. 蜜蜂:企业公民的寓言

    Bees : A Metaphor of Corporate Citizenship

  13. 组织公民与企业公民之辨

    Analysis of organizational citizenship and corporate citizenship

  14. 财富榜样&跨国公司引领企业公民建设

    Set Example for Building Enterprise Citizen

  15. 从济钢环境治理历程看企业公民的时代使命

    Course from Environmental Improvement of Jinan Iron & Steel Group Corporation See the Enterprise Citizen Mission

  16. 作为一个出色的企业公民,沃尔玛自进入中国就积极开展社区服务和慈善公益活动。

    As an outstanding corporate citizen , Wal-Mart actively participates in community service and charity events .

  17. 西门子是中国最知名、最受爱戴和尊敬的企业公民之一。

    Siemens is one of the most well-known , liked and respected corporate citizens in China .

  18. 要想成为优秀的企业公民,企业必须意识到这一点并照此行事。

    To be good corporate citizens , companies need to be aware and act on this .

  19. 相同的,聪明的生意人也是好的企业公民。

    Similarly , smart business also make a point of being seen as good corporate citizens .

  20. 而制度创新、道德重建作用的发挥归根到底,取决于政府企业公民的互动诚信实践。

    The functions of system innovation and morality rebuilding depend ultimately on government-enterprise-Citizen 's mutual integrity practices .

  21. 通用电气想方设法让中国认为自己是一个优秀的企业公民。

    GE has gone out of its way in China to be considered a good corporate citizen .

  22. 第二章介绍企业公民会计与企业社会责任会计的关系。

    The second chapter is devoted to the relationship between corporate citizenship accounting and corporate social responsibility accounting .

  23. 公司不仅加强自身的发展和进取,还努力树立中国优秀企业公民的社会角色。

    Besides strengthening self-development , Nader is trying to build up the social role of Chinese excellent corporation .

  24. 事实上,我们有许多优秀的企业公民都是极富创造力的。

    In fact , it turns out many of our best corporate citizens are also our most creative .

  25. 企业公民意识,又称企业社会责任,目前已得到社会广泛关注。

    Corporate citizenship , also known as corporate social responsibility , the community has been widespread concern at present .

  26. 国会比以往任何时候更加僵持金融界的一些人很难被称为模范企业公民

    Congress more gridlocked than ever Some folks in the financial world have not exactly been model corporate citizens .

  27. ‘企业公民’意识在中国不像在西方那样看得见。

    Much of the corporate citizenship in China is not as visible as it might be in the West .

  28. 企业公民既是对企业社会责任思想的继承和发展,更是对企业社会责任思想的突破和创新。

    CC is not nly a continuation and development of CSR , but also is a breakthrough idea and innovation .

  29. 随着蒙牛将自己打造成一个更负责任的企业公民,以往那些特色鲜明的广告已基本消失。

    Gone is much of the racy advertising , as Mengniu has styled itself as a more responsible corporate citizen .

  30. 承担作为企业公民的责任,通过参与社会公益活动,进一步巩固我们的技能、经验和洞察力。

    We act as responsible corporate citizens by broadening our skills , experience and perspectives through work in our communities .