
  • 网络mobile;mobile internet
  1. 基于IPv6的移动互联网络研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of IPv6-based Mobile Internet

  2. 第七部分是基于IPv6的移动互联网络的设计与实现;

    7th part is realization and the design based on mobile internet of IPv6 ( mobile IPv6 );

  3. 随着移动互联时代的到来,JavaME作为而向移动信息设备开发的移动计算技术平台,获得了广泛的应用。

    As a mobile computing platform developed targeting for mobile information devices . Java ME has been widely applied with the approaching of the mobile internet era .

  4. 以此为背景,研究了影响消费者使用3G业务,即移动互联业务的相关因素。

    This article , in this context , discusses the factors which influence consumers'attitude towards intention of using3G service or mobile internet service .

  5. 随着新一代信息技术中的移动互联技术的发展,作为智能手机操作系统的Android得到了迅猛发展。

    With the development of mobile Internet technology in the new generation of information technology , as the smartphone operating system Android has been developing rapidly .

  6. 就其技术而言,宽带技术、3G技术、移动互联技术、web技术、云计算等新技术的应用,提供了文化资源公平共享的可能性。

    In terms of technology , the application of new technologies in broadband technology , 3G technology , mobile Internet technology , web technology , cloud computing , offers the possibility of sharing cultural resource fairly .

  7. 近年来,移动互联技术逐渐成熟以及移动智能终端快速普及使得基于位置的服务(Location-basedservices,简称LBS)迅速发展。

    Recent years , due to the mobile internet technology is mature and the rapidly growing popularity of mobile terminal , LBS ( Location-based Services ) has developed greatly .

  8. 把这种新匿名技术应用于移动互联网络的位置服务(LBS)上,提出了分层匿名用户标识的方法,实现了LBS中的位置隐私保护。

    Using this new anonymous technology into the mobile Internet Location-Based Services ( LBS ), this paper realizes the privacy protection by the methods of user identification anonymous .

  9. 随着移动互联技术和移动通信技术发展,m-learning已经成为教育信息化的一个重要方面。

    With the development of mobile IP and mobile communication technologies , m-learning has become an important aspect in ICT in education .

  10. 随着硬件平台、多操作系统、GPS应用以及移动互联的技术支持,嵌入式GIS已经被越来越广泛地应用在经济建设和现代化国防中。

    With the sustain of hardware platform , many kinds of operation system , the application of GPS ( Global Position System ) and the technique of mobile interconnection , the EM-GIS has been applied into the economic construction and the modern national defence .

  11. 另外,Web2.0的不断成熟、完善,使得移动互联成为必然趋势,而新一代的移动终端的发展则是推动移动互联的发展的动力。

    In addition , Web 2.0 continues to mature and improve , making the mobile Internet has become an inevitable trend , and a new generation of mobile terminal is to promote the development of mobile Internet development .

  12. 详细设计出移动互联设备的硬件原理图,包括电源、微处理器、串口、USB口、LCD接口、摄像头接口、音频处理部分、SD卡接口、网卡、TD模块接口以及FPGA部分等等。

    Schematic design of Mobile Internet Device hardware is presented in detail , including the power supply , microprocessor , serial port , USB port , LCD interface , camera interface , the audio chip , SD card , network interface , TD module and FPGA . 3 .

  13. 英国小镇吉尔福德(Guildford)郊外几英里处,萨里大学(UniversityofSurrey)的校园里,人们正在组装一座由金属和玻璃建造的5G实验室。这所亮闪闪的实验室充分彰显出英国开发下一代移动互联网技术的雄心。

    The gleaming metal and glass 5G laboratory being assembled on a campus at the University of Surrey , a few miles outside Guildford , speaks to British ambitions when it comes to building the next generation of mobile internet technology .

  14. 移动互联业务使用意愿的影响因素研究

    To Study on Influencing Factors for Usage Intention of Mobile Internet

  15. 2013年,是中国移动互联爆发式发展的一年。

    2013 , Chinese Mobile Internet had made an explosive development .

  16. 移动互联网络动态匿名算法设计与分析

    Design and analysis of dynamic anonymity algorithm in mobile Internet

  17. 我们正经历着移动互联网络变革的时代。

    We are living at a time when the mobile Internet is experiencing an evolution .

  18. 杨元庆:我们正面临移动互联向智能互联的新飞跃

    Yang Yuanqing : We are facing a new leap from mobile internet to smart internet

  19. 此外,山寨手机对移动互联行业是个颠覆性的现象。

    In addition , mountain fastness mobile phone is to mobile interconnection industry overturn sexual phenomenon .

  20. 而随着互联网及移动互联的飞速发展,网络交易、评论数据呈爆炸式增长之势。

    As the development of the Internet and mobile Internet , network-trading reviews are increasing fiercely .

  21. 互联网及移动互联网络的普及带动了数字音乐的发展。

    Abstract : The popularity of internet and mobile internet leads to the development of digital music .

  22. 移动互联技术在远程教学交互中的应用

    The Research of the Application about Wireless Mobile Internet Technology in the Instructional Interaction of Distance Education

  23. 有学者指出:最超越想象的变革将基于移动互联。

    It was thought that the most unthinkable revolution in the future will be based on the ability of mobile interconnecting .

  24. 此外,本文的研究也对其他手机厂商在移动互联时代的营销策略具有一定的参考价值。

    Moreover , the thesis can be reference for other handset bands to make marketing strategy on the mobile connection stage .

  25. 研究移动互联网络安全以及适合移动环境的密钥管理机制是当前安全领域研究的热点问题。

    Research that focuses on securing mobile internet and developing mobile environment suitable key management protocols , has attracted more and more attention .

  26. 人们因为工作和生活的需要,希望随时随地收发电子邮件、查阅新闻、股票信息、订购各种急需商品,即实现移动互联。

    When people want to send e-mails , read news and stocks information , order all kinds of goods to realize mobile interaction .

  27. 随着移动互联与信息爆炸时代的到来,有限的频谱资源上需要承载越来越大的数据流量。

    With the advent of mobile internet and the information explosion , the limited spectrum resources are required to carry more and more data traffic .

  28. 最几年来,可用的无线频谱资源变得越来越稀缺,无法满足人们日益增长的对移动互联通信的需求。

    In recent years , the available radio spectrum resources becoming increasingly scarce , are unable to meet the growing demand for mobile internet communications .

  29. 移动互联时代,手持设备的多样化、高智能化发展极大丰富了人们的生活。

    In the era of Mobile Internet , the development trends of variety and high intelligence of handheld devices have greatly enriched the lives of people .

  30. 移动互联技术的成熟以及智能手机开发成本的不断降低,促使智能手机的拥有量急剧攀升。

    With the maturity of Mobile Internet technology and bringing down the development costs of Smart Phones , the quantities of the Smart Phones increase sharply .