
  • 网络Immigration reform;Reform Immigration
  1. 在我们敦促国会加强耕地保护、推动移民改革、寻求在不同背景下保障多种多样、规模宏大的新一代农场成功建设的政策之际,纽约金融中心需要广泛的支持。

    We at the NYFC need broad support as we urge Congress to increase farmland conservation , as we push for immigration reform , and as we seek policies that will ensure the success of a diverse and ambitious next generation of farms from all backgrounds .

  2. 谁要是好奇巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)总统为什么现在才决定推动移民改革,就该看看民调结果。

    Anyone wondering why President Barack Obama has only now decided to push for immigration reform should look at the poll numbers .

  3. 2013年,公开表示移民改革对大公司有利的公司高管并不是只有可口可乐CEO穆泰康一人。

    Coke 's Kent is not the only chief executive who spoke out in 2013 about the merits of immigration reform for big business .

  4. LuisGutierrez支持移民改革,包括终止驱逐无正式文件的移民大学生。

    Gutierrez supports immigration reforms , including an end to deporting undocumented , immigrant college students .

  5. 麦凯恩做客今天早上CBS电视台的《FacetheNation》节目时表示,移民改革法案为美国非法移民创造了一条艰难的公民之路,但这条路确实能成为可能。

    Speaking on CBS 's " Face the Nation " this morning he said immigration reform legislation creates a difficult path to citizenship for those living in the US illegally but it does make it possible .

  6. 据NPR新闻的塔玛拉·基思报道,该法案只涉及移民改革的一小部分,许多人呼吁推进美国全面移民改革。

    As NPR 's Tamara Keith reports the legislation represents one small piece of what many argue should be more comprehensive immigration reform .

  7. 据NPR新闻的玛拉·利亚森报道,今天总统在白宫对移民改革倡导者表示,现在是时候采取行动了。

    At The White House today , NPR 's Mara Liasson reports the president told a group of immigration reform advocate now it 's the time to act .

  8. 在国会山作证的商业领袖也要求进行移民改革。

    Business leaders ing on Capitol Hill also seek immigration reform .

  9. 与此同时,美国参议院正在推进移民改革。

    Meanwhile , the U.S. Senate is moving forward on immigration reform .

  10. 正因为如此,我们需要进行为美国的成功必须进行全面的移民改革。

    Its why we need why Americas success demands comprehensive immigration reform .

  11. 我从来没有动摇我对移民改革的全面支持。

    I have never wavered in my support of comprehensive immigration reform .

  12. 因此,通过预算案;移民改革;农业法案。

    So , passing a budget ; immigration reform ; farm bill .

  13. 以下是我们移民改革计划的四个要点。

    Here are the four pillars of our plan .

  14. 他想要进行预算决议、移民改革和农业法案。

    He wants a budget deal , immigration reform and a farm bill .

  15. 当然,如今美国国会面临更庞大复杂的全面移民改革问题。

    And of course , Congress faces the bigger monster of comprehensive immigration reform .

  16. 最新迹象表明,移民改革停滞不前。

    In the latest sign , the immigration reform may be dead for now .

  17. 在自己的选区很多立法者们对于移民改革问题听取了激昂及尖锐的话语。

    Many legislators heard passionate and pointed words in their home districts on immigration reform .

  18. 这就是移民改革对我们经济的意义-但是我们只有行动才能实现。

    That 's what immigration reform would mean for our economy-but only if we act .

  19. 他敦促国会批准一项参议院去年通过的移民改革措施。

    He urged Congress to approve an immigration reform measure that passed the Senate last year .

  20. 民主党人的日程中还包括移民改革、健保和教育等其他议题。

    Other issues on the Democrats ' agenda include immigration reform , health care and education .

  21. 因此今年没有理由不让移民改革得到实施。

    So there 's no reason that immigration reform can 't become a reality this year .

  22. 他们所说的承诺就是彻底的移民改革。

    That promise was pro-immigration reform .

  23. 所以最近几个星期,我们已经看到一份基本移民改革法案被送进参议院。

    In recent weeks , we 've seen a commonsense immigration reform bill introduced in the Senate .

  24. 白宫表示,客工计划是全面移民改革议案的重要组成部份。

    The White House says the guest worker program is a crucial component of the overall reform bill .

  25. 你可能记得本周早些时候一些美国参议员宣布了一项移民改革计划。

    You might remember that a group of U.S Senators announced an immigration reform plan earlier this week .

  26. 奥巴马总统称亚利桑那州法律是“举措失当的”,并表示国会需要通过移民改革。

    President Obama calls the Arizona law " misguided " and said Congress needs to pass immigration reform .

  27. 在这里,抗议者们想要传达一则信息给民主党,那就是移民改革应优先考虑。

    Here , protesters want to send a message to Democrats that immigration reform should be a priority .

  28. 这位母亲说,尽管推动移民改革困难重重,但不应该是不可能的。

    Mely says that while the push for immigration reform is difficult , it should not be impossible .

  29. 同时他表示,这也向华盛顿传递了一个信息,那就是移民改革是有必要的,也是早就该进行的。

    He also said it will send a message to Washington that immigration reform is needed and overdue .

  30. 所以,很多人谈论移民改革,你对这个问题有什么看法?

    So , a lot of talk about immigration reform , what are your thoughts on this issue ?