
  • 网络Mobile Social
  1. 想想看:Path的移动社交网络依赖于Twitter和苹果;

    Think of how Path 's mobile social network relies on Twitter and Apple , for example ;

  2. path是一款为iphone开发的移动社交网络应用,在path的办公室里,会议室就是以乔纳森爵士的名字命名的,他的画像就挂在门廊里。

    At the offices of path , a mobile social networking application built for the iPhone , the conference room is named after Sir Jonathan , whose portrait hangs over the doorway .

  3. 移动社交照片应用:2010年底出现了一批移动照片应用,包括Instagram、PicPlz和Path。

    Mobile Social Photo Apps : The end of2010 witnessed a spate of mobile photo apps including Instagram , PicPlz and Path .

  4. 从这一点出发,本研究认为,开发移动社交网络服务的最佳切入点在于将SNS的模式整合到通讯录中。

    From that point , this study suggests that , the best starting point for develop mobile social networking services , is to integrate SNS model into address book .

  5. 移动社交网站Foursquare则已经转型成了一个推荐引擎,会根据用户的地理位置和一天中不同的时间,向用户推荐有用的信息和当地的优惠服务。

    Foursquare has transformed itself into a recommendation engine , providing helpful information and local offers to users customized to their location and time of day .

  6. 《星座》下一版本将试验性地加入LBS服务,让你和地理位置上周围的好友互动,形成完善的移动社交平台;

    " constellation " of the next version of the test to join the LBS services , you and geographic position around the friends are , form a complete mobile social networking platform ;

  7. 想想看:Path的移动社交网络依赖于Twitter和苹果;而苹果曾欲收购Dropbox;现任雅虎CEO的玛丽莎-梅耶尔在谷歌时又曾想要收购Yelp。

    Think of how Path 's mobile social network relies on Twitter and Apple , for example ; or how Apple once courted Dropbox ; or how Marissa Mayer , while at Google , reportedly championed an acquisition of Yelp .

  8. 天美艺游通过微信(中国最知名的移动社交应用平台,月活跃用户人数逾4亿人)和移动QQ(月活跃用户人数逾8.48亿人)向中国的游戏玩家们交叉推广新游戏。

    Timi Studio uses WeChat , China 's leading mobile social communications platform with over 400 million active monthly users , and QQ Mobile , which has over 848 million monthly active users , to cross-promote new games with Chinese gamers .

  9. “定位绘图层”是随着移动社交网络的兴起而出现的一个有趣的层面。

    One interesting layer is the " mapping layer " that is emerging in mobile social networks .

  10. 本文的工作是设计并实现了一款有良好经济效益的移动社交平台。

    The work of this paper is designed and realized a mobile social networking platform with good economic benefit .

  11. 这意味着腾讯公司放弃了一项十分重要的微信功能,正是这一功能助使微信坐拥8亿8900万用户,占领了中国移动社交媒体以及交易平台霸主的位置。

    Tencent 's doing away with a function credited with helping WeChat become China 's dominant mobile social media and payments platform , with more than 889 million users .

  12. 随着基于位置服务的普及,以及各种基于位置服务的移动社交应用的广泛使用,越来越多的移动用户开始担心自己的位置隐私被暴露。

    With the popularity of location-based services , and the widespread use of mobile social application based on location services , more and more mobile users begin to worry about their location privacy is exposed .

  13. 此事在网络和中国最流行的移动社交媒体平台微信上引发了热议,并且引起了关于对中国于1月1日正式结束了其长达数十年的独生子女政策的热议。

    The story became a sensation on the Internet and WeChat , China 's popular mobile social media platform , arousing a feisty discussion about Chinas decision to abandon its decades-long one-child policy on Jan 1 .

  14. 这一举动被分析人士视为是阿里巴巴在社交网络上的最新努力,而其竞争对手腾讯控股有限公司在这一领域非常出色,该公司旗下的移动社交应用微信拥有超过8亿用户。

    The move is seen by analysts as Alibaba 's latest effort in social networking , an area in which its rival Tencent Holdings Ltd does particularly well , with WeChat , its mobile messaging app with more than 800 million users .

  15. 在对社交平台业务模式和用户行为分析的基础上,提出了搭建移动社交平台时需注意的几个方面,随后完成对系统的设计。

    With the analysis of the operating mode and users ' behavior , some aspects that need to be paid attention to while building mobile social networks are put forward . And then the design of the system is accomplished . A Symbian platform based application is realized as well .

  16. 中介仍然是SOA,仍然基于ESB模式,但现在应用于移动与社交上下文中。

    It is still SOA , still based on the ESB pattern , but now applied in the context of say mobile and social .

  17. IDC预测,在该公司所说的第三平台技术(云端、移动、社交媒体和大数据)中,支出增长会达到13%。

    IDC predicts there will be growth of 13 percent in what the research firm calls 3rd platform technologies ( cloud , mobile , social and big data ) .

  18. 甲骨文称,收购FatWire将帮助公司“通过网络、移动和社交渠道改进其在线参与功能,从而增加客户的黏性和忠诚度。”

    Oracle says that with fatwire it will help companies " drive customer retention and loyalty through improved online engagement – across web , mobile and social channels . "

  19. 当越来越多地公司和消费者使用移动和社交服务的时候,这个产品会更好地告诉我们这个世界发生了什么。

    It will address the world of what happens when businesses and consumers are increasingly mobile & social .

  20. 现如今,虽然移动和社交已经成为最大的两个游戏来源,但俄罗斯方块的吸引力并没有显露出任何衰减迹象。

    As mobile and social become two of the largest sources for gaming these days , Tetris isn 't showing any signs of losing its appeal .

  21. 如今,业务部门面临着基于移动、社交、大数据和分析功能来创造新业务价值的巨大压力。

    Today , there is significant pressure on lines of business to create new business value based on mobile , social , big data , and analytics capabilities .

  22. 不过互联网一直在演变,德雷斯金于2008年又创立了新公司,经营改变人们网上互动形式的移动、社交和大数据领域。

    But the Internet has since evolved , and Dreskin founded his new company in 2008 to leverage the mobile , social , and big data influences that are reshaping the way we interact online .

  23. 随着消费者从个人电脑转向智能手机,人们开始越来越多地从移动设备和社交网络App(而非使用搜索引擎)使用互联网,百度日益承受压力。

    Baidu has come under pressure as customers switch away from personal computers to smartphones , increasingly accessing the internet through mobile devices and social networking apps rather than search engines .

  24. 像其他科技巨头一样,Adobe也必须在云计算、移动设备和社交网络的兴起中谋发展,同时高度瞄准在线营销。

    Like other giants , adobe must navigatethe rise of the cloud , mobile gadgets , social networking , and highly targeted online advertising .

  25. 招聘网站Indeed.com最近对发布于该网站上的数百万个职位信息进行了分析。研究人员发现,增速最快的关键词(包括HTML5、Android、移动应用和社交媒体等)都属于信息技术领域。

    When career site recently analyzed millions of job postings on its web site , researchers found that the fastest-growing category of keywords - including HTML5 , Android , mobile app , and social media - were in IT ,

  26. 在微软做这次调整之时,移动终端和社交媒体正在改变人们在工作和家庭生活中的联络方式。

    The makeover comes as mobile devices and social media are changing communications throughout business and family life .

  27. 当品牌和零售商鼓励消费者在它们的网站、移动应用和社交网络页面上与之进行对话时,机会就会出现。

    The opportunity surfaces when brands and retailers encourage these conversations on their own websites , mobile applications , and social network pages .

  28. 随着通信技术、互联网技术以及终端技术的发展,在现今的计算机与网络有两个趋势&移动化和社交化。

    With the developments in the technology of telecommunication and the Internet and devices , there are two main trends currently-mobilization and socializing .

  29. 如果能够在整个用户体验过程中(包括网站、移动应用和社交网站)整合社交内容,品牌和零售商将显著提高顾客转化为买家的转化率。

    Brands and retailers can significantly increase conversion when they integrate social content throughout the customer experience , including websites , mobile , and social properties .

  30. 我们期待更多有关互联网、移动互联网、社交网络、基于位置服务、云计算、电子商务、游戏、创业与投融资的话题。

    Expect to hear more about internet , mobile , social networks , location-based services , cloud computing , e-commerce , gaming , entrepreneurship and financing .