
  • 网络content community
  1. 社会化媒体包含互联网论坛、博客、Twitter、Wikis、PostCast、即时消息、社交网络和内容社区等。

    Social Media includes Internet forums , blogs , twitters , wikis , podcasts , instant messaging , social networking and content community , and so on .

  2. 社会化媒体形式多样,如论坛、博客、内容社区、社交网络等。

    Social media has various forms , such as BBS , Blog , content community , social network and so on .

  3. 还可以选择将该区域的内容作为社区Web服务来发布。

    You can also opt to publish the contents of the section as a community Web Service .

  4. 通过使用该portlet,雇员和客户可以查看他们所属的社区或任何他们想从中获取最新内容的社区。

    Using the portlet allows employees and customers to view communities they are members of or any public community where they may want to retrieve updated content .

  5. 田径健身内容在社区体育中运用的研究

    Research on the Application of Track and Field Content in Community Sports

  6. 完善社区诊断内容深化社区卫生服务

    Consummating Community Diagnosis Content , Deepening Community Healthy Service

  7. [结论]以社区为基础、以健康教育及健康促进为中心内容的社区综合防治是有效的。

    [ Conclusion ] It was effective to carry out comprehensive treatment and control of chronic diseases through health education in community .

  8. 作为城市信息化建设的重点内容,社区管理智能化近些年的发展最为迅速。

    As a main content of city informatization construction , the development of the intelligent community management is really fast in recent years .

  9. 只要消费者愿意创建和分享游戏经验,并围绕这些内容形成社区,便会产生源源不断的内容。

    The amount of content is endless , as consumers love to create and share experiences , as well as organize themselves in communities around this content .

  10. 社区是社会的基础,社区建设是构建和谐社会的重要内容,社区工作者是社区建设不可或缺的中坚力量。

    The community is the foundation of the society , and its construction plays an important part of building a harmonious society . Community workers therefore are essential backbone of community construction .

  11. 社区地理研究。主要内容包括社区地理的理论、城市社会区域的划分、农村社区、社会集团等方面的研究。

    The research of Community Geography ' It mainly includes the theory of Community geography , social region division in city , the research of sacal community in rural areas , and the like .

  12. 本文内容涉及社区体育设施标准体系的构建与更新、体育设施空间设计策略等方面,为初步建立南方地区城市社区体育设施建设提供理论基础。

    This paper content involves the community sports facilities standard system construction and update , sports facilities space design strategies , in order to provide theoretical basis for south city community sports facilities construction .

  13. 根据我们的分析,流行的互联网门户网站和有线网络运营商将内容和社区聚合起来,推动内容管理业务的利润每年增长12%左右,大约是内容分销利润增幅的两倍。

    Profits from content management , boosted by the aggregation of content and communities by popular internet portals and cable network brands , are rising about 12 per cent a year , according to our analysis . That is roughly twice the rate of growth in profits from distribution .

  14. 然而,还有很多人认为如果Wikisource存在任何内容问题,社区在采取关闭wiki这种过激举措之前,首先应该尝试解决这些问题。

    Many others , however , think that if there are any content issues at Wikisource , the community should first at least try to resolve these before taking the drastic step of disbanding a wiki .

  15. 社区建设内容局限,社区经济理解错误。

    Confined contents of community building and misunderstanding of community economy .

  16. 价值定位与内容选择&社区教育研究新视野

    On Value Orientation and Contents Selection & a New View of Community Education

  17. 问卷内容包括对社区卫生服务营销服务的概念、方式、方法、作用的知晓情况。

    We undertook the pretest and posttest about concepts , methods and functions of community health service marketing .

  18. 结论为促进我国社区护理的发展,应明确社区护士的工作内容,规范社区护士的任职资格。

    Conclusions A national standard of community health nursing should be established to identify the roles and qualifications of community health nurses .

  19. 公众参与的途径通过社区理事会(neighborhoodcouncil)凸现,参与内容主要包括社区服务、社区自治和政治选举。

    The public participate in community development through its Neighborhood Council with community service , self-management and political election as its major content .

  20. 城市社区文化的建设作为社区工作的一项重要内容,在社区管理中发挥着日益重要的作用。

    The culture construction of city community is a main point of community work , it also has a very important effect in the community management .

  21. 社区发展是社会发展的重要方式和内容,对社区的研究一直是关注的视点。

    Community development is important way and content of the social development ; the study on community has been the viewpoint paid close attention to all the time .

  22. 文章就现代社区健身文化建设的内涵、基本内容以及现代社区健身文化建设中应遵循的原则等问题等作了探讨。

    This paper discusses the connotation , environment and system of the body-building culture constructing , and some rule of constructing should be followed in the process also be discussed .

  23. 体育课程资源除了教材与教师用书外,还包括人力资源、体育设施资源、课程内容资源、社区体育资源、自然地理资源,以及体育信息资源等。

    Curriculum , besides students ' book and the teachers ' books , it include the resource of human beings , P.E. equipments natural geography , and information of P.E. .

  24. 旅游地研究是旅游地理学的重要研究内容,旅游社区作为一种重要的旅游地类型,历来受到旅游学者们的关注。

    The study of tourist destination is an important part of tourism geography . As an essential part of tourist destinations , tourist community has enjoyed great concerns of the researchers .

  25. 本文研究解读了何谓社区、社区的功能,阐述了我国城市社区的发展、社区治理工作的内容以及何谓社区工作者、城市社区干部定义和工作职责、应该具有的基本素质等。

    This thesis paper analyzes the definition and function of community , and states the development of the communities in cities , the content of community governance , the definition of communities cadres and their responsibilities and basic qualities .

  26. 通过参与式观察和对团队成员访谈的信息收集及文本整理,从个体角度分析参与社区团队过程中团队成员的参与动机和学习内容,得出社区团队发展的内部动因。

    Through the participant observation and interviewing the team members collects the information and organize the text , analyses the motivation and the content of learning part . Try to find out the within development motivation of community team .

  27. 探索后亚运时期社区志愿服务常态化发展路径,丰富社区志愿服务常态化内容,提高社区志愿者服务水平,是亚运志愿服务遗产转化的重要课题。

    Explore after the Asian Games volunteer community service path , Rich the normalization of the community volunteer services , Efforts to improve the level of community volunteer service , is an important issue for the Asian Games volunteer service heritage conversion .

  28. 而目前城市社区研究多关注于社区自治、社区机制体制创新、社区参与、社区权力、社区服务等方面内容,对社区公共空间这种物质基础与社区发展之间的关系问题很少有人做研究。

    At present , urban community studies pays more attention to community 's autonomy , community 's mechanism system innovation , community 's participation , community 's power , community service , etc. There are very little study between community public space and community development .

  29. 研究结果表明:1.社区武术的发展,对于丰富社区体育内容,繁荣社区文化、促进武术运动的普及、加速和谐社区建设具有积极的推动作用。

    The study also helps to find out : 1 . The community martial arts ' development has the positive promotion effect , in rich community sports content , prosperous community culture , promotion martial arts aspects and so on movement popularization , acceleration harmonious community construction . 2 .

  30. 大部分Web2.0内容由用户和社区生成。

    A large portion of Web2.0 content is generated by users and communities .