
nèi biāo fǎ
  • internal standard method
  1. ICP-AES内标法测定不锈钢中Cr、Ni、Cu、Mn

    Determination of Cr , Ni , Cu , Mn in Stainless Steel by ICP-AES Internal Standard Method

  2. 此方法较内标法简单、快捷。

    This method was easier and faster than the internal standard method .

  3. 凹凸棒粘土中坡缕石的内标法X衍射定量分析研究

    Quantitative Analysis of X-ray Diffraction for Palygorskite within Attapulgite Clay

  4. X射线荧光靶线内标法测定金首饰中的银

    Determination of Silver in Gold Jewellery by Target Line Internal Standard XRF Spectrometry

  5. 锡石细泥中锡的X荧光光谱分析&粉末内标法

    X ray fluorescence spectral analysis of tin in cassiterite slime powder internal standard method

  6. HPLC内标法测定啤酒中氨基酸含量的研究

    HPLC Determination of Amino Acids of Beer with Internal Standard

  7. X射线荧光散射内标法测定铌合金中的锆

    X-Ray Fluorescent Scattered Internal Standard Method for Determination of Zirconium and Hafnium in Niobium base Alloy

  8. HPLC内标法测定克拉霉素含量

    Determination of Clarithromycin With HPLC Internal Standard Method

  9. HPLC内标法测定姜黄中姜黄素类成分的含量

    Determination of Curcuminoids in Turmeric by HPLC

  10. 类胡萝卜素亦采用线性梯度洗脱,以乙酸乙酯作为A相,B相为乙腈-水(体积比9∶1)。保留时间、相对保留时间、光谱法、加标定性,内标法定量。

    Carotenoids were separated by linear gradient elution using ethyl acetate and water-acetonitrile ( 1:9 , V / V ) as mobile phase .

  11. 能量色散X射线荧光分析的应用&内标法分析硅酸盐中Sr、Rb

    Determination of rubidium , strontium in silicate samples by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence method

  12. 内标法校正Na对端视ICP-AES分析谱线干扰的研究

    Study on internal standard compensation for interference of sodium matrix in ICP-AES

  13. 用ICP-AES内标法测定硅钙锰中钙含量的研究

    Determination of Ca Content in Si-Ca-Mn by Internal Standard ICP-AES

  14. ICP-AES内标法测定碱式碳酸铜中8种微量元素

    Simultaneous determination of 8 elements in basic copper carbonate by IC P-AES

  15. ICP-AES内标法测定硅铝钡中Al、Ba等9种元素含量的试验研究

    Experimental investigation on the method of measuring 9 elements in Si-Al-Ba alloy with ICP-AES Int Std

  16. ICP-AES浓度比可变内标法测定出口镁砂

    Determination of export magnesite by ICP-AES and concentration ratio variable internal standard method

  17. ICP-AES可变内标法用于微量、亚微量样品的分析

    ICP-AES variable internal standard method for the analysis of micro and submicro sample

  18. GC/MS内标法测定废水中的半挥发性有机污染物及其质量保证/质量控制

    QA / QC Internal Standard Method for the Determination of Semivolatile Organic Pollutants in Waste Water by GC / MS

  19. RP-HPLC内标法测定甲苯磺酸托氟沙星原料及其胶囊的含量

    Determination of Tosufloxacin Tosilate and its Capsules by RP-HPLC

  20. ICP-AES内标法测定硅铝钡合金中铝和钡

    Determination of Aluminium and Barium in Silicon-aluminium - barium Alloy with Internal Standard by ICP-AES

  21. XRF靶线内标法测定金覆盖层的厚度

    Determination of Thickness of Gold Coating by Target Line Inter-standard Method

  22. 应用XRF靶线内标法测定Au的X&荧光谱线的强度,以此来测定饰品的金覆盖层的厚度,可以克服饰品的几何形状的影响。

    The target line inter-standard method of XRF is applied to determinate the thickness of gold coating .

  23. 气相色谱内标法测定深海鱼油中的EPA和DHA

    Determination of EPA and DHA in Deep Sea Fish Oil by Gas Chromatography using Internal Standard Method

  24. 用ICP-AES内标法测定铝酸钇激光晶体中掺杂含量

    Determination of Ce , Er , Ho in Mono of Dual Doped Laser Crystals YAP by ICP-AES Internal Standard Method

  25. XRF应用钴内标法测定铁矿石中的全铁

    Determination of total iron in iron ore by XRF Spectrometry with CO internal standard method

  26. 气相色谱内标法测定奶粉及乳饮料中的DHA和EPA

    Determination of DHA and EPA in milk powder and milky products by internal standard method and gas chromatography

  27. 本文研究了气相色谱法分离和内标法测定碳酸二乙酯(DEC)含量。

    The gas chromatographic separation and detection of diethyl carbonate ( DEC ) has been studied .

  28. 本文介绍用高效液相色谱和内标法同时测定人血浆中视黄醇(维生素A)和α-及γ+β生育酚(维生素E)。

    This paper described a microprocedure for the simultaneous determination of retinol ( Vitamin A ), alpha and gamma tocopherol ( Vitamin E ) in plasma by high performance liquid chromatography .

  29. 结果荧光定量PCR的特点与定性PCR主要区别在于荧光PCR即时反映扩增过程,采用内标法全封闭减少污染,足够灵敏的自动化仪器对荧光的收集和分析能达到对原始模板量定量检测。

    Results There are many differences between fluorescence HBV PCR and qualification process . The internal control and close down can lessen pollution and the sensitive automaton can quantify determine .

  30. 借助内标法校正由基体效应引起的系统误差,加入内标元素Sc、In和Tl分别修正质量数在100以下、100~180和180以上的元素测定,获得满意的结果。

    The matrix suppression effects were corrected in determination with satisfactory results by adding the internal standard elements Sc , In and Tl.