
  • 网络Inner beliefs;intrapersonal faith;Inward belief
  1. 道德评价主要是通过社会舆论和内心信念来实现的。

    Moral appraisal is mainly composed of social consensus and personal intra-faith .

  2. 德性是社会的道德规范内化为人的内心信念和内在准则的优良品质。

    Virtue refers to the immanent belief and rule resulting from the social ethical criterion as good qualities .

  3. 社会舆论、传统习惯、内心信念一直是伦理学界公认的道德评价手段或方式。

    Public opinion , traditional habits and inner belief are always regarded as three methods for ethical appraisal .

  4. 推动规则意识在外部权威的规约,内心信念的引导和规则意识的践行中发展和完善。

    To promote it in the external authority of the compulsory , inner sense of faith and rules of guidance in the development and improvement of practice .

  5. 哲学是介于科学和神学之间的东西,是人类追问意义世界的思想,是在理论活动和实践活动中的内心信念或信仰,是真正的精神支柱。

    Philosophy exists between science and theology and it is man 's ideology towards a significant world , an inner theoretical and practical persuasion and faith , and a genuine spiritual mainstay .

  6. 从政道德调控主要包括从政道德内心信念调控、从政道德环境舆论调控和从政道德社会行为调控。

    The adjustment to the morals in engaging government consist of adjustment to inner believe , public opinion and social behavior , which are very abundant and relating closely to each other .

  7. 在这样的时代背景下,知识分子群体只有能够准确确认自己的内心信念与内在价值并将其放置于社会大环境下进行合理性与可行性验证,才能将其外化成为一套行之有效的行为模式。

    Under such a social background , only if intellectuals could confirm their internal beliefs and internal values and test the feasibility , would they realize them to be a set of valid pattern of behavior .

  8. 伦理学的基本问题应归结为依靠社会舆论、传统习惯和主体内心信念来评价和维系的个人与集体的关系。

    The basic problems in ethics are to be summed up in the relationship between an individual and the collective evaluated and maintained by relying on public opinions , traditional customs and the subject 's own convictions .

  9. 萧伯纳认同易卜生(艾伦也同样认为易卜生的戏剧非常出色)所说的精神革命,要在舞台上表现真实的人,那种不靠正统道德,而是依靠内心信念的人。

    Shaw had taken up what Ibsen * called ' the revolution of the Spirit ' , and wanted to show true individuals on the stage , those who lived not by ' customary morals ' but by inner conviction .

  10. 体育道德是整个道德体系中不可缺少的有机组成部分,在塑造人的理想、规范人的行为、强化人的内心信念、形成健康的生活方式上起着不可替代的作用。

    The physical moral are indispensable part of the whole moral tactic , which play a independent role in aspects of shaping the person 's ideal , standardizing the person 's behavior , enhancing the person 's spirit , forming healthy life style .

  11. 你应确保这些符合你的内心的信念。

    You should make sure that these priorities fit with your core beliefs .

  12. 她对人和蔼亲切,但另一方面她几乎毫不掩饰自己内心的信念,她同一般人是有所不同的。

    She was civil and affable , but she could hardly conceal her intimate conviction that she was not quite as others were .

  13. 我们将会如何选择呢?现在正是考验我们内心的信念是否坚定和目标是否明确的关键时刻!

    Which set of choices will we make ? These are great times when the very inner reality of our faith and the sincerity of our motives are tested !

  14. 加强科学技术的道德控制,强化科学家的道德责任感是有效途径,因为任何外在的控制如果不转化为人们内心的信念、道德准则,是不会有真正的约束力的。

    It will not have real engagement because any external control is not turned into faith of people 's heart ethical criterion . It is an effective way for the ethical sense of duty of strengthening the scientist .

  15. 在这段文章中,作者表明了他内心深处的信念。

    In this passage the author is speaking his innermost convictions .

  16. 有的画家多年来反复画某种景物,用重复的力量表达内心的激情和信念。

    Some artists paint certain kind of scene for years to express their inner passion and belief .

  17. 内心恒久不变的信念带来的飞跃同样激励你走进这个旅程带给你生命中从未有过的改变。

    His Leap of Faith will inspire you to embark on a journey that will change your life forever .