
  • 网络Promotion From Within ,PFW;PFW;Promotion From Within
  1. 主机厂品牌二手车是从行业内部提升二手车行业的重要力量。

    OEM brand-used-car is an important force for improving used-car industry .

  2. 内部提升通常张贴在告示牌上。

    Internal promotions are usually posted on the notice board .

  3. 完善的培训,包括出国培训,及基于业绩的内部提升机会。

    Exclusive training including overseas training , and promotion opportunity based on performance .

  4. 因此我们的员工感到内部提升的机会很渺茫。

    So our employees feel that there is little opportunity for internal career advancement .

  5. 应该建立一个公平的内部提升系统让每个人都感到被赏识而不是被忽略。

    A fair system of internal promotion should be set up to make each individual feel included and appreciated .

  6. 重要的是,这意味着要与那些经过三年艰苦分析员工作被内部提升为经理的人打交道。

    Importantly , this means getting along with those who have been promoted internally after three years of hard labour as analysts .

  7. 健全相应制度、提供宽松环境、重视情感管理、采用内部提升及加强培训,不失为良策。

    Perfecting corresponding institution , providing comfortable environment , foregrounding passionate management , using internal promotion and strengthening personal training are all good methods .

  8. 苹果公司真的很擅长培养员工,员工会获得在公司内部提升所需要的技能,阿格沃说。

    Apple is really good at developing their employees , and giving them the skills they need to rise up within the company , he says .

  9. 新创企业顾客关系品质与成长绩效关系研究&基于内部能力提升与应用视角的理论分析

    Study on the Relationship between Customer Relationship Quality and Growth of New Venture & Theoretical Analysis from the Perspective of Internal Capability Upgrade and Application

  10. 以及国有企业内部要提升核心竞争力的人力资源管理对策,即国有企业观念创新、组织创新以及机制创新的新型人力资源管理方式;

    State - owned enterprises should draw up competitive force oriented human resources management strategy with the characteristic of notion innovation , organization innovation and system innovation .

  11. 因此,如何通过改善内部审计提升企业价值已经成为上市公司重点关注和迫切需要解决的问题。

    Therefore , how to increase corporate value by improving the internal audit has become the problem which is focused and urgent need to solve for the listed companies .

  12. 得意:底特律对科博中心进行了重大翻修和扩建,同时在科博中心内部也提升了现有展馆的服务质量。

    Hit : the city has embarked on a major upgrade and expansion of its convention center , and in the interim , it has upgraded service in the existing hall .

  13. 本文创造性地把服务行业用的服务质量5大差距模型引入到制造业中,并且把内部营销提升成影响服务质量的关键因素。

    " The 5-Gap Model of Service Quality " in service industry is added to the manufacture industry in the paper . Besides , key factor of service quality is affected by Internal Marketing .

  14. 在此情况下,企业要想生存,企业内部通过提升管理水平,改变生产方式来提升企业竞争力及利润显得尤为重要且必须。

    In this case , if the enterprise still wants to survive , it will be very important and necessary to improve the internal management level , change production mode to increase enterprise competitive forces and profit .

  15. 构建透明的员工参与平台,增加内部沟通,提升信任感。

    To construct open employee participating platform , increase inner communication and improve trust .

  16. 联盟中显性知识的转移是促进企业内部创新,提升创新能力的重要途径。

    Explicit knowledge transfer is an important approach by which firm realize internal innovation and enhance innovative capability .

  17. 企业实施绿色管理是应对外部环境威胁、改善内部管理、提升竞争优势的重要途径。

    Green management was an important way to deal with external threats and improve their internal management to enhance the competitive advantage .

  18. 加强人力资源管理,挖掘企业内部潜力,提升企业竞争能力,是当前国企面临的重要任务。

    Strengthening human resources management , tapping into internal potential and improving overall competitiveness is an important task facing State-Owned Enterprises or SOEs nowadays .

  19. 绩效评价体系的建立和运用一直是我国银行业强化内部管理、提升自身竞争力的核心课题。

    The establishment and using of performance evaluation system has been the core issues of Chinese banking industry to strengthen internal management and improve the competitiveness .

  20. 然后,从内部因素探讨提升保险企业核心竞争力的途径,主要体现在保险企业创新能力的发展上。

    The following part is from the internal factor to discuss how to promote insurance enterprise core competitiveness , mainly manifesting in the ability of innovation development .

  21. 它是学生参与体育锻炼的自身内部动力,提升学生的运动参与动机有助于推动其运动参与行为。

    It is the students participation in physical exercise its own internal power , promote students ' sport participation motivation contribute to promoting the exercise participation behavior .

  22. 公司大了,管理也就更加复杂困难化,而内部控制是提升管理质量的一项重要机制。

    With the expanding of the company , management becomes more complex and difficult , and the internal control is an important mechanism to promote the management quality .

  23. 同时,做好高等医学院校附属医院的人才引进工作,需要转变理念、创新方式方法,将外部人才引进与内部人才素质提升工作结合起来。

    Meanwhile , to do this job , the affiliated hospitals also should change ideas and innovative ways to link the external talents introduction with internal talents cultivation .

  24. 站在企业角度来说,建立现代企业制度,健全内部控制、提升管理水平和经营绩效,一直都是企业追寻的管理目标。

    The management goals what the superintendent pursue are that to establish and perfect internal control , to promote management level and achievements , to establish modern enterprise system .

  25. 随着网络的发达,利用企业内部网络,提升内部作业效率,增加企业竞争力势在必行。

    With the coming of the network developed and the use of internal , to enhance the efficiency of internal operations , it is imperative to increase the competitiveness of enterprises .

  26. 建议四川省体育馆把握社会资源,实现经济效益与社会效益合理配置;加强场馆内部建设,提升人力资源价值;配合城市发展,争取优惠政策。

    It also suggest that Sichuan Stadium ought to seize social resources to allocate economic and social benefits , and enforce internal construction to promote human resources as well as coordinate with city to get preferential policy .

  27. 从内部因素分析提升途径,还包括加强保险企业组织结构建设和信息化管理以及创建创新型保险企业文化保证企业的可持续发展等。

    From the internal factor analyzing the promoting way contains strengthening the organizational structure and information management of insurance companies and the foundation of highly effective insurance enterprise culture in order to maintain the sustainable development and so on .

  28. 服务业内部结构竞争力提升的速度缓慢,在某些行业出现停滞不前甚至倒退现象,必须采取相应政策措施提升服务业国际竞争力。

    The promoting speed on competitiveness of internal structure in service industry is slow and even go backwards in some industries , so that we must take the corresponding policies and measures to promote the international competitiveness of service industry .

  29. 在此基础上,本文提出改进政府信息公开的建议:树立渐进改革目光,修改相关信息法律,创新政府内部机构,提升公众信息素养。

    On this basis , this paper presents recommendations to improve government information disclosure : to establish the attention of progressive reform , to modify the information law , to innovate the government agencies and to enhance the information literacy of public .

  30. 经济全球化的趋势、社会变革的诉求等都要求政府进一步改进内部流程、提升能力、降低成本、提高管理有效性。

    Under the condition of economic globalization and social reformation the government is demanded to improve its internal process , upgrade its administration ability and decrease the costs , as a result , the appeal to improve the management effectiveness become increasingly urgent .