
jiānɡ lái pài
  • futurists
  1. 而你学到的会在不远的将来派上用场

    And the learning would be useful in the near future .

  2. 写出来的东西并非是想在将来派上用场,不过是刻意练笔而已。

    And what I thus wrote was for no future use ; it was written consciously for practice .

  3. 这东西将来能派大用场。

    This can be turned to good account in future .

  4. 你和马景山两个,明天先到我的厂里去试几天,将来再派你们别的事

    " You and Ma Ching-shan had better come down to the factory tomorrow and w k en I see how you get on the first few days I 'll be able to decide what to do with you . "