
ɡuī zhǔ
  • return to the Lord
  • conversion
  1. 天人诸荣耀完全归主一身。

    Jesus , to Thee be all glory given ;

  2. 他这样问,是因为麦克什尔在苏格兰全国带领人归主,卓有成效。

    McShane was instrumental in leading many people to Christ all over Scotland .

  3. 若我想带一人归主,我必须有智慧;

    I had need to be wise if I am to turn even one to righteousness ;

  4. 本会的目标是领人归主及使万民作主的门徒。

    Our goal is to lead people to know Jesus and " make disciples of all nations " .

  5. 信而归主的人越发增添,连男带女很多。

    Nevertheless , more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number .

  6. 主与他们同在,信而归主的人就很多了。

    The hand of the Lord was with them , and a great number became believers and turned to the Lord .

  7. 主的手同他们在一起,信而归主的人,数目很多。

    And the hand of the Lord was with them : and a great number believing , were converted to the Lord .

  8. 负面的反应很容易令我们却步,不再向失丧的人发出邀请,不再领他们归主,不再和他们分享信仰。

    It 's easy to let negative responses put a halt to our inviting , bringing , and sharing with lost people .

  9. 言下之意,似乎是质疑保罗不敢前往罗马,惟恐自己不能在这个罪恶之都引领人归主。

    They may have thought he was afraid to go there in case he failed to win converts in such a wicked place .

  10. 只有将心归主,再加上具体的行动,二者统一起来才是一种完全的事奉,一种讨神喜悦的事奉。

    Only the heart to the Lord , coupled with concrete actions , both unity is a full ministry , a ministry pleasing to God .

  11. 香港万国儿童布道团一直持守从神而来的异象,纵然经常面对经济及资源的缺乏,我们仍会努力带领儿童归主。

    CEFHK has followed Vision which comes from the god , even if faces the economical and resources lacking frequently , we will still reaching children .

  12. 而对于十六世纪入华,志在中华归主的耶稣会士而言,这不仅是一个神学或哲学命题,更是一个首要的实践问题。

    While for the Jesuits who visited China trying to convert Chinese to Christianity , it was not only theological or philosophical proposition but also an all-important practical issue .

  13. 当我们对上帝、对基督、对世界、对人认识更清楚时,我们就越有能力引领更多人归主。

    Oh , for the knowledge of God , of men , of the Word , and of Christ , which will enable me to convert my fellowmen and to convert large numbers of them !

  14. 教会的软弱、个人灵命的冷淡,都因缺乏以耶稣的心为心,不肯舍己牺牲,不肯背起自己的十字架,以致不能领人归主。

    It is the sad lack of the mind and disposition of the crucified Christ , sacrificing self and the world to win life for the dying , that is one great cause of the feebleness of the Church .

  15. 他们决定把它归还原主。

    They decided to give it back to its owner .

  16. 这不是我的,我得把它归还原主。

    It isn 't mine ; I must give it back to the owner .

  17. 幼儿的合作归因主要以结果归因为主,客观条件归因次之;

    Behavior results are the main attribution of children 's cooperation .

  18. 注:博客内容版权归博主所有。

    Note : Copyright of this Blog 's content is reserved .

  19. 丢失的表已归还原主。

    The stolen watch has been restored to its owner .

  20. 这诚实的男孩将拾到的钱归还原主。

    The honest boy restored the money he had found to its owner .

  21. 愿一切荣耀及尊贵都归给主耶稣基督的圣名。

    All glory and honor be to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ .

  22. “主即是天国,权利和荣耀永归我主,阿门”

    " For thine is the kingdom , the power and the glory , forever . amen . "

  23. 正当加布里埃尔打算走出去把失物归还原主的时候,一个出乎意料的动作使他暂时停住不动了。

    Gabriel was about to advance and restore the missing article , when an unexpected performance induced him to suspend the action for the present .

  24. 神给我们准备了工作的界限,和休息的所在,因此我们在极其疲乏时,他带领我们到路旁的井边,你当该歇息,并将赞美感谢归给主。

    God provides resting places as well as working places . Rest , then , and be thankful when He brings you , wearied to a wayside well .

  25. 本文根据资料分析,有亡荒阅搜捕的不仅仅是奴隶,而是各阶层逃亡的人各归其主;

    Based on analysis of more historical data , my article points out that the fugitives meant by this decree were not only slaves but also fugitives from all different classes including royalties .

  26. 五十年节,禧年犹太教《圣经》中以色列人遵守的每50年一次的休息年,这一年中奴隶获得释放,抵押出去的土地归还原主,土地休耕。

    In the Hebrew scriptures , a year of rest to be observed by the Israelites every50th year , during which slaves were to be set free , alienated property restored to the former owners , and the lands left untilled .

  27. 没用!我真的归信了主。

    But still , I really believe in god .

  28. 我们若懂得凡事归荣耀给主,就能避免变得骄傲自大。

    The safest way to avoid pride is to continually give all the glory to Christ for everything .

  29. 愿众人都归光荣于上主,在岛屿上称述他的荣耀!

    They shall give glory to the Lord , and shall declare his praise in the islands .

  30. 愿颂赞归与我们的主耶稣基督的父神,就是发慈悲的父,赐各样安慰的神。

    Blessed be God , even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ , the Father of mercies , and the God of all comfort ;