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  1. 秋菊、归鸟,酒等意象共同出现在他们的诗作中,形成相近的自然淡远的艺术风格。

    Chrysanthemum , bird , wine images to appear in their poems , forming a similar natural euphemistic art .

  2. 陶渊明诗歌意象中最引人注目的是象征着他一生中由仕而隐的“归鸟”意象。

    The most drawing attention in TAO Yuan-ming 's poem is the intention of returning to nature of symbolizing him from an official career to hermit .

  3. 象征诗人一生由仕而隐的归鸟意象是陶渊明诗歌中引人注目的意象。

    Homeward bird 's impression is the most outstanding one in Tao Yuan-ming 's poems , which symbolizes the poet 's life changes from official career to seclusion .